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i think their airforce and navy lacks alot

Navy isn't bad actually, and I don't think we need a strong one anyway.

Airforce isn't bad, specially compared to our enemy (in war situation).

Alot of Mig-29s (modernized), Su-25 (modernized), Su-24, Mig-25...I think the UAVs should also be counted.

Armenia has only 1 Mig-25 (and its probably not even operational) and 10-15 Su-25. They don't even have a single fighter to put against us.

Once we find a solution to the Karabakh conflict (either military or peace), we will have a easier time modernizing our military forces.

On Nato members, there are restriction on selling of advanced military equipment to the countries that have frozen-conflict ongoing. So thats the best we can get for now.
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Strong military by Azerbaijan, awesome! :tup:

Is it possible for Azerbaijan military to solve dispute areas or united other half of your country (in the middle of Armenia)? wipe off to restore the lands?


We are still in a war-situation with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh (there are ceasefire but its broken everyday) and the possiblity of new war are very high. Armenians cannot occupy there forever, the status-quo must be changed. Nagorno-Karabakh are officially recognized territorities of Azerbaijan.

That other half you talk about are the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan. And part of Armenia between Nakhchivan and rest of Azerbaijan, we call that Zengezur. It was part of Azerbaijan but Russians gave it to Armenians, including the north-eastern corner of modern day Armenia, wich we call Goychay. But now they are part of Armenia unfortunately and thats how they are recognized.

But after liberating Karabakh first, then we can talk about Zengezur and Goychay.
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