Its a very different war, both sides have close to nothing in terms of fighter aircrafts. Azerbaijan is filling tat gap with drones and all. well planned. one thing to take from this war is, Pakistan seriously needs to invest in UAVs, TOT from turkey and china to mass produce them. we must have them in numbers with high end products only. can look into suicidal ones too (cheap ones).swarm the shit out of our eastern neighbor.
swarm them so bad, tat in broad daylight it seems night to them

. Also, these cheap drones suicidal ones we need in our theater, to overwhelm the high end SAM sites and air defenses.
Having said that, the fighter Jets have much more to offer as destruction would be too heavy and swift with them bombing... but these drones have another role to play, which is cost effective and if used properly can lets u make ur enemy dance on ur tunes.
but before all this i wish Pakistan to invest much more time, energy and money into electromagnetic spectrum warfare as we dont have enemy like Armenia. For us the game is different. ES warfare is too expensive though but worth every single penny put into it. its the game changer, hell its revolution in warfare. unfortunately we exploring the evolution angel mostly at this very moment. though we are working on ES warfare but no even close to wat should be done. this is the venue we should have ventured deep into yesterday... coz its the damn kill switch to the known modern warfare.