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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Whats your agenda here? Are you gonna win for Armenia on this forum? You are making Armenian look stupid on this forum and acting like a cheerleading diva dancing 💃. You keep posting same videos and old videos. Let me teach you something kiddo
If one side is crying like a bitch and asking for world community to step in and that too in middle of war that means the side is loosing which in this case is President of Armenia running around crying
If a side is thanking someone and sound calm that means the side is most likely winning which in this case is Azerbaijan.
You and Twitter brigade can't do jack to change situation on ground. Armenian forces are laying wrecked and smoking all over the front line and have abandoned the heavy equipment. Now rag tag units with flags won't be able to stay there long. Have some respect for yourself and Canada you are making both look like buffoon.
He doesn't represent Canada, or our policy. Neither do his views match with Canada's views. He thinks he is fighting the propaganda war for Armenia on PDF, what he doesn't realize is that anyone who reads his posts can see right through them. As I scroll through the thread and come upon his post, I think to my self that, oh he is still whining and I simply move on to the next post. Funny how he continues to portray a poor image for Armenia.
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I hope Pakistan provides political, economical and military support for Azerbaijan, just lip service is not good enough.

If we are going to be a regional power in the coming future, then we need to be able to insert tangible influence and support for our allies.
So are they fighting over the disputed region and if so did Azerbaijan capture parts of it? Is it trying to capture all of it?
He doesn't represent Canada, or our policy. Neither does his views match with Canada's views. He thinks he is fighting the propaganda war for Armenia on PDF, what he doesn't realize is that anyone who reads his posts can see right through them. As I scroll through the thread and come upon his post, I think to my self that, oh the kid is still whining and I simply move on to the next post. Part of me hoping he continues to portray a poor image for Armenia.
He is Canadian/ Chinese, previously posted under @Superboy. That I D was banned a few times and so he became @Austin Powers. The dude has a visceral hatred for all things Turkish. He is normally very active on any threads about Turkish ops be they in Libya, Syria or the med-situation.
. . . .
Armenia is running an organized campaign on social media giving the impression that they have got an edge in the conflict. Azerbaijan did the right thing probably realized earlier on that this is psychological warfare and shut down the internet. In reality Armenia is getting hammered hard and is literally begging Russia and Iran for help. Russia doesnt want another front to open up next to its border so that leave Iran helping them covertly. No one in EU and US is giving a fcuk bcz Azerbaijan has a legal claim over the N K region recognized by UN. I see this war ending with Azerbaijan getting some portion of territory and then cease fire. After few month they will replenish and start it all over again and no one will come to help Armenia again.
Armenia ain't even started yet. You ain't seen nothing yet. Su-30SM air superiority jets just delivered earlier this year, S-300PM, Kornet anti tank missiles. These will be used in the coming weeks.

I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......
The Armenians did a great disservice to themselves by pulling a colour revolution couple of years ago.
They can not go to Russia or Iran and France is in no position to help.
I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......
Aah the wishes and dreams of Pakistan's sweet neighbors. All they want for the Muslims the world over to do is just kill each other
Armenia is running an organized campaign on social media giving the impression that they have got an edge in the conflict. Azerbaijan did the right thing probably realized earlier on that this is psychological warfare and shut down the internet. In reality Armenia is getting hammered hard and is literally begging Russia and Iran for help. Russia doesnt want another front to open up next to its border so that leave Iran helping them covertly. No one in EU and US is giving a fcuk bcz Azerbaijan has a legal claim over the N K region recognized by UN. I see this war ending with Azerbaijan getting some portion of territory and then cease fire. After few month they will replenish and start it all over again and no one will come to help Armenia again.
Agreed. Armenians are desperately trying to get Russia, France, or Iran to intervene on their behave. This time around Armenians are taking much more damage then in the 90's when the Azeris didn't really have a proper military. I see the Azeri's gradually retaking the ethnically cleansed districts...then some sort of truce will be negotiated.
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Iranian state TV broadcasts images of the russian trucks being delivered.
These were pre-purchased by Armenia before the conflict started. there are no weapons on board.

and notably, the drivers are Azeri-Iranians.

Turkey allied itself with persian gulf arabs, israel and the western imperialists to invade syria and depose its anti-zionist government, destroy IRans resistance network, and grab land and steal aleppos industrial equipment for good measure.

Azerbaijan has positioned mossad terrorists, and israeli spy equipment to be used against Iran. made territorial claims against Iran

Armenia since independence has 100% respected Iranian territorial integrity. 100% respected Iranian geopolitical space, including not invading nakhchivan at Irans demand.

Has stated that it will never allow Armenian territory to be used by any 3rd party (israel and the us) to harm Iran. and wants nothing but normal friendly relations with Iran.

and then people are surprised when Iran fingers its enemies back.
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I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......
No Pakistani troops are officially deployed in Azerbaijan. Iran will not overly attack Azerbaijan. That would cause an internal rift. Russians are neutral as long as fighting is limited to NK.

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