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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

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And you'll believe your own statement ?? Come on dude . The current armenian gov was allready seen as a backstabber bunch by kremlin . And in the real world politics nothing will ever comes up free ...
I just don't know how and when ... But , i believe in my hunch . Putin would only make a moves when nagorno-karabakh area was close to atleast 50-70% retaken by the Azeris on his only CSTO's pretext . But the price his going to exert is definitely will make the armenian coughing bloods for atleast decades to come ....
we can say the same for Belarus- their leader was talking wild...until insecurity almost killed him from the elections, and now , he an Russia are "ON THE SAME PAGE" so dont make assumptions..things and contexts and motivations change...nothing is permanent in intl politics.
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LMAO @ its a simple math- no its not! Russia can sell Christian , fellow CSTO ally and friend any equipment, using any method- gold, loan, deferred, gifts,etc, especially if it helps trim down all the wild TUrkish proxies in the region...just watch..you realy think Russia will leave Armenia to hang dry? LMAOOOOOOO...if u think so then just watch the conflict for your surprises...
As far as I know Russian manufacturers sell to Armenians at cost , same as to the Russian Armed Forces!
Bro we are going around in circles. Reason for Nagorno-Karabakah ever being in Azerbaijan is because of Stalin’s decision to move that region in Azerbaijan and no single resident was ever consulted. Seems like that’s the only thing you got bro. Sure at end of Soviet Union the region was within Azerbaijan, however then Azerbaijan not only failed but the government actively engaged in ethnic cleansing of Armenians all across their territory. Armenians decided they were not going to get exterminated and fought off the Azerbaijani. Also somewhere else on this thread I heard that Armenians were not the only victims of genocide, well I ask you to go and google where do you find “Azerbaijani Genocide “! You will find easily about Armenian genocide but nowhere will you see that there was a Azerbaijani genocide. I like how you folk are all defending the Azeri but forget about what recent history caused this war that started in 1990. That being the Azerbaijani pogroms against Armenian Christian people in Azerbaijan. I was under the impression that followers of Islam we’re supposed to be on the side of right. I guess it’s only when it’s about Muslims. If anything happens in Europe or America and Muslims get victimized, you all start crying and asking for justice, when it’s Christians getting attacked and victimized, then I guess it’s all good. None of you seem to be able to look at this and analyze it from a non Muslim perspective. It’s even weird how in Syria conflict you enjoyed watching all these Shia kaffir get beheaded, their children be gutted by proud Sunni jihadi pigs but now you defending the same Shia infidels!
Getting annoyed by your broken record on repeat methodology.

Azeris were victims of Armenian atrocities. Look back through the thread to see several posts citing references on this matter. If you choose not to believe that because it doesn't suit your "holy Armenians are holier than all others" narrative, that's your decision. However others here know full well Armenians are well short of attaining sainthood.

As I said, both sides have reasonable moral grounds to feel aggrieved. Azeris additionally have a UN mandate on their side - NK is OCCUPIED land as per UN. If Armenia moves to annex this land, Azeris are obliged to fight back. Armenians have nothing to complain about. They better hope and pray Macron comes riding to the rescue with his merry band of turcophobes.
you compare Nagorno-Karabakah to Chechnya? That’s land Russia won in a century of conquest. It’s been Russian over 2 centuries now and won in a war. Nagorno-Karabakah was taken by dictator Joseph Stalin and administratively handed you Azerbaijan in Stalin policy of divide and conquer. Same as Abkhaz Muslims and Ossetian being put under Georgian control. Have you ever heard of Abkhazia? I also didn’t see no Pakestan I fighting In Chechnya. Plenty of fanatic Wahabi Salafi pigs that radicalized the Sufi Chechnya folk. I loved watching those pigs die but the cowards they were, they run like rabbits when Russia actually decided to fight. Salami cowards left Chechnya to the Russians and run away to cause massacres in other Muslim lands!
Wrong, Karabakh was taken over by Czar Alexandar in 1812 during Persian Russia war, and ten of thousand of Azeris were expelled after Treaty of Gulistan... please check history and stop lying.
Iran has a very bad habit of supporting the enemies of neighboring Muslim countries, and yes, most of which are Non-Muslims.
your victim mentality again.
Azerbaycan being a Shia Muslim country means nothing to Iran.
Thats false, what you meant to say is:
Iran being a Shia Muslim country means nothing to Azerbaycan.
thats the real issue here...Azerbaijan got its Islamic culture and values stripped off it by Athiest Communist USSR so how is that IRan's fault?

Iran already tried to connect with brotherly Azerbaijan, but they chose ISrael as a partner, knowing that Azerbaijan and IRan share a border and Israel and Iran are enemy states. is that Shiite brotherliness in your eyes?
This foreign policy is not based on some desire for Islamic unity, but Persian supremacy.
So is Turkey's so where is your complain on "Ottoman supremacy". Once again, you always play victim when Iran comes up...not a good sign of confidence btw.
Interesting that so many alt-right European fascists like you support Iran so vehemently.
ad hominem now..mods wont come and delete though...cuz we know why...
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we can say the same for Belarus- their leader was talking wild...until insecurity almost killed him from the elections, and now , he an Russia are "ON THE SAME PAGE" so dont make assumptions..things and contexts and motivations change...nothing is permanent in intl politics.
Dude , as i said before .... On what price ?? I don't care on what or who and why you are running this campaign and i commend you for that . I just want a honest discussion that's all ...

On what price ?? Without the turks coming in there is a litle to no reason nor justification for pulling the CSTO card .
@Aryzin btw I'm ignoring your disgraceful rant towards the end of your post. To suggest I take some pleasure in targeting shias is beyond scandalous. Reflect on that and at least don't try to misrepresent me if you wish to to engage with me. I treat each situation on its merits. That is all there is to it. Sunni, Shia, Christian, Hindu, whatever - it's substance that matters.
Christian countries
Also southern underbelly of Russian territory...if you play with Russia's border countries that Russia supports, expect a sting. Russian military today isnt outdated, old USSR military..some people want to understand that the hard way it seems.
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