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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

If this map is correct then Azerbaijan gained most of its territory back, also in exchange for a small territory they have gained a road towards their territory of Nakhchivan. Armenia will probably benefit from Azerbaijan land route in the future, economic etc and also will keep some territory in Karabakh.

The map is clearly not correct. My map is much more accurate.
The fact that Russia didn't go to war is evidence enough to prove you wrong.
False conclusion here. you cant just say because thing hapened its because of another thing- PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO BACK IT UP!

Russia isn't the US. It's not only economically weak, but it doesn't have the diplomatic pull that the USA (AND THE FORMER USSR) have(had).
Rusia doesnt have to be and thats what you are incapable of understanding - Russia weilds same or more influence than US in the Middle east for example, and it only has 1 or 2 bases meanwhile US has tons of bases in the middle east and is losing more and more control over the region, it cant even save its allies, thats why they're running to make all sorts of fake and bizarre alliances...because "RICH" US is withdrawing from the region. do you even know whats happening in the world?
Even Iran has more influence in the middle east than the US does. you have a false grandiose image of US power, but the fact is the US doesnt know how to use its power well in the abroad. YOu think economics determines miltary power? thats another thing you misunderstand but try to play off like real knowledge. its bogus!

Peace deals aren't negotiated and signed over night, it takes a while for them to happen.
pointless to state this, no one is a child here.

They were probably negotiating for at least a few days to a week, before it was signed.
and? once again no point made.

You trying to say that the shooting down of a military helicopter somehow forced Azerbaijan's had is naive beyond words,
Yes, thats what im saying and you seem triggered by this,SO PROVE ME WRONG! THe timing alludes to this being right. IT was the same day Azerbaijan shot down the rusian helicopter that they signed the deal! Azerbaijan is a kid in Russia's backyard so they knew they were vulnerable, thats why they signed the deal, to keep the peace and not lose their gains. RUssia can smash any neighbor it wants, especially those not in NATO, so yes, my point still stands, stop trying to bully and silence me with your weak arguments.
so don't throw stones when you yourself live in a glass house.
you misapplied this saying.
Sit down.
thats how i feel about your weak arguments and fallacies.
Well that is a shitty deal..:mad:
thats what TUrkey gets for messing in Russia's neighborhood militarily with no NATO to back her up.
View attachment 687461

Ok, according to this Russian map, 80% of NK stays outside of Azeiri control. With a permanent Russian army presence in AZE lands. Russians have deployed tanks already. Agreement called for APC’s. I guess a tank is techincally an APC as it is armoured and carries personnel.
Armenia agreed to withdraw from occupied districts surrounding NK. They will keep only small amount of the land they controlled before the war. That too surrounded by Azeri forces.
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View attachment 687461

Ok, according to this Russian map, 80% of NK stays outside of Azeiri control. With a permanent Russian army presence in AZE lands. Russians have deployed tanks already. Agreement called for APC’s. I guess a tank is techincally an APC as it is armoured and carries personnel.
Deal include 1960 soldeirs and 90 armoured vehicles along with trucks only

(no tank. airforce , heavy equipment etc allowed)

Armenia agreed to withdraw from occupied districts surrounding NK. They will keep only small amount of the land they controlled before the war. That too surrounded by Azeri forces.

They keep 34.5 % of the land they controlled before the war. if that is small ok. I think its quite a bit.
Deal include 1960 soldeirs and 90 armoured vehicles along with trucks only

(no tank. airforce , heavy equipment etc allowed)

This is a Russian tank on Azerbaijani territory. Near Lachin.

. . .
Lachin is border point on Azeri side (near lachin can be on Armenian side) ...I doubt it is standing on azeri land

Livemap geolocated it in Azerbaijan. This is part of the permanent Russian occupation.

Its strange to see Armenians cheering and shouting "karabakh, Karabakh" in celebration, when they did not get more than 10% of Karabakh.
Compare that with what Azerbaijan had before , that is a massive win

Total of more than 11000 Sq km was occupied by Armenia (around karabakh is around 4500 sq km)

In deal
> Azerbaijan have control on more than 7000 Sq km of area (including 15-20% of NK)
> Azerbaijan will bring around 1 million people (which were displaced) and will build home for them in region
> Azerbaijan will also get a direct road (through armenia) to its other side of part
apparently the Armenian Generals were the ones pushing for this.

as their position was collapsing and they were facing a complete rout. Azerbaijan could have militarily taken all of NK in a matter of days probably. and finished it.

now they have Russian soldiers acting as human shields that makes the rest of the NK off-limits to the azeris.

i cannot understand why azerbaijan would not got for that last swing to end it? unless they got an ultimatum from Russia ? If i were an azeri, id rather have armenia occupying 100% of karabakh, then having russians occupying 5% of it.

The Armenians had to make up stories of glorious victories to give themselves some negotiation leverage. you cant go into the negotian table and be like "our army is nearing collapse, we are about to crumble in a few days, but we demand a ceasefire and you stop fighintg, ok? thanks"

i think the Germany ww2 analogy was correct. this is like april 1945. and stopping the war, and letting the germans keep germany and hold on to poland as well... it seems the Armenians actually got a good deal considering the miserable position they were in..
apparently the Armenian Generals were the ones pushing for this.

as their position was collapsing and they were facing a complete rout. Azerbaijan could have militarily taken all of NK in a matter of days probably. and finished it.

now they have Russian soldiers acting as human shields that makes the rest of the NK off-limits to the azeris.

i cannot understand why azerbaijan would not got for that last swing to end it? unless they got an ultimatum from Russia ? If i were an azeri, id rather have armenia occupying 100% of karabakh, then having russians occupying 5% of it.

The Armenians had to make up stories of glorious victories to give themselves some negotiation leverage. you cant go into the negotian table and be like "our army is nearing collapse, we are about to crumble in a few days, but we demand a ceasefire and you stop fighintg, ok? thanks"

i think the Germany ww2 analogy was correct. this is like april 1945. and stopping the war, and letting the germans keep germany and hold on to poland as well... it seems the Armenians actually got a good deal considering the miserable position they were in..

They got a massive massive victory. they get to keep 90% of NK. and they were a weeks away from losing it all.

I agree I'd rather have Armenians there than russians. With Armenians there is a theoretical possibility they can be beaten and forced out. Russians not so much. In our lifetime AZE will not get NK back. They may not wan tit back. Aliyev might have agreed to give it to ARM and be done with it.
apparently the Armenian Generals were the ones pushing for this.

as their position was collapsing and they were facing a complete rout. Azerbaijan could have militarily taken all of NK in a matter of days probably. and finished it.

now they have Russian soldiers acting as human shields that makes the rest of the NK off-limits to the azeris.

i cannot understand why azerbaijan would not got for that last swing to end it? unless they got an ultimatum from Russia ? If i were an azeri, id rather have armenia occupying 100% of karabakh, then having russians occupying 5% of it.

The Armenians had to make up stories of glorious victories to give themselves some negotiation leverage. you cant go into the negotian table and be like "our army is nearing collapse, we are about to crumble in a few days, but we demand a ceasefire and you stop fighintg, ok? thanks"

i think the Germany ww2 analogy was correct. this is like april 1945. and stopping the war, and letting the germans keep germany and hold on to poland as well... it seems the Armenians actually got a good deal considering the miserable position they were in..
All wars have to end with a political settlement. Azerbaijan will get many districts without any fighting or losses. Assaulting Stepanakert would have been brutal for both sides even if Armenian army collapsed and would have resulted in many civilian casualties. Remaining Armenian territory will be surrounded by Azeri forces. This was a good solution.
Compare that with what Azerbaijan had before , that is a massive win

Total of more than 11000 Sq km was occupied by Armenia (around karabakh is around 4500 sq km)

In deal
> Azerbaijan have control on more than 7000 Sq km of area (including 15-20% of NK)
> Azerbaijan will bring around 1 million people (which were displaced) and will build home for them in region
> Azerbaijan will also get a direct road (through armenia) to its other side of part

AZE position did improve remarkably This is true.

All wars have to end with a political settlement. Azerbaijan will get many districts without any fighting or losses. Assaulting Stepanakert would have been brutal for both sides even if Armenian army collapsed and would have resulted in many civilian casualties. Remaining Armenian territory will be surrounded by Azeri forces. This was a good solution.

Yes one way to look at it. Or another way is, Armenian territory is protected by Russian forces.
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