I beg to differ.
A 'President Le Pen' would side with putin in the Crimea.
An AfD bund would side with putin in the Crimea.
a Salvini as 'PM' of Italy would side with putin in the Crimea.
trump with Salvini and AfD, and Le Pen would side with putin in the Crimea. Britain has a rise of the neo-nazi.
The anti-zionists became something like 30-40% of the young individuals. So the CiA and FSB and Mossad have been for the past 10 years trying to get them to hate China and Islam, with the migrant crisis and this ft detrick coronavirUS. They are racists by birth, so with CiA Qanon and CiA bitcoin and CiA this and that, they are guiding the young individuals to do exactly what the CiA wants them to do. Hate China for neo-nazis in Washington and London and hate Muslims for Netanyahu.
What do these neo-nazis have in common, they hate Islam, they hate the Chinese and they are allies to putin.
Europe would enter a dark age of barbarians with those neo-nazi putin supporters.
Salvini is going to be Prime "Minister of Italy" in less than 3 years, unless China helps the economy of Italy to have Italy have the best GDP in Europe by buying up Italian goods and giving us more jobs and economic growth as part of the Belt and Road. If China does nothing, China's inaction starts the rise of neo-nazism China-hating pro-putin in Europe that is going to take over Europe and North America. Canada almost fell to China-hating neo-Reich. They are going to legitimize putin and de-legitimatize China in their treaties and dealing with China.
China can send precious metal prices to the roof and to the moon to show weakness in the dollar. China can beat back neo-nazi China-hating, these Muslim-hating putin-bot extremists.
China in supporting pro-Russia in Europe is shooting themselves in the foot. Nearly every putin bot in Europe hates China.