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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

See what i mean ?? It's clear as day ...

If not the crazy *** fanatics .... Then Troll out of the wood works . What a highlight of conversation ...

Sigh ....
Pakistan and Azerbaijan don't have the same religion either. One is Sunni. One is Shia. It is good for Pakistan to stay neutral.
Neither do Turkey and Azerbaijan for that matter lol.
The founder of pakistan was an ismaili who converted to twelver sect near his passing. what does that say about pakistan?
Neither do Turkey and Azerbaijan for that matter lol.
The founder of pakistan was an ismaili who converted to twelver sect near his passing. what does that say about pakistan?

Precisely the reason Pakistan should stay neutral. Backing either side won't benefit Pakistan.
Precisely the reason Pakistan should stay neutral. Backing either side won't benefit Pakistan.
i do agree that pakistanis are being a little too zealous in backing azerbaijan.

armenians have been through a lot. there was a time (16th-18th centuries) when certain groups from the Caucasus like armenians and georgians had communities in what is today pakistan.
Pakistan should back Armenia over Azerbaijan. Pakistan and Armenia are Indo European. Azerbaijan is not.
what are u high on. every passing day ur post are turning to nonsense. seriously wat are u smoking dude. Change the supplier man. maybe he is just giving u dried poop instead of high grade weed.
Azeris can't take NK without taking Armenia proper. Too much insurgency even if they take all of NK.

Pakistan and Azerbaijan don't have the same religion either. One is Sunni. One is Shia. It is good for Pakistan to stay neutral.
again please change ur weed supplier...
I would like to see this treaty, and honestly times changed and circumstances change. The Christians warred with us and double crosses us crusades, etc. That treaty isn’t valid any longer even if true. I for one wouldn’t follow it any longer and it holds no value in the current environment.

* That Treaty could’ve just applied to those living on Islamic lands anyways.
This treaty is about Egyptian churches or Christian i dont remember it exactly.
Pakistan and Azerbaijan don't have the same religion either. One is Sunni. One is Shia.
It is good for Pakistan to stay neutral.

Lame. Is religion more powerful than interests in geopolitics ? Why don't we hear this when it comes to NATO? Does anyone in EU say that we should stay neutral because the other member country has a majority of Orthodox Christians or Catholics or Protestants?
Pakistan should back Armenia over Azerbaijan. Pakistan and Armenia are Indo European. Azerbaijan is not.

This soldier of Islam, Javanshir Hamidov, featured in TV100 channel a couple of days back (and posted in this thread), has embraced Shehadet....

No Shehadet, No Zekat, No Istiklal, No Istikbal....

Armenians are violating cease fire from hour ZERO by firing at the civilian locations....

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