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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

I think Armenia should better start using them now before it gets destroyed on the ground by Azerbaijan or Turkey attack..... they shouldn't waste any time.....

In my honest opinion only 1 power in that region can immediately turn the total gamut of the war..... Iran.....

Russia can't do much as it doesn't share land connection with Armenia.....

Both Turkey and Iran are dominating powers in that region but right now Turkey in a stand off with Greece in the west it can't afford to pick up a fight with another big boy like Iran in the east if it enters the war to help Armenia and it will surely be on the back foot..... if Turkey withdraws then Pakistan alone won't risk it's troops for Azerbaijan war who are right now deployed in Azerbaijan.....

Cutting down nakichivan enclave of Azerbaijan will be like a walk in park for Iran..... they can either keep this area as hostage and force Azerbaijan to stop the war and return back to the pre war zone if they want this enclave back or make it a separate country..... I don't understand why Iran is so quiet......

Why would Iran fight against Turkey? Half of the Iranians are Azari. All the leaders in civilian and military are Azari.
Where is this guy, the chief of staff of Azerbaijan,rumor said that he was relief from the position.

In Pakistan india scenario air space will be heavily contested. Combines fighters of both air forces will be more than 1200 modern jets with strong air defences and anti aircraft weapons.
Drones work when there is no air force.
Libya, Syria and even this war prove this fact. Not many air battles or bvrs were used.
Slow moving drones are not an easy kill for any Air Force. Add 20-30 of them simultaneously in an AOR and you can easily overwhelm any defensive forces.
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YPG/PKK is one of the most dangerous terrorist organization have been trained/armed by the US-France and organized (10.000 terrorists) them in Afrin since 2011 with 100+ km unbeatable tunnels and bunkers

Turkish Armed Forces did not even use much thing serious but approachimg the region with considering sensitivity for civilians

so Outsiders with no ethics can't understand Turkish sensivity towards civilian life thus they said Turkish Army is incapable.... We will never leave thousands of innocent deads behind us just like Assad, Russia or Usa

RESULT : Turkish Army took AFRIN ( mountainous area with fortifications ) in 52 days without civilian loses
( even Turkish Army used around 7.000 soldiers in Afrin )

on the other hand , the US - French Airforces , Special Forces , Howitzers and 110.000 Iraqi soldiers and Peshmerga took MOSUL from ISIS Terrorists in 10 months and over 10.000 civilians died .... even Mosul city was destroyed
Rightly said.
Rotax is a Canadian engine that is also used in US MALE Predator

Israeli UAVs also uses ROTAX Engine
Thanks to Turkish TEI PD-170 Engine with two-stage serial turbocharging system
now Turkish ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR MALE UCAVs use indigenous TEI PD-170 Engine

and Bayraktar TB-2 is a small Tactical UCAV which use Canadian Systems ... ( if needed , Turkiye easly can develop Internal Combustion Engine with Injection which is similar to ROTAX 912 )

now Turkiye is one of top 4 Countries in the World for UCAV technology ( the US,Israel,Turkiye and China )

Turkish UCAVs = Killer of Russian Air Defense Systems in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan

-- BUK
-- TOR
-- SA-8 GECKO ( OSA )

and Turkish AKINCI UCAV is coming armed with 280 km SOM Cruise Missile + AESA Radar to hunt even PATRIOT , SAMP-T and S-300 Air Defense Systems

also Turkish AKINCI UCAV is coming armed with 60 km BOZDOGAN Air to Air Missile + AESA Radar to hunt UCAVs , Helicopters even Russian made SU-24 and SU-25 Bomber Jets
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Azerbaijan earned its right by putting out 681,000 soldiers against hitler stopping Kleist dead in his tracks. 300,000 Azerbaijani soldiers sacrificed themselves against facisasim. If it wasn't for cacusus Hitler wouldve knocked out Soviet Union. So this case of Stalin gifting land to Azerbaijan well Stalin was no Muslim and if you read about his early youth he never did Jack for free. Azerbaijani people saved Stalin by refusing to give up oilfields of Baku and one can say literally saved Stalin life as well. Main show was oil war the rest of the Eastren front war campaigns were side show. It was for oil fields of Baku that the mighty 6th army was sacrficied by Hitler.
Azerbaijan earned its right to be free country and have every right to lay claim to its rightful share
Oh and wait what Armenians were doing meanwhile? let me guess seeking refuge with Azerbaijani people.
Here is one famous Hero of Soviet Union one of many thousands.
What are you smoking? Stalin gave Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan in the 1920s! Before WWII!
I've read last few pages and wanted to give my input to some areas discussed here.

I followed this conflict closely for the last few days and my understanding is without foreign intervention it wont last more than 2 or 3 months. Azerbaijan should capture key areas before snow and cold sets and force a withdrawal. The timing of the operation clearly makes me think they have confidance to handle this before climate makes things hard.

I believe people exaggerate Turkey's involvement in the conflict. She does provide arms, moral support, military counseling, training, insurance etc. But she will not send soldiers, proxies etc or engage hersef. Azeris do not need that. They have numerical, technological advantage should be no problem to handle this themselves. And they are doing just that.

I do not think Turkey overstretched herself either. She involved in a conflict in syria did couple of operations. Which were successful and stopped when international pressure intensified. Now front in syria is handled by her proxies. She involved in a conflict in Libya when the opposing side was about to win and only 1 city left for them to take. Just with millitary counseling, arm and tactical support she saved the side she was supporting and quickly made a successful counter offensive which then again stopped with foreign pressure. That front also handled by Libyans. Turkish army is in Turkey without any losses and in great shape. There is no such a front that the army invested large resources. All the engagements were done with minimal investment.

About greece and france. Let's be realistic here there is very very slight posibility of conflict between greece and turkey specially during pandemic. it is one of those brawls that happens every decade. Turkey's maritime goals are long term and will drag on quite some time. France on the other hand is just trying to capitalize erdogan's bad image to gain some influence in the region. Which won't last long. I do not think they have a long term agenda. France in any way will not engage in direct conflict with Turkey. These are all nato powers. Why people think france will fight directly with an 80 million nation for a problem that herself does not have a direct part in. These are just momentary geopolitics.

Azerbaijan is right in this fight. If armenians realize, this is actually a great opportunity for them to help their own country. They should just give back azeris their land and start to build a relationship with both turkey and Azerbaijan. Armenia would be a different country if she has good reations with Turkey for sure. But their ultra nationalist ideas keep them in a very bad state.
When does the winter set in. A good post.
One of the most seasoned Turkish journalists on defense and geo-political matters, Ardan Zenturk, is pondering upon the Turkey-Pak axis saving Azerbayjan from the heinous plans of the Imperialists!!! Moreover, he's been very close to the Turkish Establishment for the last 40 years. What exactly Pak and Turkey are planning and executing together????? He's projecting the Turkey-Pak axis as the savior of the Muslim World by breaking all the "paradigms" like Shia-Sunni, Arab-nonArab, moderate-radical etc.!!! It's no fun any longer, it's damn serious...

Turkey's rise is going to bring about a paradigm shift in the way the muslim world deals with the world. Position of strength.
. .
Imagine the reaction of the Kardashian and the Armenian hyper nationalist diaspora when they hear Azerbaijan giving the green light to turn Nagorono-Karabakh into a Turkish protectorate like Idlib and Tripoli.

They'll get a heart attack by just reading the news.
This needs to be the prime directive of the new world order. These western imposed wars and western imposed divisions will not be tolerated any more.

Naturally, this new thinking will seriously harm western interests throughout Asia.
West will not be sitting idle watching their world order unravel before them. They will definitely try to prolong their donination as long as they can but they can't do much with their ageing population and dwindling economies.
Maybe you misunderstood, real Islam , the peaceful Islam , the one that is good and makes up the majority of Muslims has been silent and the people that are inspired by ISIS are the most vocal and committing atrocities. You in the other hand can go f u c k yourself!

It's the like of you that is the root of the problem. referencing and labelling ISIS in everything which has nothing to do with this while assuming this assumptions would work and Thinking we won't stand for our values absolutely nonsense. Come and try me
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Armenia can fire a few ISKANDER Missiles on Turkiye and Azerbaijan
on the other hand Turkiye-Azerbaijan can fire hundreds of TRG-300 , BM-30 SMERCH , TOCHKA , POLONEZ , LORA , J600T , BORA , KGK , JSOW , POPEYE , SLAM-ER , SOM and ATMACA on tiny Armenia

Turkiye can produce thousands of TRG-300 , J600T , BORA , KGK , SOM and ATMACA to turn tiny Armenia into dark age

Turkiye has its own J600T YILDIRIM and BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles and Azerbaijan has POLONEZ and LORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles to response against ISKANDER Missile

Missle ? I thought ISKANDAR was something like one of that Indian Gods they whorship, something like Godzilla, that India gave to Armenians ?
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