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Ayesha Gulalai is paying the price for decrying harassment publicly

I listened to her carefully with an open mind to identify if IK is guilty but from interview with Kashif Abbasi it apparently seems she is lying ... Allah knows the best ...
Kashif is pro-Imran, us na tu phansa he lyna tha,,

I watched her interview with Javed Chaudray just to analyses a more aggressive point of view and see if Imran is guilty but to be honest, the pro-PMLN Javed Chaudray's interview of her was a similar disaster. She didn't answered a SINGLE question straight!

Potians ................... are very funny. They are acting as judge and openly declare her liar and then say Allah know the best

Truth is no one can say surely that who is right or who is wrong in this case thats why this matter should be investigated to find out the truth. But -------------------- are saying innocent until proven guilty for IMRAN yet they dont hesitate to give their final verdict for Ayesha prior to any proper investigation..

They are real slaves who cannot go against their master

LANGUAGE! This is not your Facebook page.

And people will always form a point of view based on the facts unveiled so far and the things that the see happening in front of them. From the interviews and the time line of her coming out with these charges NOW it is apparent that she is a flop drama, nothing more! Reasons i have explained above. HOWEVER, you need to understand that i am not sending her to gallows, just expressing my point of view, just like SHE did, just like YOU do!
Investigations are the official response we all want here.

There are many women who dont report abuse or harassment cases for years and i know many cases in Uk where women spoke about abuse which they faced in teenage in later stage of their life and got the justice at the end
But they do not go on and DEFEND the accuser during those years!

So if your sister bear some abuse or torture of her husband for few years before making it public or complaining about it then would you reject her claim because she did not speak about this abuse on same day or month. What bullshit argument is this.
In this case, your sister have told you that she is being abused by this man and you say to her that it is ok, she should go to his place, attend the party meetings, defend this man publicly, talk in support of him against similar charges, be with him!!! You keep doing that for four years and then when the messages have stopped for over a year you just one day ask her to go public with those harassment allegations. DOES SOUND STUPID RIGHT?

Such claims need to be verify no matter when they came in public and no person should insult her or make fun of her before any investigation or verification took place otherwise you will be slave of your leader to blindly pick his side by treating him as infallible
What we are doing here is not giving an official verdict or issuing a death sentence, we are discussing the case and the evidence at hand. That is it!
you are mixing up things here there is a lot of difference between a teenage girl and a woman and your logic about husband and wife is also flawed husband and wife both of them have privacy in there life in this case neither gulali is teenager nor she is married to Imran. And stop this bullshit propaganda of your about following a leader blindly it is you noothias who are following there haram khor leader nawaz despite knowing that he has looted this country.
Potians can bring up as much conspiracy theories as they want to protect their master but for me all these excuses and justifications are useless

We should decide whether her claims are false or true and there should be proper investigation for this as your personal bias verdict has no value because you worship Imran khan

@WebMaster look at this so called think. Tank who could not swallow truth and abusing his authority lol

Kashif is pro-Imran, us na tu phansa he lyna tha,,

I watched her interview with Javed Chaudray just to analyses a more aggressive point of view and see if Imran is guilty but to be honest, the pro-PMLN Javed Chaudray's interview of her was a similar disaster. She didn't answered a SINGLE question straight!

LANGUAGE! This is not your Facebook page.

And people will always form a point of view based on the facts unveiled so far and the things that the see happening in front of them. From the interviews and the time line of her coming out with these charges NOW it is apparent that she is a flop drama, nothing more! Reasons i have explained above. HOWEVER, you need to understand that i am not sending her to gallows, just expressing my point of view, just like SHE did, just like YOU do!
Investigations are the official response we all want here.

But they do not go on and DEFEND the accuser during those years!

In this case, your sister have told you that she is being abused by this man and you say to her that it is ok, she should go to his place, attend the party meetings, defend this man publicly, talk in support of him against similar charges, be with him!!! You keep doing that for four years and then when the messages have stopped for over a year you just one day ask her to go public with those harassment allegations. DOES SOUND STUPID RIGHT?

What we are doing here is not giving an official verdict or issuing a death sentence, we are discussing the case and the evidence at hand. That is it!
You guys know what language you use for supporters of PML(N). I am still soft compare to your trolls from. PTI. You are politically bias being PTI supporters and so are your views and opinions. People like you are abusing and insulting possible victim of harassment. Hypocrisy at its best
Potians can bring up as much conspiracy theories as they want to protect their master but for me all these excuses and justifications are useless

We should decide whether her claims are false or true and there should be proper investigation for this as your personal bias verdict has no value because you worship Imran khan

@WebMaster look at this so called think. Tank who could not swallow truth and abusing his authority lol
yes this issue should be investigated thoroughly and I m not abusing it is confirmed realty now that nawaz shareef has stolen the wealth of this country. you better start licking his b****. and BTW we dont worship Imran. Apni bohtan bazi band kr.
yes this issue should be investigated thoroughly and I m not abusing it is confirmed realty now that nawaz shareef has stolen the wealth of this country. you better start licking his b****. and BTW we dont worship Imran. Apni bohtan bazi band kr.
I will believe in you guys if you stop abusing her or make her liar prior to any verdict or outcome of investigations. Why need investigations when you already made up your mind i. e she is liar and imran is innocent and its conspiracy of nawaz lol
----------------------------- can bring up as much conspiracy theories as they want to protect their master but for me all these excuses and justifications are useless

We should decide whether her claims are false or true and there should be proper investigation for this as your personal bias verdict has no value because you worship Imran khan
No one is worshiping Imran here, not me at least. I raised a valid point. Do share if you have anything to reply to it. Else i suggest you quit trolling and understand that this is not your facebook account where no matter what language you use it only reflects on your upbringing. This is a discussion forum and we have respectable members here. Refrain from using this kind of language.

@WebMaster look at this so called think. Tank who could not swallow truth and abusing his authority lol
Great that you tagged him. Your post was rated for the language you were and still are using. Hopefully some MOD can either edit that or delete it and we can move forward.

@WAJsal @Slav Defence @The Eagle

You guys know what language you use for supporters of PML(N). I am still soft compare to your trolls from. PTI. You are politically bias being PTI supporters and so are your views and opinions. People like you are abusing and insulting possible victim of harassment. Hypocrisy at its best
Reply in the same words, no matter if you are from PTI or PMLN, it is against the rules and will be treated accordingly. I do not see anyone abusing or cursing the other on this thread at least.
I will believe in you guys if you stop abusing her or make her liar prior to any verdict or outcome of investigations. Why need investigations when you already made up your mind i. e she is liar and imran is innocent and its conspiracy of nawaz lol
who abused her? me. you have something in your mind. kahin B V say larai tou ni hui aaj
I will believe in you guys if you stop abusing her or make her liar prior to any verdict or outcome of investigations. Why need investigations when you already made up your mind i. e she is liar and imran is innocent and its conspiracy of nawaz lol
You said that PTI people here worship Imran right? Why you said that? Because you SAW that they are defending Imran no matter what, RIGHT? THIS MY FRIEND what i call basing your argument on what you see is happening. It is natural. You saw something, you understood it and wrote a post based on that. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DOING or I AM DOING. I saw the interviews and the studied the time line and only thing i can see here is that she is telling lies. This is NOT A VERDICT. This is my personal point of view.

Things that you have to break up for others to understand!!
No one is worshiping Imran here, not me at least. I raised a valid point. Do share if you have anything to reply to it. Else i suggest you quit trolling and understand that this is not your facebook account where no matter what language you use it only reflects on your upbringing. This is a discussion forum and we have respectable members here. Refrain from using this kind of language.

Great that you tagged him. Your post was rated for the language you were and still are using. Hopefully some MOD can either edit that or delete it and we can move forward.

@WAJsal @Slav Defence @The Eagle

Reply in the same words, no matter if you are from PTI or PMLN, it is against the rules and will be treated accordingly. I do not see anyone abusing or cursing the other on this thread at least.
Omg you are so innocent as you never seen any harsh or abusive words against PML N supporters or may be you have seen them but did not gave them negative rating as share same hatred towards supporters of PML N. I dont care about your negative rating but just exposing your bias approach. You were all bad mouthing victim of harassment while i said dont be quick in judgement which is bad language. You were defending imran like he is your saint

You picked side here. I said dont pick a side as no one surely know who is right and who is wrong prior to proper investigation or verdict

who abused her? me. you have something in your mind. kahin B V say larai tou ni hui aaj
Calling her drama or liar is not abuse.. Go Watch her facebook account how ptians are attacking and abusing her since she made such claims.. Its never proved true or false yet
You were all bad mouthing victim of harassment while i said dont be quick in judgement which is bad language.

Genuine victim and someone pretending to be victim are two different things.

If that lady is called victim at this stage then similarly IK can be called victim too ......... because right now no concrete proof has been reported nor any judgement announced by any court.
Genuine victim and someone pretending to be victim are two different things.

If that lady is called victim at this stage then similarly IK can be called victim too ......... because right now no concrete proof has been reported nor any judgement announced by any court.
Then stay neutral because we dont know. who is true or false in their claims. I never said she is right but i dont call her liar as well because i dont know
You are all bashing her as if you had made up your mind already that she is not genuine victim and no possibility of imran sending such message. What is this if not slavery
Then stay neutral because we dont know. who is true or false in their claims. I never said she is right but i dont call her liar as well because i dont know
You are all bashing her as if you had made up your mind already that she is not genuine victim and no possibility of imran sending such message. What is this if not slavery

I bashed her because of her teenager attitude and way of handling this issue, she is bringing harm to genuine cases of harassment ........... she is acting like a teenager who couldn't manage to impress her crush .......... and now feels ditched.
I bashed her because of her teenager attitude and way of handling this issue, she is bringing harm to genuine cases of harassment ........... she is acting like a teenager who couldn't manage to impress her crush .......... and now feels ditched.
What make you think that she is fake case or not genuine victim of harassment? Did you conducted any investigations? Did you verified their statements by checking their mobiles phones or any data available before giving your verdict? What make you so sure that imran is innocent? Its not about crush which is your personal guess. She said that Imran is too old for her to even think of giving proposal of marriage. I do see only political reason of you all blindly defending Imran and portraying him innocent before even any investigation
when she was in pti there was no corruption charges against her but when she left pti she was charged with corruption.i am unable to understand the fact that when some corrupt person enter pti he is considered honest and when someone leave pti he is considered as corrupt.if she was involved in corruption of development funds then before she left pti kpk govt was sleeping.
What make you think that she is fake case or not genuine victim of harassment? Did you conducted any investigations? Did you verified their statements by checking their mobiles phones or any data available before giving your verdict? What make you so sure that imran is innocent? Its not about crush which is your personal guess. She said that Imran is too old for her to even think of giving proposal of marriage. I do see only political reason of you all blindly defending Imran and portraying him innocent before even any investigation

Imran is not my uncle cousin that I would defend .......... so proving him innocent doesn't benefit me at all.

I am a male and I would know when there are signs of a male harassing a female, or a male who is interested in a female, which in this case are totally missing .......... not my fault that you cannot see them.

PS: NS and his supporters should have tried something better this time, they are mentally retarded crew who keep using women to harm their opponents ........ in past it was IK's wife now it's some Hulla lai.
Dear feminists/authors,

>Explain why an MNA kept quiet for 4 years over harassment?

>Explain why she didn't resigned from the party and her seat when she received the first ganda message from IK?

>Explain why she didn't sued IK after receiving the first message?

>Explain why she didn't went to the court directly why came to media first? she gave 4-5 interviews in a day.

>Explain why there are more holes in her story than swiss cheese?

>Explain why so many contradictions in her interviews and blames?

>Explain why even after receiving gande messages she continued to be a part of party meetings dharna's etc etc?

>Explain why she continued to defend IK so ferociously for 4 years when she was receiving those messages?

>Explain why she didn't sued IK last year? why now? after 1 year of receiving the last ganda message?

>Explain why no ex PTI women worker came forward to confirm her claims? in fact they all rejected her blames.

@django @Zibago @Arsalan @PakSword @Imad.Khan

:omghaha: PTI slaves are having a tough time now a days.

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