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Awami League imposing Hindu dominance over Muslim majority population

OIC should kick out Bangladesh from Islamic circle. I beg to them. :angry:

Beacuse of Indo Awami "secularization" project and decleartion of it by Dipu moni, Saudi Arab almost stoppted manpower import from Bangladesh. On top of it hundred of thousands sent back oterwise lenient Saudi policy towards Bangladeshis. At the same time Saudi Arab increased import from india and Nepal (more than 200000 job). Vast majority of common Bangladeshis (except for Leon, Iajdani like people) are suffering for Awami regime india instigated "secular" agenda.
Beacuse of Indo Awami "secularization" project and decleartion of it by Dipu moni, Saudi Arab almost stoppted manpower import from Bangladesh. On top of it hundred of thousands sent back oterwise lenient Saudi policy towards Bangladeshis. At the same time Saudi Arab increased import from india and Nepal (more than 200000 job). Vast majority of common Bangladeshis (except for Leon, Iajdani like people) are suffering for Awami regime india instigated "secular" agenda.

I know I am expecting too much when I expect sense from these posts..... But pray tell me, how does Saudi Arabia punish Bangladesh for trying to be secular by importing labour from secular India and Nepal?
I know I am expecting too much when I expect sense from these posts..... But pray tell me, how does Saudi Arabia punish Bangladesh for trying to be secular by importing labour from secular India and Nepal?

Meaning preference and privilege Bangladesh was getting from Saudi Arab as a muslim country is no longer there. Dont you feel you are too immature for these type of discussion. No one going to spoon feed you.
Visited after a long time this thread, felt happy that its same old. Good work Idune. Reall felt happy looking through. Bye.
Meaning preference and privilege Bangladesh was getting from Saudi Arab as a muslim country is no longer there.

Fair enough.

Dont you feel you are too immature for these type of discussion. No one going to spoon feed you.

Thank god for that.
Meaning preference and privilege Bangladesh was getting from Saudi Arab as a muslim country is no longer there. Dont you feel you are too immature for these type of discussion. No one going to spoon feed you.

if saudi was considering only religion they would have turned to other islamic countries.
even if what you say is right, there would be a large pool of secular countries which will prefer you if you become secular(according to your theory).
So apparently Awami will reestablish secularism based on supreme court recent rule. I would have respect them if they would have done it without using supreme court as proxy. Nevertheless I will congratulate Awami league and it's secular supporter. You have won the battle as of now but there always will be another balltle in diffrent time.

I will wait till the day when Awami league amend the constitution in parliament then I will change my flag from my profile. :tdown:

OIC should kick out Bangladesh from Islamic circle. I beg to them. :angry:

It will be interesting to see how people of Bd react to secular constitution. Interesting days coming ahead.

No Muslim can even think to delete this line from highest law of the country. Hence it prove my claim that Awami league is the party of pure Munafiqs and Mushrik.

Let me guess, the Turks are 'Munafiqs' and 'Mushriks' too?

There is nothing wrong with amending the constitution to a secular one, religion should not be allowed to interfere with politics as more often than not the consequences are disastrous.

Now you're probably wondering what was the entire point of the partition? Why should Bangladesh exist as a separate nation at all, right?

Well the point is that it happened. Bangladesh is a reality. It is, and always will be a sovereign nation. However, the nation need not define itself by outdated and irrelevant concepts in today's day and age. Religion is a personal choice, it shouldn't be a part of a nation's constitution.

This isn't part of some grand plan to 'take over' Bangladesh. It is the evolution of your own country into a secular, democratic, free market economy. There is a direct correlation between liberalization and economic progress. If I was Bangladeshi, I'd be celebrating.
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Yes everyone's a commie saving you. I am not so enriched about everyone's background as you are,I like reading daily star because it is better than other BD english newspapers.

Didn't Mojahid say those words?Or do you deny that too?In that case watch more news.

I could have even given you video links from various TV channels.But didn't feel the need to do so.
No Leon, not everyone is a commie but knowing Mahfuz Anam's past would make sure that he has commie Lineage. He used to be fierce Chatra Unionier in DU and after the break up of Soviet he changed his KIBLA from Moscow to DC like many other comies (MUA, Debobrata, Shirazul Alam Khan etc) that took BD over by conspiring with Dada-comies and expansionist criminals. And I can understand the reason for your liking of Daily Star as it has ingredients of putting 'Old wine in New Bottle' along with 'New wine in a new bottle' through cutting edgeness. From the very beginning, Prothom Alo, Daily Star and New age seemed like papers of the out of main stream/Alien to me, especially Daily Star and Prothom Alo, where JI bashing happened to be their 'Daily prayer' but didn't understand their broader agenda until Mahfuz and Motiur took their globes off to become party of MUA gangs. It would take many hrs of writing on how they schemed into power by deceiving BNP, JI but they did dis-favor to the 160 million people by tooth and nail by doing so.

Now commenting to Mujahid by basing on DS's news isn't actually following an exceptable denominator but even if we were to believe in DS's dessimination, still then he was right because none of JI leaders had commited any anti-libarationism as keeping PAK liberated from Indian onslaught/influence would have been the righteous decission by an informed/understanding/Patriotic Pakistani even by commie standard. On the top of that they were extremely insignificent in greater INDO-Emperial scheme on breaking PAK up, almost similar to a portion of some commies, Nezame Islami, Khilaphat, Muslim Leage etc. But why are they targetted because they present an altenative thesis of life style, which has proven to be more effective than current one whereas AWAMY, commies have become the oppotunist-slave of it to merge with INDO-Zion in their global slaughters of Muslim masses. Now a days I don't even believe that we have become more independent than Pakistani era. Can you prove me wrong?
Now a days I don't even believe that we have become more independent than Pakistani era. Can you prove me wrong?

You have become super independent as you already took the flag of UN, you are no more a BD citizen. So forget about it... :blah::blah::blah:
Watch the picture carefully; first guy in the line ISLAM is written in his Sandal. Awami supporters used sandals to disgrace word ISLAM when Jamaat leaders were arrested in June 30, 2010. Picture published in Sheershanews.com

Courtesy: Sheershnews.com June 30th, 2010
Son of pure murtid. No son of Muslim can disgrace Islam this way. Once again prove our claim that only murtids are supporter of Awami kafir leauge.
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Watch the picture carefully; first guy in the line ISLAM is written in his Sandal. Awami supporters used sandals to disgrace word ISLAM when Jamaat leaders were arrested in June 30, 2010. Picture published in Sheershanews.com

Courtesy: Sheershnews.com June 30th, 2010

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