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Awami govt set to destroy backbone of Bangladesh economy

1) Eductaion - Right on track. Already we got the education policy. TLM is on the final stage to roll out again. More public universities are in the pipe line. Up to class 8, books are free now.
2) Health - More hospital project in dhaka initiated. community clinic project is revived which was stopped by BNP. 6000 more doctors are in process of recruitment.
3) Communication - All the major projects are given positive nod from ECNEC. Dhk-Cht high way, 2nd Dhk-Cht high way, Dhaka express way, Dhaka metro rail, Dhaka - Coxs bazar rail road, Padma bridge, Dhaka - Khulna rail way. All these projects are initiated and given to go ahead.
4) Air travel - New airport is given to go ahead for feasibility study.
5) Deep sea port - Given to go ahead. The work will start from next year.
6) Electricity - I dont want to say more to this as they already doubled the target of electricity generation by 2014. Every month new bids are approved and given to go ahead. Nuclear deal is signed in Russia last week. Hope they will start nukes soon too.
7) Water ways- First time in the history of Bangladesh this govt initiated to dredge all the major river and stop erosion in Jamuna and Padma. 3 out 17 planned dredger already given work order. New EPZ deicated for ship building already planned.

Most of these projects are continue of previous governments and after all it is their fundamental duty to develop these basic infrastructure for the people though there is a big problem with education policy. Awami government trying to water down Islamic education in Bd which is strongly opposed by Islamic scholars. I think they should preserve Islamic education for the betterment of our conservative society because at the end of day, if awami try to secularize the nation by means of deception than they would meet disastrous outcome.

let me remind you two important promised by Awami before election.

10 tk kg/rice and a job for every family in the country however there are no sign of fulfilling these promise. :undecided:
Al-zakir - maybe the global food crisis and recession is causing failure of 10 tk kg/rice plan ? India is facing record levels of food price inflation these days and the prices have gone up dramatically !
Secular education - why are you opposing that - BD has large Hindu population. We in India know that if minorities are not respected the nation might collapse - don't try the same thing there
Al-zakir - maybe the global food crisis and recession is causing failure of 10 tk kg/rice plan ? India is facing record levels of food price inflation these days and the prices have gone up dramatically !

I understand but awami grantee that they would provide 10 tk/rice thus many underprivileged voted for them out of hope. They lied to gain vote.

Secular education - why are you opposing that - BD has large Hindu population. We in India know that if minorities are not respected the nation might collapse - don't try the same thing there

You do not understand. Present curriculum mandate separate religious course for Muslim and Hindus in public school. Al trying to water down Madrasah education as well as in public institution by eliminating them. We can not loose our Islamic values man. We are Muslims.
You do not understand. Present curriculum mandate separate religious course for Muslim and Hindus in public school. Al trying to water down Madrasah education as well as in public institution by eliminating them. We can not loose our Islamic values man. We are Muslims.

Education is the backbone of a nation. We need engineers, doctors, scientists, agriculturists, technically and vocational-trained manpower to raise our heads above others. We even need less of those who educate themselves in general (humanistics) subjects.

An education must be functional. A person studies for 5, 10, 12, or 16 years, but does not possess any skills, can he do any job? It means this person cannot function properly in his duty and, therefore, cannot be a productive citizen of our country. Now, if he cannot produce, why an employer should hire him, and then, how he and his family can survive?

BD still remains an underdeveloped country, but this country is moving fast towards the status of a real developing country like India. Many foreign companies are moving in, many local companies are expanding their production base.

Today, BD lacks electricity and also lacks efficiency in the govt bureaucracy. But, when power production is up, there will be a very big economic pull upward. I expect a double digit GDP rise after, say, eight years from now. In a situation like this, persons having a skill or a trade will be producing goods and will be earning good wages.

A group of people who remain without such skills cannot be productive. No company will hire them and they themselves will suffer as a consequence. In the future, there will be no jobs for people who have no skills.

Therefore, BD must cater its education system to the future requirements of the country. It should do away with Madrasahs, and introduce Islamiat and other theological subjects in the schools. If anyone wants to learn more about religion, he can learn it in privately organized Madrasahs or in his own house. One thing, are the Christians less Christian because they do not attend the Convents?

Due to population expansion, our society is now under pressure to change from within. No one is against learning about a religion. But, the school system must cater to the needs not only of the country, but also to the need of its working class citizens themselves.
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railway lines to connect Dhaka with the south-west – that is natural progression after Padma bridge. Working rather than talking much is what counts.

I am surprised to read that in order to blame everything on the present govt, you have directly blamed the BNP govt. You said that BNP ONLY promised everything in speeches, but did not even start any project. So, the BNP govt was also talk only?

By the way, are you sure that the railway project in the SW was actually proposed by the BNP govt? But, only recently you have been complaining that RAW is FORCING the AL stooge govt to put a railway line over Padma Bridge. Now, you have revised your statement. Please tell us which ones of your complains are true?
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That was directed toward Awami govt, in response to your lie - "This (Awami) govt can be credited with at least pronouncing openly the requirements of the country". You have consistently lied and exposed but offcourse no shame on your part to produce more lie and deception. Goes well with awami party hack.

Since you are so out of touch and agnostic to indo - awami move, let me provide you the clue. Look at the map to see where is the poposed transit entry point from india to Bangladesh. And then see what is the shortest route for india to send rail wagons from India --> Bangladesh --> India. Its through this proposed Padma bridge. Thats why awami stooges are jumping to include rail line on the bridge and causing delay. You must have not gone to south west Bangladesh and have no clue about landscape there. Rail line can only be setup in major points there most places its better to build roads than railroads.
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Al-zakir - maybe the global food crisis and recession is causing failure of 10 tk kg/rice plan ? India is facing record levels of food price inflation these days and the prices have gone up dramatically !
Secular education - why are you opposing that - BD has large Hindu population. We in India know that if minorities are not respected the nation might collapse - don't try the same thing there

In Bangladesh, throughout history (even before independence) we have better built in tolerance with Islam and within our society. Bangladesh has provided well and equally for its citizens be they Muslims, Hindus, Christians or Buddhist. “Secularism” on the other hand introduced to save from repression of Church and overtime used by opportunists as tool elsewhere. And recent time in context of Bangladesh “Secularism” used to impose Hindu supremacy over a Muslim majority population. Such Hindu extremist groups are still active in Bangladesh with impunity and consistently campaigning against Bangladesh in US and Europe. That’s how much tolerated country Bangladesh is with teaching of Islam. And I am afraid your lecture is utterly and poorly informed and grossly misplaced.

This is off topic discussion so I will just leave it that.
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i agree with eastwatch's comments - very balanced and progressive.
Hindu supremacy over Muslim majority ? That should be a joke - are you so insecure my friend ? Please start getting over irrational fears and start thinking about development and the future as our friend eastwatch. Religion is a private matter. In India govt. schools don't teach religion - there are private schools who do such things.
About Rail lines to India and such - isn't that going to really help Bangladesh ? India will pay a large amount to transit BD territory. Plus it is easier to move stuff through railways and more cost effective as well - in every country a good rail network is a must. Think of the goods you can export to India - Jute products, natural gas products etc.
That was directed toward Awami govt, in response to your lie - "This (Awami) govt can be credited with at least pronouncing openly the requirements of the country". You have consistently lied and exposed but offcourse no shame on your part to produce more lie and deception. Goes well with awami party hack.

Since you are so out of touch and agnostic to indo - awami move, let me provide you the clue. Look at the map to see where is the poposed transit entry point from india to Bangladesh. And then see what is the shortest route for india to send rail wagons from India --> Bangladesh --> India. Its through this proposed Padma bridge. Thats why awami stooges are jumping to include rail line on the bridge and causing delay. You must have not gone to south west Bangladesh and have no clue about landscape there. Rail line can only be setup in major points there most places its better to build roads than railroads.

But, being a Burmese with a BD flag in this forum, why you are so interested to expose our so many digital lies and deceptions? Will you give these information to RAW of which you are a Publicity Officer?

Mr. Idune Bhai, if you are a Bangladeshi, can you tell us the names of a few rail stations from Faridpur to Darshana? Also, do you know the names of districts that comprise the SW of BD? Also, do you know the present status of Faridpur-Barisal rail route?

Try to love my country before you criticize it in all your posts. Why a Burmese like you do things like this, is it to make the Indians happy?
i agree with eastwatch's comments - very balanced and progressive.
Hindu supremacy over Muslim majority ? That should be a joke - are you so insecure my friend ? Please start getting over irrational fears and start thinking about development and the future as our friend eastwatch. Religion is a private matter.

In India govt. schools don't teach religion - there are private schools who do such things.
Ignorant Mullahs always try to keep the country under their wrap. It serves their personal interest. These ignorants say of the prospect of Muslims being dominated by the Hindus in Bangladesh, but they cite exactly the wrong reasons for that. Do they think that the Hindus are GENIES, BHUTS and PRETS, so that with Islamic education among the muslims, these evil spirits can be thrown out?

Open a daily newspaper of any day. There are hundreds of news and there are tens of names given in a few of these news. Indians will be surprised to see many, if not most, are Hindu names. Agriculturists, doctors, educationists, lawyers, Police Officers, Bankers, engineers, national and district bureaucrats - think of any position that require a good education - are Hindus.

It is all because of our stupid Mullahs. They encourage parents to send their children to Madrasahs where they can teach all the wrong things. They would say in a low voice, whatever the geography text books say about the moving of earth around the sun, in reality it is the other way, which you should believe in your mind.

When some Muslims go for non-functional education in Madrasah, Hindus all go to normal schools, study hard, get admission into the colleges and Universities. After graduation, they get good govt and non-govt jobs, when most of the ill-educated Muslim youths would be going to middle-east to do menial jobs..

So, I do not understand the logic of some people saying that Madrasahs are needed to off guard the Hindus, when, in reality, it is the opposite. To compete with Hindus, BD Muslims must learn those subjects and trades that are studied by the Hindus as well as by the students of western countries. And studying theology is certainly not one of them.
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Awami govt policy is working towards systematic destruction of Bangladesh economic backbone. Last year there has been good harvest and so does this year. Global commodity market has come down significantly and by BB governor own admission Bangladesh did not import that much food and that’s one of the reason forex reserve maintained at healthy level. These being facts there is little or no reason price of food essentials shouldn’t go down. But since Awami govt took power price went higher than what it was when global commodity price peaked in 2007-2008. One of the reason being extraordinary amount of extortion by Awami party caders from paddy fields to transport to market.
Rather than rein into extortion and inflation and contain resentment of govt employees Hasina and her govt further intensified the inflation by salary hike. Effect of such policy prescription (most likely an imported one) will have devastating effect on export backbone garments.

PM fears about price hike of essential goods

With higher inflation living will be even more harder for more than 2 million garments workers and will further intensify their demand for higher wages. And when garments start paying higher wages, cost increases and so does price of Bangladeshi garments in international market. Recipe for destroying Bangladesh competitiveness and thus losing garments market share to India and other countries.
Education is the backbone of a nation. We need engineers, doctors, scientists, agriculturists, technically and vocational-trained manpower to raise our heads above others. We even need less of those who educate themselves in general (humanistics) subjects.

An education must be functional. A person studies for 5, 10, 12, or 16 years, but does not possess any skills, can he do any job? It means this person cannot function properly in his duty and, therefore, cannot be a productive citizen of our country. Now, if he cannot produce, why an employer should hire him, and then, how he and his family can survive?

BD still remains an underdeveloped country, but this country is moving fast towards the status of a real developing country like India. Many foreign companies are moving in, many local companies are expanding their production base.

Today, BD lacks electricity and also lacks efficiency in the govt bureaucracy. But, when power production is up, there will be a very big economic pull upward. I expect a double digit GDP rise after, say, eight years from now. In a situation like this, persons having a skill or a trade will be producing goods and will be earning good wages.

A group of people who remain without such skills cannot be productive. No company will hire them and they themselves will suffer as a consequence. In the future, there will be no jobs for people who have no skills.

Therefore, BD must cater its education system to the future requirements of the country. It should do away with Madrasahs, and introduce Islamiat and other theological subjects in the schools. If anyone wants to learn more about religion, he can learn it in privately organized Madrasahs or in his own house. One thing, are the Christians less Christian because they do not attend the Convents?

Due to population expansion, our society is now under pressure to change from within. No one is against learning about a religion. But, the school system must cater to the needs not only of the country, but also to the need of its working class citizens themselves.

That's a post with substance. Kudos to you man! :tup:

My take - Bangladesh was one of the world's richest trade hubs in the erstwhile era - this fact leaves no doubt about the potential of the people there. And to bring it back to that status, it needs to invest in modern education and globalism. I do not know much about internal affairs of Bangladesh, so this is all my personal opinion.
Education is the backbone of a nation. ,

And here is how Awami govt is destroying education for girls.

Awami govt is cancelling 60-70% stipend/incentive program for poor girls which was designed to increase female education. A prime initiative to uplift poor people. Because of such initiative enrollment increased 33% to 53%. Without such incentive many poor girls would stay away from school. This will hit the nation very fundamentally as female education is key to our long term growth and prosperity.

Report in Bangla

1991-1996 BNP govt had progressive thinking. It had pinpointed the reasons why so many BD people remained illiterate. One of the reasons was that the MOTHERS of the school age children themselves were functionally illiterate. They could barely sign their names. Since these mothers were uneducated, they did not quite understand the merit of sending their children to schools. The then ruling Party's educationists properly thought that to increase the Primary School enrollments for both girls and boys in the future, it was necessary first to educate the future mothers.

The stipend in the beginning was, as far as I remember, 15 kg of rice per month to every girl student in the rural areas, which was switched to cash money later. The enrollment and continuation of education further to the secondary level by the girls increased by many folds. Incidents of child marriages also came down to almost zero level. All these also resulted in birth control.

Many of the girls that received education in that category have already come to the child-bearing age. Many are mothers in waiting. Offsprings of these literate mothers are receiving education without any further incentives by the govt, only because the mothers themselves are educated. They force their children to the schools.

My personal opinion is, the stipend system covering most of the needy must continue for another 20 years. But, AL govt has switched from this policy and will probably emphasize more on giving free education upto graduation level to the girls. The education budget will surly not allow AL to keep its vote-gathering unpractical election promise.

A govt should plan to spread education to the mass level. Giving stipends to as many girl students as possible in the primary level is the best way to achieve that. I do not have a personal endorsement to the AL policy of decreasing the number of girl stipend holders. I think, the past BNP policy should be followed for another 20 years. It will make a strong social base.

The present PM should properly study the social environment 15 years ago when the girl stipend was introduced. She will quickly find that the situation has improved only marginally. A lot more works have to be done in the field of girl education in primary level. One such work is to continue the BNP- initiated girl stipend system.
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Education is the backbone of a nation. We need engineers, doctors, scientists, agriculturists, technically and vocational-trained manpower to raise our heads above others. We even need less of those who educate themselves in general (humanistics) subjects.

No body is against the productive education. Believe me, you do not need to point me out the needs of productive education in Bd as I my self held a degree in electrical engineering and I have come from Islamic background. Islam doesn’t discouraged mordern education rather emphasizes more on gaining knowledge as qur’an clearly has mention: ya rabbi zidni ilma(Sura 20, Ayat 114).

Therefore, BD must cater its education system to the future requirements of the country. It should do away with Madrasahs, and introduce Islamiat and other theological subjects in the schools. If anyone wants to learn more about religion, he can learn it in privately organized Madrasahs or in his own house. One thing, are the Christians less Christian because they do not attend the Convents?

Due to population expansion, our society is now under pressure to change from within. No one is against learning about a religion. But, the school system must cater to the needs not only of the country, but also to the need of its working class citizens themselves.

You said it well. If your proposal can be achive than it will make me happy as well but Al trying to drop islamic education from public shool and water down Islamic education in Madrasah. My conern lay there....:undecided:
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