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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

i dont understand one think, team from USA arrived first then germans came, but germans have reached the site and USA team is nit going because of bad weather, it doesnt make any sense, can somebody explain?

I was also puzzled by this.

A reason could be that the Americans might have wanted a heli!
global warming is responsible for melting our glaciers, soon all glaciers in pakistan will vanish

It isn't because of global warming that Siachen is melting. It is because of useless war that is damaging Siachen. Baltoro glacier in the same region isn't melting in the manner as Siachen. In fact according to experts it's mass has increased as compared to past.

All the other glaciers leaving Siachen Baltoro, Biafu, Hispar etc etc are good enough to remain on our planet for centuries to come. They won't vanish for sure.
Guys, its a good occasion for any educated person to realize, that the americans or west are not bad/wrong always. See they have come to help us today. They helped us in 2005 (chinooks etc). Our shameless media just keeps on portraying one side of coin
I am sure they will have their own motive in coming, They would be going to the world's highest battleground where they don't get to go in normal circumstances. And yes i am a firm believel that USA will not even give one single penny to anyone without some strings attached
Guys, its a good occasion for any educated person to realize, that the americans or west are not bad/wrong always. See they have come to help us today. They helped us in 2005 (chinooks etc). Our shameless media just keeps on portraying one side of coin
Of course we always appreciate them when they are doing good.

I was also puzzled by this.

A reason could be that the Americans might have wanted a heli!

Its personal choice of individual teams..Germans wanted to go ahead and get digging.and advise the Rescue teams on site....While Americans may be holding back, perusing a different type of role, advising the Administration on what type of Logistics and Machinery they should send forward.
Reason one is that it is too deep.

Reason 2 is that once they get closer to the suspected location, they have to use hands,, because the use of machinery might accidentally damage the bodies.

Reason 3 is that the ice is damn hard.

unless thermite or something is being used.

And they had another Avalanche recently.
They are using Explosives now to speed up the process.

Nice share thanks.

Excerpts from the Video.

According to ISPR representative.. Pakistani Experts are there COMSAT,NDMA voice detection team,some SUPARCO scientists with Infra red cams. are also there.Germans are there because they brought with then 30 meter look down into the snow equipment.(Thats why Germans are already there)Norwegian team on the way. 21 Heavy equipment plants,such as Bulldozers and Trucks are there..In the next 24 hours the Quantity will be doubled to 50 Heavy Machines on site.
PAF has been actively Participating all the way...Pre fabricated Accommodation has been transported there...Average temperature is -15 C.
The Site was Built there 20 years ago,and it was strategically places behind a large Hump and away from the general direction of slides from the Glacier..But this Avalanche Jumped the Hump,crossed the River and that was very unusual.
The biggest challenge is to point out the best location for digging as digging the whole site is not possible and will be time consuming...Sniffer dogs are not useful at the moment as they cant sniff under 70 to 100 feet of snow,but once we have dug deep enough the dogs will come handy.
Some heavy equipment was too big for the narrow roads in the area,so we had to dismantle them and then re assemble once on site.400 Army personnel and 60 civilians are participating in rescue operation.Local rescue teams reached the site within 2 hours.
At the time we are digging in 8 sites,and a few of them have been dug all the way to the Ground,but unfortunately we found nothing,as the Avalanche was very massive and has displaced Buildings...In this regards the Foreign teams are helping us in pinpointing the exact sites which have most possibility of finding the trapped personnel.
We are still treating this as a rescue operation,and hope we will find survivors although it will be a miracle.
We are committed to reach our comrades as soon as possible.
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We are still treating this as a rescue operation,and hope we will find survivors although it will be a miracle.
We are committed to reach our comrades as soon as possible.

I think it is time for the leadership to start preparing the troops and the nation for the inevitable adverse news that will soon be known so as to lessen the suddenness of the shock, if not the grief.
I am sure they will have their own motive in coming, They would be going to the world's highest battleground where they don't get to go in normal circumstances. And yes i am a firm believel that USA will not even give one single penny to anyone without some strings attached

Sometimes lets set aside the conspiracy theories. There are good people all over the world and civilian and military leaders are no exception to this rule. At the end of the day, people do things for other people because they are humanists and understand the sufferings. Politics and religion make things more complicated, however politics and religion need not be involved in all matters.

Sometimes our own people are the cruelest, most selfish and despicable people on the face of the planet for what they allow in Pakistan. If we can have such nasty bunch, why can't others have good people amongst them?

To the technicality of your post that they are going to the highest battleground, Americans have visited Siachen from both sides of the borders as guests of the Pakistani and Indian Armies at different times. There is nothing out of the ordinary for them to see there that they cannot observe through high altitude surveillance or Satellite coverage.

We should just be thankful to those who have offered their support and given the fact that Pakistan Army has welcomed their support and taken up the offer goes to tell you a thing or two about trusting the others.
THE avalanche at Gyari, Siachen, is unfortunate, trapping a total of 138 people. I would like to put forward a procedure which may be successful though it is not yet experimented.

The procedure is as follows: Make a simple welded steel structure of concentric circles of diameter 1000,750, 500,250mm and join them with steel rods. On this circular structure mount about 30 to 35 water heaters of about 1KW each, which are easily available in the market. At the centre mount a submersible pump or centrifugal pump or displacement pump of suitable capacity with fixable insulated discharge pipe.

The whole structure along with the pump could be lowered down into the ice with the help of ropes. We will need a generator of about 40KVA to run the whole system.

Place the structure at a suitable location above the area and start heating the element which will liquefy the ice for about a diameter of 1000mm.

Water so formed can be pumped out through the pump. This procedure, if successful, can produce a well in ice without much manual efforts and in the least possible time.


Siachen tragedy: China sends technical devices, personnel to help rescue efforts – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: The Chinese armed forces have sent technical devices to the Pakistani army after a request for help in searching for bodies trapped by an avalanche.

A statement released by the Chinese Defense Ministry on Saturday said the Chinese People’s Liberation Army also sent specialists to Islamabad to help with rescue efforts. The specialists help to offer technical guidance, reports Xinhua news.
How much heat does 1 ton of ice at -20C require to melt? The schema proposed above is not feasible from just that standpoint, not to mention the boulders and rocks that will be loosened with whatever meltwater is generated.
Nawaz Sharif to visit Siachen soon - PakTribune

LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (N) President Nawaz Shairf will visit Siachen in next few days.

In a statement, the PML-N chief said the whole country is praying for lives of soldiers.

He highly appreciated soldiers of Pak Army and their bravery. The PML-N spokesperson told media the Nawaz Sharif will hold talks with India to resolve issues between the two countries.
How does heat does 1 ton of ice at -20C require to melt? The schema proposed above is not feasible from just that standpoint, not to mention the boulders and rocks that will be loosened with whatever meltwater is generated.
I thought the same,but good suggestion anyway.
They are not dealing with pure ice..Its ice mixed with rocks and debris which has very different characteristics than Pure ice...The Pump suggested for draining out the water will get choked by sand anyway.

The biggest problem right now is to locate the right position for digging..They have dug all the way to the bare ground twice..only to find nothing....
Troops excavate new Siachen avalanche in search for victims - Central Asia Online
According to the ISPR, the search teams commenced digging at the new site, using heavy equipment and infantry troops despite a fresh snow slide there that created difficulties for troops.

The search teams set off explosives to loosen snow in an attempt to reach a structure where soldiers may have taken shelter, ISPR said.
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