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Australian harassed in Bengaluru over tattoo

It's not about helping them my friend, it is about pragmatism. Let them remain prisoners of their own prejudice whilst in India spending their $$$. But first you have to get them to come to India.

India is one of the greatest adventure for world travellers. They will continue to come. It will wax and wane, but that is the nature of trade.

This will only partially solve the problem- the international media are the ones who will be listened to most by international prospective travellers and they have it out for India these days.

International media takes clues from the National media. You fix the problem at home, the other problem fixes itself.
These documentries are having no base and its like a whole mechanism is working to defame Indians on the whole.

Seriously who are Gypsies ? Those who are living in thier native lands and having an ancient civilization of more than 5000 years.

people of Indus valley Civilization and Harrappan civilization are still dwelling in thier same lands unlike the invaders who are since centuries colonaizing Indian lands.

Please stop making irrelevant comments. It is a beautiful video one that I enjoyed very much myself. Of the 4000 odd comments there mostly by foreigners, literally all of them in praise, they basically seem to fall in love with India here. That despite the extreme poverty shown.
LOL..... are you seriously asking what my problem is with a religion that promote cannibalism by asking its followers to act like savages and drink blood and eat flesh ? :cheesy:

Hinduism has Varna, not caste :lol: ...... its the Indian constitution which has "castes".

You do know that Hitler was a staunch christian, right ? :lol: ..... the church loved him.



Hitler with the Pope :lol:


By all standards he is YOUR hero :lol:


Those were wars involving Nazi Germany Vs Communist Soviet Union in which millions were perished but still the Europeans havnt learnt the lessons.
Please mods. Have a look at the posts of @raktaka @Hindustani78 and @Mike_Brando who first started abusing my faith with all sorts of dirty statements and even pictures!
If someone abuses my religion, I am well within my right to reply them in kind.
These extremists have made life difficult for minorities in India. Now they are doing same in PDF too!!!
Calm down mate. Just because somebody abused your religion doesn't mean you have to abuse theirs too.. And minorities are just fine in India , it's not as bad as media make it to be.
Please stop making irrelevant comments. It is a beautiful video one that I enjoyed very much myself. Of the 4000 odd comments there mostly by foreigners, literally all of them in praise, they basically seem to fall in love with India here. That despite the extreme poverty shown.

This is what i am not able to understand. You are calling Native Indians what ?

Everyone is aware who is who . India is still the ancient living civilizations , till which time native Indians will be disrespected like this?

Poverty is a problem in all the nations , so we Indians should even name the same to other nations ?

So innocent. Let mods see for themselves.

Mod's are well aware .
Calm down mate. Just because somebody abused your religion doesn't mean you have to abuse theirs too.. And minorities are just fine in India , it's not as bad as media make it to be.

Okay. I wont say anything. General discussion is fine but no religious badmouthing.
So was this ......... but christian eyes do not see facts, do they ? :coffee:

I am going to bet that the Indian "friend" of Mathew was a Christian like you. ....... wanna bet against me ? :azn:

But the good thing here is that you are not alone. There are plenty of Bigots around who are itching for the chance to humiliate Hindus and Hindutva. :coffee:

Why bringing my religion into it? Did u see me mentioning my religion in this thread?

Unlike you many here in this country do not make friends judging by the religion..

And as for bigots, I agree there are plenty around who see everything through religious glasses.wanna guess who?
This is what i am not able to understand. You are calling Native Indians what ?

Everyone is aware who is who . India is still the ancient living civilizations , till which time native Indians will be disrespected like this?

Poverty is a problem in all the nations , so we Indians should even name the same to other nations ?

Mod's are well aware .

Where was the disrespect in that video? Nomads/Banjaras are called gypsies and the very people in the video you talk about call themselves gypsies. That is the English term they use for themselves and not at all as a slur. Who claims they are not native Indians? As I said the intention of the video was not to show poverty and neither disrespect. It was a very honest documentary just documenting their lives in a very very sympathetic manner, not even a bit prejudiced. Check out the video before going on a rant.
Nope.But they should at least obey the laws in India when they are here .
Our laws wouldnt allow the insulting of others belief and religion.

They should.. But I have seen pictures of gods and godesses in far more worst places than a leg..Mind it, it includes every religion.
Why bringing my religion into it? Did u see me mentioning my religion in this thread?

Unlike you many here in this country do not make friends judging by the religion..

And as for bigots, I agree there are plenty around who see everything through religious glasses.wanna guess who?

Because your point of view is guided by religion and you hoped to hide this on this thread. I merely exposed your faith since I saw no reason for you to HIDE it.

This thread was on Hindu religious icons and it should be pretty clear what the debaters religious identity is. Since you chose to hide it, I chose to expose it.

As evidenced, your religious bias blinded you to the truth even when it was posted in this thread.
No, it does not. Despite international medias attempt to paint India as a dark slum hell hole, our tourism figures are booming. People are not so naive as you would like to think and discerning Westerners are even more sceptical of anything their news media puts out.

Here, check out the comments on this video to know how people think about India.

This is the wrong analysis, India's tourism figures are strong in spite of this malicious campaign but they could be many times higher if such an image was not portrayed of India day in and day out. There is no doubt this portrayal has cost India billions.
@Soulspeek u were saying ur faith wont diminish bcoz other people abuse ur religion and other hand u r abusing other religions too..its just bad mate.be cool.. As u said one's faith cant be diminished by some people abusing it..you are hurting sentiments of many who support minorities in this country... Bigots wants u to abuse their religion.. You are falling into their trap..
This is the wrong analysis, India's tourism figures are strong in spite of this malicious campaign but they could be many times higher if such an image was not portrayed of India day in and day out. There is no doubt this portrayal has cost India billions.

True and if it was not for SANCTIONS by the west for half a century we would have been richer still.

The west has a vested interested in keeping us poor, and that will continue till we are not poor and the scales change in our favour. Do not go around expecting "fair play".
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