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Australian Deputy PM did nothing on attacks on Indians

Before you decide to speak, you should probably research what you are talking about.

Most Australians forefathers were not prisoners and those that had ancestors who were prisoners were sent here for political crimes (eg, speaking out against the monarchy)

My apologies... I should never have remarked that....

Err..... Did you bother reading the article? It was a reporting of a conversation between U.S. diplomats & a former Australian Consul General. Where do Indians come into the picture? This is from wikileaks and the cable was reported in the Indian press. There is absolutely no editoralising in the above article. If you don't like what was said, take it up with your citizen who has been quoted above. While I agree that Indian media reporting on the attacks on its citizens in Australia are frequently over the top( & quite brainless actually), this is not such a case.

Exactly what i was trying to say
Are you satisfied with the performance of your govt and police force?

Yep 100%

I have been robbed, but i don't blame the police. The police can't be EVERYWHERE at once. Also i didn't start screaming "Racist attack". I accept the fact that crime happens everywhere and i was in the wrong place at the wrong time
should PM herself patrol the streets

stupid India media
Why the hell are people bad mouthing INDIAN media ? after all its a wiki leaks excerpt ? Dont try to derail the topic.
Yep 100%

I have been robbed, but i don't blame the police. The police can't be EVERYWHERE at once. Also i didn't start screaming "Racist attack". I accept the fact that crime happens everywhere and i was in the wrong place at the wrong time

I have a few close friends in Australia. Some of Indian origin, and some whites (descendants of Brits who came to Australia). And what I gather from their accounts is that it is not all racism in Australia. And that it is no different from the UK or Canada. So yes, all the racism term is unjustifiably hyped, which should not happen.

However, when such incidents happen, the government is supposed to take countermeasures to display its critical attitude toward such behavior. I have seen governments of the US, Germany, UK, Canada, and many others taking such steps. These countries I mentioned, bend backwards in ensuring such incidents are well highlighted and criticized to the core. Such acts by the governments are undertaken to show the credibility of the common values that are shared by all the citizens of the state. For example, mere allegation of racism in itself is strong enough to shake the government's position in the US. Riots took place there because of Rodney King episode, even when people knew he had criminal records and was even arrested for drug trafficking. In fact such 'bending backward' attitude also played a part in strengthening Obama's position in the presidential race.

I am not saying such 'reverse racism' is the right/perfect way. But the government, and even the citizens, have to make sure acts such as xenophobia/racism/antisemitism/discrimination of any sorts are fully utilized show off the right values of the country as whole. And when you look at Australia's records, where quite a few politicians/PM candidates/columnists have spoken outright favoring racism, and displayed xenophobia, or even anything similar to that, then you see that they neither apologize for it, nor are they criticized enough for their irresponsible behavior.

Australia is in general perceived as a country where racism and xenophobia are tolerated more than in the majority of the countries. And the government and media of Australia are not doing enough change that perception. Since Australia is a democratic country, it is right of the outsiders to look at government's laxity in quelling incidents of racism, as a representation of the attitude of Australian citizens.
Why the hell are people bad mouthing INDIAN media ? after all its a wiki leaks excerpt ? Dont try to derail the topic.

Because it's the Indian Media who first invented the story of "racist attacks against Indians"
Another biased article from the racist,biased and unprofessional Indian Media.

There were no series of "Racist" attacks against Indians in Australia. The Indian Media invented the story to get more viewers. This is why Julia Gillard never spoke about the so called "Racist" attacks"

Crime is committed against EVERY single race in Australia, it's got nothing to do with race. It's just normal everyday crime. White people get robbed, black people get robbed, asian people get robbed. Indians need to stop thinking that it's ONLY them that is having crime committed against them.

The Indian media know this, but it won't stop them from making up lies to get more viewers.

Some Indians will no doubt say "OH YES, RACIST ATTACKS EVERYWHERE!" but ask yourselfs this, if there are so called "Racist" attacks happening, why aren't Pakistanis getting attacked? They are the same race pretty much.

I wish the Indian Media would stop making up lies, and i bet the 900,000 + Indian community who live in Australia would also like the Indian media to stop making up lies aswell.

Before you decide to speak, you should probably research what you are talking about.

Most Australians forefathers were not prisoners and those that had ancestors who were prisoners were sent here for political crimes (eg, speaking out against the monarchy)

Yeh it shows how much lies can do to a countries reputation.

The Indian students are being replaced by Pakistani and Chinese students, so it's ok.

Have a nice day :smitten:

Can't trust what Indians say :

Three Indian nationals saying they were victims of a racist fire bombing in Quakers Hill charged with staging fire
Three Indian nationals saying they were victims of a racist fire bombing in Quakers Hill charged with staging fire | thetelegraph.com.au

THREE Indian nationals who sparked a police investigation by claiming they were victims of a racist fire bombing attack have been charged with staging the incident.

Police told the court the complainants had staged the fire at Punjabi supermarket at Quakers Hill, near Blacktown, for insurance money.

Harpal Singh-Arora, 33, had told police in September he was closing up the Punjabi supermarket in Quakers Hill about 9pm on September 7 when three armed men entered the store hurling racial insults before stealing $2400 and setting off a huge explosion which blasted him out of the shop and onto the footpath, he was rushed to hospital.

The store owner, his brother-in-law Abhinaz Khurana and Pankaj Sadana, 27 also rushed to Blacktown hospital to see Singh-Arora.

However, all three were taken into custody yesterday after a police investigation decided the account was fabricated. In particular, detectives said, there were large holes in Singh-Arora’s signed statement which said he was "picked up and blown out of the front door by a hot wind".

"He says that the force of the explosion was enough to blow him through the door and knock him to the ground" a police fax sheet said.

A police fax said shop records reveal the shop had been listed for sale for two months and the sale had been slow since a larger Indian supermarket had opened nearby.

The three men had recently taken out an insurance policy after leaving the shop uninsured for a year.

"Investigators believe that the motive for lightning the fire was purely for financial reasons," a police fax said.

"This matter is of a serious nature in which there has been a degree of planning and preparation.

"It was noted that there were a number of loose leaflets on the front counter which had not moved as a result of the explosion, furthermore the fax sheet said there were traces of petrol on Singh-Arora’s clothes and shoes suggesting that he stood or walked through the petrol rather than being blown out of the shop."

The fax sheet was tendered at Kogarah local court today where Sing-Arora and Sadana were both granted bail after spending the night in custody.

Khurana was granted immediate police bail after the arrest yesterday.

All three are due to appear in Burwood local court on December 3.
Because it's the Indian Media who first invented the story of "racist attacks against Indians"

Fine, for your sake I am ready to accept our media overhyped it. But can you tell me how come only Indians are specifically targeted? Racist attacks if without motive means that all south Asians look the same to white supremacists. Then how come everyone attacked and/or killed is an Indian? Can you explain that? And how come this suddenly came on the mainstream after 2006-07, prior to which it was never heard of in India or any part of the world? Don't you think we knew that before this time, there was crime existent in Australia regardless of who of what origin was attacked?

Listen mate, we also have crime in our country and it is high. I don't deny that.. but we know to distinguish between crimes and target killings. Just tell me how come it was specifically Indian citizens even though Pakistanis, Lankans and other South Asians also look same, were never targeted.

Go on; I am waiting for your response.
why are indians here labelling these attacks as racist?

if a white australian falls victim to street crime, then thats what its called 'Street Crime'
but if an indian immigrant falls victim to street crime, then it's immediately labelled as a racist attack!!
street crime is a factor of life here in the west!!
why are indians here labelling these attacks as racist?

if a white australian falls victim to street crime, then thats what its called 'Street Crime'
but if an indian immigrant falls victim to street crime, then it's immediately labelled as a racist attack!!
street crime is a factor of life here in the west!!

Sorry mate... we have more street crime than you NRIs living outside do, here in India and hence know better than you as to what it is and when street crime really occurs. When Indians are specifically targeted, its a different case altogether. I know you will defend Australia because you're there but let's see; why this case got a rise only after 2007? Or are you telling me that there were no.. er.. what do you call them? ah.. street crimes before that?

Make up your mind.
why are indians here labelling these attacks as racist?

if a white australian falls victim to street crime, then thats what its called 'Street Crime'
but if an indian immigrant falls victim to street crime, then it's immediately labelled as a racist attack!!
street crime is a factor of life here in the west!!

Are you in the west? By your flag you seem to be in the south.

There is no dearth of street crimes taking place in the west. Not including Australia here.

And you know what, none of those attacks (in the west) bring the term 'racism' into mind.

Why is Indian media terming it racism only in case of Australia? Even when Sikhs are particularly targeted and attacked in the US, it is 'xenophobia' in Indian media. Then what do you think is the reason that Indian media is so badly after Australia in terming those attacks as racist in nature?

Answer is simple: The government of Australia has not as enthusiastically condemned and taken actions against such crimes. While some of the attacks must certainly have been racist in nature, the government is trying its best to group those attacks with the rest of the crimes in its efforts to hide this shameful problem.

First recognize that the country does have that problem, then condemn it and take actions.

Moral of the story is simple: When you hide it, others will show it.
Sorry mate... we have more street crime than you NRIs living outside do, here in India and hence know better than you as to what it is and when street crime really occurs. When Indians are specifically targeted, its a different case altogether. I know you will defend Australia because you're there but let's see; why this case got a rise only after 2007? Or are you telling me that there were no.. er.. what do you call them? ah.. street crimes before that?

Make up your mind.

in recent years there has been a huge increase in indian students into this country, these indians are mostly from rural areas of india where street crime almost doesnt exist.
They move to these big cities of australia where street crime happens all the time, And these indian students choose to live in low income areas where rent is cheap. But the down side is these areas have a high crime rate, and these indians who come from rural areas don't know how to act in a western urban city, and present themselves as easy targets to these criminals. These crimes are merely opportunistic crimes...Not racist!!!!
^ I'm not buying the "Indians from rural area" part many of India's poor rural people can't afford to travel outside Hind or send their children to western Universities. Perhaps, some are from rural areas. I do agree with the part "they don't know how to act in a western urban city".

Indian man set on fire in Melbourne - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

How do you explain in a recent wave of attacks against Indians an Indian man was set aflame! Still an "opportunistic crime"? More like a hate crime it seems. I understand this is extreme case but it can't be easily overlooked either. Not to mention many attacks on Indian students the victims mention 'racial slurs' or national slurs being used against them, correct me if I'm wrong.
There are students in Australia from various parts of China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Phillipines, Malaysia, ME, there hasn't been any documented or report of wave of attacks on them "opportunistic" or not. So the "Indian students from rural areas don't know how to act in a western urban city" argument less compelling in explaining this situation. As if some of those Chinese, Indonesian, etc may not be from rural or suburban parts of their countries...

The situation is mainly targeted against Indians.
^ I'm not buying the "Indians from rural area" part many of India's poor rural people can't afford to travel outside Hind or send their children to western Universities. Perhaps, some are from rural areas. I do agree with the part "they don't know how to act in a western urban city".

Indian man set on fire in Melbourne - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

How do you explain in a recent wave of attacks against Indians an Indian man was set aflame! Still an "opportunistic crime"? More like a hate crime it seems. I understand this is extreme case but it can't be easily overlooked either. Not to mention many attacks on Indian students the victims mention 'racial slurs' or national slurs being used against them, correct me if I'm wrong.

most of these indian students are from rural punjab!!! and yes people from rural punjab can afford it
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