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Australian cops joke about Indian's electrocution: Times of India

While the Indian media is indeed irresponsible and often does not follow good journalistic ethos, the Australian police behaviour has been appalling.

No wonder they are unable to protect Indians in Australia. Spare a thought for the Indian parents in India who have sent their kids to Australia (often using their life savings) for studies and all they hear is bad news.

Its become fashionable to cry about the style of Indian media when one really wants to overlook the core issues being reported.

Loads of closet racists come out on such threads. No need to engage everyone.

I don't understand what you want? The police are not body guards, they cant be with each Indian student 24/7. Indian students need to learn street smarts and they need to learn that they shouldn't walk alone at train stations at 3am, otherwise there is a good chance they will get robbed, along with everyone else. It's not just Indians
I don't understand what you want? The police are not body guards, they cant be with each Indian student 24/7. Indian students need to learn street smarts and they need to learn that they shouldn't walk alone at train stations at 3am, otherwise there is a good chance they will get robbed, along with everyone else. It's not just Indians

So true, so Indians are supposed to Guard themselves and Allow the Govt to wash off there hands If Indians are attacked On the basis of anything May it be Intentional or Un Intentional ... And Indian students are supposed to learn Street smartness especially when we Contribute a healthy amount of Students to Education which In turn has 3rd LARGEST SHARE IN AUSTRALIAN GDP?
LOL one of the posts in the comments section from ToI

Baz (UK)
09 Oct, 2010 11:15 PMI think this is a conspiracy by Pakistans ISI to disrupt the good relations between India and Australia because Australia will not go to Pakistan to play cricket but are touring India currently. All Indians should take note of this and condemn Pakistan for circulating anti-India emails via the Melbourne police e-mail system.
So true, so Indians are supposed to Guard themselves and Allow the Govt to wash off there hands If Indians are attacked On the basis of anything May it be Intentional or Un Intentional ... And Indian students are supposed to learn Street smartness especially when we Contribute a healthy amount of Students to Education which In turn has 3rd LARGEST SHARE IN AUSTRALIAN GDP?

Why should Indians get a 24/7 body guard service and not everyone else in Australia? Other people in Australia get mugged too, this is what Indians forget. It's just random crime, it happens to alot of people. Do you honestly expect a police officer to follow every single Indian student around everywhere they go? Police don't have time for that.

If you walk alone at a train station at 3am, there is a high chance you might get attacked. It's got nothing to do with race or what nationality the person is.

The way you talk, you make out that Indians are attacked in the street in broad day light and are targeted with attacks. This is not true. These attacks usually happen late at night when no one is around and are random attacks. Police can't be everywhere.

Don't walk around late at night on your own when there is no one around, you have a high chance of getting mugged. It's simple.

P.S Indians students do not make up the third largest share of Australian GDP. It's the third largest export.
Why should Indians get a 24/7 body guard service and not everyone else in Australia? Other people in Australia get mugged too, this is what Indians forget. It's just random crime, it happens to alot of people. Do you honestly expect a police officer to follow every single Indian student around everywhere they go? Police don't have time for that.

No one asking You guys to Give 24/7 Protection, Heck How could we even expect when the Law Keepers By themselves are Justifying there Racist activities... All Indian Students Need is a Word Which Would drive away all there Insecurity feeling....

If you walk alone at a train station at 3am, there is a high chance you might get attacked. It's got nothing to do with race or what nationality the person is.

The same Is the case everywhere, But I doubt the Motive of attack Only On Indians....

The way you talk, you make out that Indians are attacked in the street in broad day light and are targeted with attacks. This is not true. These attacks usually happen late at night when no one is around and are random attacks. Police can't be everywhere.

I am Sorry If I Made u think so, But Again The Indian Community is a Target In Every part Of Australia, Why is that so??? dosent that Sound Mysterious???

Don't walk around late at night on your own when there is no one around, you have a high chance of getting mugged. It's simple.

Thanks for the Advice, But has this advice been Offered to The students while Immigration through the Embassy or Has been made a part of the Immigration law especially for Indians??

P.S Indians students do not make up the third largest share of Australian GDP. It's the third largest export.

Read My Sentence carefully, I said Education has the 3rd largest share On Australian GDP, and India has the largest or Second largest Student Community In Australia which account to Billions Of $$$
over the last couple of days....

Australia vs India

What is going on????
Why should Indians get a 24/7 body guard service and not everyone else in Australia? Other people in Australia get mugged too, this is what Indians forget. It's just random crime, it happens to alot of people. Do you honestly expect a police officer to follow every single Indian student around everywhere they go? Police don't have time for that.

If you walk alone at a train station at 3am, there is a high chance you might get attacked. It's got nothing to do with race or what nationality the person is.

The way you talk, you make out that Indians are attacked in the street in broad day light and are targeted with attacks. This is not true. These attacks usually happen late at night when no one is around and are random attacks. Police can't be everywhere.

Don't walk around late at night on your own when there is no one around, you have a high chance of getting mugged. It's simple.

P.S Indians students do not make up the third largest share of Australian GDP. It's the third largest export.

Nobody is asking for 24/7 body guard service all what is required is a professional police force and some sensitivity towards the dead, damn too much to ask for?
But Again The Indian Community is a Target In Every part Of Australia, Why is that so??? dosent that Sound Mysterious???

They aren't? Crime has been committed against Indians, but these were random acts of crime and the Indian media has picked it up and said "PEOPLE ARE TARGETING INDIANS" and now everytime an Indian is the victim of crime in Australia, it's on the news and it's reported as racist when it's not. It's just to get ratings and viewers.

It's just random crime, people do not rob someone just because they are a certain race, but that doesn't stop the Indian Media from trying to say criminals are targetting Indians because of their race.

Chinese people in Australia have random acts of crime comitted against them, why is not that reported as "racist attacks"? British people have random acts of crime comittied against them, why is that not reported as "Racist attacks" ? Every single nationality has crime committed against them, on a frequent basis. It doesn't matter if your black blue or white, it's all random and no one is being targetted. It's the way the Indian media is spinning it.
Thanks for the Advice, But has this advice been Offered to The students while Immigration through the Embassy or Has been made a part of the Immigration law especially for Indians??

New Indian students are now being educated by schools on what not to do etc.

Read My Sentence carefully, I said Education has the 3rd largest share On Australian GDP, and India has the largest or Second largest Student Community In Australia which account to Billions Of $$$

I did read your sentence carefully, but it's still wrong. Education is not the 3rd largest area in our GDP. It's the third largest export, but not third largest contributor to the countries GDP.
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How much you want to bet that the man in the video was probably Pakistani, and only called Indian 'cuz that's all the police officers know.
Lol you are pretty uneducated as your post proves, i doubt you are actually from the uk. Why speak about something you have no idea about? I'll clear up some of your misinformation so people dont get the wrong idea.

1. Australia was never a penal colony as Australia (the country) didn't exist up until 103 years ago.

2. Most of the crimes comitted by criminals sent here were petty crimes, such as stealing a loaf of bread. They were hardly scum bags, infact after most of them did their jail time, they help setup colonies and were a great part of society. Many of the prisoners were educated people, school teachers etc.

3. Your decedents are not convicts, they are born free. If you comitt a crime and you have a child, would they be a convict? No, that's just absurd and proves up stupid and delusional you are.

4. Only 1 million Australians out of 22 are actually decedents of convicts, so your false implication of "we are all decedents of convicts is wrong.

5. Another absurd statement by you "criminal traits passed down by generation" This is the most absurd of them all. Actions you take in her life are not genetic and cannot be passed down. If you murder someone, that wont make ur son a murderer.

As i said, before you make silly, uneducated and absurd statements, think twice. It may stop you from looking like a complete moron.

Relax, I was just having a joke - I know some Australian guys and always joke around with them about it. In fact, that's probably the most common joke that Brits make about Aussies, but that's all it is - a joke. But if it offends you that much, then I apologise.

But on a more serious note, the off-the-cuff comment I made about criminal traits being passed down by generations is not as absurd as you may think.

For example, criminality is down to behaviour, and behaviour is a biological function that is controlled by the brain.
The way a persons brain develops determines the type of person they are. This development is regulated by genes and environment.
If a person has defective/mutated genes that make them more prone to psychological problems, violence or less able to control their own behaviour, then it's certainly plausible that these genes can be inherited.

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