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Australia: New U.S. Military Outpost Aimed Against China, India

yes thats right. did the US stop India being allowed that sweet nuclear deal or being taken off the banned technology list ( just weeks ago)even with India's stance with those two pariah nations. and what's with the love for nations hated by 99% of the world- one who is going have the ayatollah having a nuke. same damn ayatollah who said Kashmir should be Pakistan's? and calls for wiping off countries from the map

... and the other being a ruling Junta who kills and suppress it people like N Korea. wait- i guess you are for India to be known among that list of rogue nationjs... heh.

US did the nuclear deal and removed the ban on export of high end dual use technology because of following reasons:-
1. They did not cost the US anything.
2. They assured America of billions of dollars of Indian money in future trade and a greatly enhanced employment of Americans. Which to any American president is more important than mere moral and ethical positions.
3. It was the US intention to help move India into the American camp against its struggle with China by offering these incentives.
4. The US was correcting an injustice done to India when these sanctions were imposed on us following our nuclear tests which were carried out in India's national interests. Thereby offering a balm after having delivered a punch which really hurt us and also making a lot of money in the process. Smart guys these Americans.

Please do not lecture us on America's high moral and ethical credentials. US does not have a good track record as evidenced from its support of tyrants in South America , Africa and the middle east. The problem comes up when the tyrants being supported by India are not on America's list of supportable tyrants.
Australians are nothing but trash racists that thinks Asians are inferior than Whites/Europeans. Well, sorry, Aussies, the 21st century is the Asian Century and Aus have to learn to live with it after all each of China, Japan, and India's economy is larger than Aus's pathetic economy.:tongue:
US did the nuclear deal and removed the ban on export of high end dual use technology because of following reasons:-
1. They did not cost the US anything.
2. They assured America of billions of dollars of Indian money in future trade and a greatly enhanced employment of Americans. Which to any American president is more important than mere moral and ethical positions.
3. It was the US intention to help move India into the American camp against its struggle with China by offering these incentives.
4. The US was correcting an injustice done to India when these sanctions were imposed on us following our nuclear tests which were carried out in India's national interests. Thereby offering a balm after having delivered a punch which really hurt us and also making a lot of money in the process. Smart guys these Americans.

Please do not lecture us on America's high moral and ethical credentials. US does not have a good track record as evidenced from its support of tyrants in South America , Africa and the middle east. The problem comes up when the tyrants being supported by India are not on America's list of supportable tyrants.

let me understand this - so you agree the US looks upon India as a strategic partner hence has no concern about India? because all your points above point exactly to that outlook...

Us supporting dictators? - yes. unfortunate , but none of them will carpet nuke anyone...unlike Iran. None of them kill thousands and thousands of their people ALA none of them Tyrants. Everyone of them the US has asked to move to more democratic principles.

you are bringing up stuff from almost 50 years ago while his examples are about recent times dictators... but

Marcos basically looted his country , although after the alleged assassination of Aquino, which I'm not sure he was even convicted of, Reagan and the US disassociated with Marcos and infact Jimmy Carter after that went after him and targeted Philippines in a human rights volition case...

Pinochet, was more of a CIA operation close to 50 years ago- that infact resulted in a change to US Laws where CIA was banned for life from being involved in coups or helping them directly. Both Cases as you can see where the US changed its stance...

there are going to be cases in the past where the US messed up, but ultimately moved to correct itself.
Can I make an argument then, that the 1962 war happened over 50 years ago, and so maybe it's time to bury the hatchet?:partay:
let me understand this - so you agree the US looks upon India as a strategic partner hence has no concern about India? because all your points above point exactly to that outlook...

Us supporting dictators? - yes. unfortunate , but none of them will carpet nuke anyone...unlike Iran. None of them kill thousands and thousands of their people ALA none of them Tyrants. Everyone of them the US has asked to move to more democratic principles.

Number killed by US nuclear weapons: 100,000
Number killed by Iranian nuclear weapons: 0

Iran is a far more responsible nuclear power than the US. The US will use and does use nuclear weapons against anyone that cannot retaliate. It will never use nuclear weapons against a country that can nuke it back.

You are the sickest traitor I've ever met. I bet if US nuked India in 1973 you'd be happy :tdown:
Number killed by US nuclear weapons: 100,000
Number killed by Iranian nuclear weapons: 0

Iran is a far more responsible nuclear power than the US. The US will use and does use nuclear weapons against anyone that cannot retaliate. It will never use nuclear weapons against a country that can nuke it back.

You are the sickest traitor I've ever met. I bet if US nuked India in 1973 you'd be happy :tdown:

He probably loves US more than his own motherland, which also makes me sick.
let me understand this - so you agree the US looks upon India as a strategic partner hence has no concern about India? because all your points above point exactly to that outlook...

Us supporting dictators? - yes. unfortunate , but none of them will carpet nuke anyone...unlike Iran. None of them kill thousands and thousands of their people ALA none of them Tyrants. Everyone of them the US has asked to move to more democratic principles.

You understand nothing. Look at the record of how the US treated India right from the 60s till as late as 2002. US has threatened and undercut us at every turn including a nuclear threat by the USS Enterprise in 1971. We were subjected to totally unjust and unlawful sanctions for the 1998 tests which were driven by our own internal and external compulsions. US forced Russia to renege on the agreement to sell us cryogenic engines for our space programme thereby causing delays which hurt us. The US has tried to hurt India at every step. Not only did it not help us, it also stopped others from helping us.

Do you see any reason for us to be ecstatic if now the US has decided to engage India instead of trying to isolate us? should we be jumping with joy?

This strategic partnership that we hear reeks of sheer opportunism on America's part. Yes India will go along as long as we get access to high end weapons and technology that we need and for which we pay cash. This does not give the US the right to influence India's policy making which it wants to do. Let it remain a business relation which America understands and we are comfortable with.

How do you know Iran will nuke anyone? Iran has been threatened on many occasions by Israel, Saudi Arabia and most other Arab nations are hostile, so is Turkey. The Americans are virulently anti Iranian so is most of the west as they do not want to annoy US while at the same time wish to do business with Iran. Don't you think this is enough reason and justification for Iran to exercise its nuclear option so that it can secure its sovereignty? Iran is too big a country with too rich a history to be treated the way it is being treated now.
Can I make an argument then, that the 1962 war happened over 50 years ago, and so maybe it's time to bury the hatchet?:partay:

The 1962 war has no bearings on the minds of most Indians now. The only reason there is a certain mistrust regarding China is its support to Pakistan and NOT the 1962 war. Atleast not for me.
^^^ in 1962, China attacked India to reinforce its claim on territory which was in India's possession. That territory remains in India's possession even today and hence there is nothing that has given India the reason to believe that China will not attack again at time and place of its choosing. 1962 demonstrated China's willingness and capability. That capability stands greatly enhanced now, yes, the willingness to go to war with India may have reduced but when read in conjunction with Chinese activities in Myanmar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Karakoram highway and other places, It is not very reassuring for India.
Yes 1962 still has a very strong bearing on India's policy making vis-a-vis China.

If the hatchets have to be buried, it should be first buried by the party with the bigger hatchet.
I love reading threads about Australia. All the jealous Anti-Australian trolls come out to spread false information and scream "racists" and "white supremacists"

Those people need to actually learn about Australia before they speak about Australia. Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world.

A few facts to clear things up.

1. Australia and the U.S has been Allies officially for 65 years nows and unofficially allies for 100 years.

2. The U.S has had military bases in Australia since 1940, they are just expanding today.

3. Alliances between Australia, US, India, Israel etc etc have NOTHING to do with the race of the people. I can't believe the utter moronic posts where people are saying the U.S and Australia are allies because they are both white countries. Last time i checked both Australia and the U.S has millions of people who are not white and isn't the president of the U.S Black? So next time you decide to open your mouth, actually think before you write.

If anyone wants to discuss more Australian military related topics, i invite you all to Australian Defence Forum which is part of the "world defence network" which Pakistan.pk is a part of.
You understand nothing. Look at the record of how the US treated India right from the 60s till as late as 2002. US has threatened and undercut us at every turn including a nuclear threat by the USS Enterprise in 1971. We were subjected to totally unjust and unlawful sanctions for the 1998 tests which were driven by our own internal and external compulsions. US forced Russia to renege on the agreement to sell us cryogenic engines for our space programme thereby causing delays which hurt us. The US has tried to hurt India at every step. Not only did it not help us, it also stopped others from helping us.

Do you see any reason for us to be ecstatic if now the US has decided to engage India instead of trying to isolate us? should we be jumping with joy?

This strategic partnership that we hear reeks of sheer opportunism on America's part. Yes India will go along as long as we get access to high end weapons and technology that we need and for which we pay cash. This does not give the US the right to influence India's policy making which it wants to do. Let it remain a business relation which America understands and we are comfortable with.

How do you know Iran will nuke anyone? Iran has been threatened on many occasions by Israel, Saudi Arabia and most other Arab nations are hostile, so is Turkey. The Americans are virulently anti Iranian so is most of the west as they do not want to annoy US while at the same time wish to do business with Iran. Don't you think this is enough reason and justification for Iran to exercise its nuclear option so that it can secure its sovereignty? Iran is too big a country with too rich a history to be treated the way it is being treated now.

Looks like JayAtl is working for the CIA and wants to BRAINWASH everyone here.
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