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Australia Bars Huawei From Broadband Project

why China still buy their GEMO farm products? not to mention Australia is heavily subside it's farming industry.

Soybeans are used for oil and then processing into animal feed. It is also very water intensive. China could never produce the amount of corn and soybean we need to fuel a society that eats as much meat as we do now. We just don't have the water.

We could easily aim for total food independence, but that'd mean much reduced meat consumption.
Australia grows some of the best, cleanest and healthiest food in the world.

We don't grow our food with human waste, unlike some other countries in the region.
Australia grows some of the best, cleanest and healthiest food in the world.

We don't grow our food with human waste, unlike some other countries in the region.

that is because you guys use mouse waste:

Guinness Worlds records Worst Mouse Plague - YouTube

Exactly, there are millions of companies who has ex-military persons as one of its leaders so there must be something wrong this this particular guy if it was enough to ban their tender.

The exact details of the reasoning behind the banning aren't released, but they don't make such decisions lightly.

Saying they did it because they "hate" China etc etc is just crap. That's not how we operate here in Australia. Our institutions aren't corrupt.

There is literally thousands of Chinese companies doing business in Australia. So your argument is invalid.

sorry dude, sad news just came, your spy boss just arranged a sponsorship deal between Huawei and his local football club.

Last time i checked, China buys little if not any manufactured goods from Australia.

What a bloody load of joke. Australian food can be found in almost all supermarkets in Shanghai, you can even buy those bloody Bundaberg ginger beer!
What a bloody load of joke. Australian food can be found in almost all supermarkets in Shanghai, you can even buy those bloody Bundaberg ginger beer!

Australian food is not "manufactured goods"

Manufactured goods = Machinery, cars, electronics etc etc etc

Not going to respond to the rest of the trolling comments in your post.
CommsDay also understands that the government is highly concerned by the offshore dissemination of Australian citizens’ private data and calling information for use by customer service centres in locations such as India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

About bl**dy time!

This could lead to a requirement for all data to be housed onshore.

How would this work?

The CSR would need access to the data, so it would need to be accessible from these countries anyway.
If UK dont seem to have security concern with this company i dont see why australia should
i believe its stupidity and prejudice

Believe what you want to. That seems to be the answer that everyone says for everything "oh it must be stupidity, racism, prejudice blah blah" The most silliest assumption i have seen so far is some members saying "oh Australia doesn't want Chinese companies doing business Australia" when theres literally thousands of Chinese companies doing business in Australia. Why even bother making such a stupid statement? Why not post something that actually makes sense and is factual?

The fact is our security agency is Independent and makes decisions purely based on national security. It does not make decisions based off domestic politics, international politics, discrimination or any other rubbish suggested.

People are making silly assumptions because they don't have all the details.
It seems the UK DID have a problem with Huawei.

Probe in UK led to Huawei NBN ban

BRITAIN'S intelligence services were forced to erect a costly, resource-intensive auditing structure to ensure Huawei did not steal secrets after the Chinese telco was allowed to take part in a British broadband project.

As Foreign Minister Bob Carr moved to soothe tensions with Beijing, encouraging Huawei to expand its commercial operations in Australia in lieu of lucrative National Broadband Network contracts, the country's top signals intelligence expert, Des Ball, said yesterday there was "no doubt" Huawei partnered with China's espionage services.

BRITAIN'S intelligence services were forced to erect a costly, resource-intensive auditing structure to ensure Huawei did not steal secrets after the Chinese telco was allowed to take part in a British broadband project.

that article just prove that australia is american lapdog. no need to look for evident, just blindly follow what uncle tell you what to do.
that article just prove that australia is american lapdog. no need to look for evident, just blindly follow what uncle tell you what to do.

I'll give you a geography lesson.

The United Kingdom a.k.a Britain is not a part of America. :coffee:

Before commenting, actually read what is written. It will save you from making stupid statements.

As the article says, the decision was partly based off intelligence British intelligence gathered when Huawei participated in their broadband rollout. They didn't tell us to do anything based off British experiences with the company, ASIO made it's decision.
did i say britian is part of america?
the british were scared too at first, but then huawei gave them source code for monitoring. huawei then were allowed to take part in their broadband project, same with india.
australia on the other hand just blocking them outright under advice from yankee master to ASIO..
huawei is participating in 8/9 NBN around the world, those include russia, japan, uk, germany..majority obviously know more that you, especially japan and russia which should be more scared of huawei than anybody else.
did i say britian is part of america?

Yep. You quoted a piece of writing that said "Britain" and then said "this proves Australia is Americas lapdop" The United States has no connection to this whatsoever.
the british were scared too at first, but then huawei gave them source code for monitoring. huawei then were allowed to take part in their broadband project, same with india. Australia on the other hand just blocking them outright under advice from yankee master to ASIO

We make our own decisions as this proves. ASIO looked at the experience Britain had and decided that they wouldn't want to go through all that so they made their decision. Has nothing to do with the U.S.

Whipping out stupid conspiracy theories without any evidence or facts is completely pointless. I don't even know why you would bother.

If you actually knew anything about this subject, you would know that the Australian government has invited Huawei to tender for other projects relating to the NBN.

huawei is participating in 8/9 NBN around the world, those include russia, japan, uk, germany
Huawei has participated in projects in Australia before too. Which further proves that the ASIO decision is legit and the decision wasn't made to "stop Chinese businesses" or any of the other rubbish false allegations made by members on this forum.

Due to some connections Huawei has with certain individuals, an independent decision was made that they should not be allowed to participate in 1 specific tender. They are welcome to participate in any other tender unless security concerns are raised.

..majority obviously know more that you, especially japan and russia which should be more scared of huawei than anybody else.

It's about being "scared" You need to have a good understanding of the situation to be able to comment. People need to take things by face value and not make up wild theories. In Australia, we do things properly and our institutions are made independent so that they make independent decisions based on our countries best interest and not on outside interference.
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