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AURA , The Future of Indian Airforce


Mar 31, 2014
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AURA or Autonomous Unmanned Research Aircraft is an Indian initiative at building an Unmanned Combat Air vehicle (UCAV) with special preference given to the stealth features. The examples of these UCAV’s are X47 of US , Dassault nEUROn (France) & BAE Taranis , all of which are on the initial stage of development & testing. The X47b program of US Navy being front runner as it has recently started taking off from the US Aircraft carriers.

The purpose of the DRDO is to provide the Indian Air force with an option to deliver the payloads to enemy location without endangering the life of the pilot . This will act along side with the PAK-FA & AMCA , the 5thGenerations of fighter aircrafts that will start showing up on the IAF inventory towards the end of this decade or start of the next. The AURA program is also meant to compete with the other programs to provide the IAF with the best technically advanced UCAV which will form the backbone of the airforce in the next decade .

The important point to note is that DRDO has already made progress in the field of UCAV with the introduction of RUSTOM -2 UCAV which if going through the trails & is expected to enter service in few years. With two or more prototypes being built till now ,DRDO is fast tracking its UAV/UCAV programs to meet the requirements of the IAF.It also expected that most of the basic technological requirements for developing the UAV/UCAV will be tested on RUSTOM programs first before being implemented on to the AURA project.

One of the basic difference between the AURA & RUSTOM program is that the former is a stealth UCAV powered by a jet engine (possibly non after burning version of kaveri ) while the latter is a prop based engine . Both of this programs fulfill different purposes with Indian Armed forces ,one will serve as a surveillance UAV with long term endurance while the other will lead the attack on the enemy forces .

With the progress of DRDO programs in the coming days AURA is expected to make its first flight in 2015 .There is very less information about the program in the public domain because of it being a Black project, but the DRDO has shown its capabilities in the past years & Indian military establishment is also confident on the project.

One of the hurdle in the AURA project is the engine which is expected to be Kaveri non afterburning version , DRDO has not made progress in the indigenous jet engine project & the Indian military continues to depend on the foreign engine manufacturers for their requirements. With AL-41 & RD33 from Russia , F414 from US & Adour from Rolls-Royce the country depends on many manufacturers to keep its equipment’s at par. The HAL manufactures some of these engines at India but one of the most important aspect of the engine manufacturing ,the blades of the engine comes from abroad & HAL just do the assembly work.

If the engine problem is solved by the DRDO bases Labs India will join the elite club of U.S,France,U.K. &Russia with jet engine manufacturing technology. China is also making strives of progress in this field but is still struggling with ws10 engine for its fighter aircrafts .

We only hope that DRDO make progress with the engine technology & the stealth technology so that project AURA could become reality for the IAF .With AMCA & FGFA projects the DRDO labs are already working on the stealth aspect of the project.

AURA , The Future of Indian Airforce
If the engine problem is solved by the DRDO bases Labs India will join the elite club of U.S,France,U.K. &Russia with jet engine manufacturing technology.

That actually sums up what DRDO is always looking for with several of their project. They want to be as good as the bests, without even having the basics ready and most importantly, they only look at their own benefits and not of what Indian defence or Indian forces need!
AURA by ADA and DRDO, without our deficits even in basic aircraft design, let alone stealth design, with our lack of experience in developing unmanned aircrafts, with our lack of developing engines will not go anywhere, since it's based on nothing but hope!

- LCA is not ready developed to set up a baseline aero industry
- Kaveri development failed and had to be fixed before "hoping" to apply it to other platforms
- Not even Rustom 1 is ready and inducted yet, let alone Rustom H, or an armed version of it
- They have no knowledge about stealth design yet

There is no doubt that AURA is crucial for Indian defence, but if we keep basing these kind of developments on pure hope and patriotism, DRDO will keep hampering Indias defence capability only further.

before criticizing DRDOu have to understand that DRDO doesn't get enough money for R&D.... its budget is too poor as compared to other defense industries....

DRDO officials just confirmed that the lack of funds never caused delays of any of their projects, so when not even they take that as an excuse, we shouldn't either.
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GOI should increase fund for DRDO or make a joint-venture with Indian pvt firm
The day DRDO will be able to produce engines for 5th gen aircraft that will be the day to start trusting in DRDO. Other than that they are really bunch of incompetents . There are very few engineers and scientist doing their job with passion for others its alll about monthly salary. :undecided:
The day DRDO will be able to produce engines for 5th gen aircraft that will be the day to start trusting in DRDO.

The good thing is, Kaveri doesn't need 5th gen capabilities to power AURA, no SC, nor TVC, not even high power. So at least there DRDO should not be able to mess it up again, but who knows...
The day DRDO will be able to produce engines for 5th gen aircraft that will be the day to start trusting in DRDO. Other than that they are really bunch of incompetents . There are very few engineers and scientist doing their job with passion for others its alll about monthly salary. :undecided:
Bro,making equipments of war are no easy task and I agree that DRDO isn't exactly a crowd pleaser. But thats no reason to call'em incompetant or blame'em in any way. No one,I say no one ever has the rights to blame DRDO in any way. The men and women in DRDO could've easily flown away to NASA or Lockheed Martin or wherever their paycheques had more number of zeroes in it,yet they have chosen to stay and work for their country,and demands respect. DRDO has given us countless world class products from Ready-to-Eat chappatis to INSAS rifles to Akash SAM ,without which our armed forces would've been toothless.
Bro,making equipments of war are no easy task and I agree that DRDO isn't exactly a crowd pleaser.

Fair enough, but nobody asks them to please the crowd, but to provide our forces with weapons and techs to defend the country and make them less dependent on imports. But as long as they only promise and dream about these techs and weapons, but doesn't deliver them, they are of no use!

LCA not ready, started dreaming about AMCA
Puls doppler MMR not ready, started dreaming about AESA
Rustom not ready, started dreaming about AURA
EMB DRDO AWACS not ready, started dreaming about AWACS India
NAG, Sudarshan and Astra not ready, started dreaming extended range HELINA and Sudarshan, or anti radiation missiles

At least I am not expecting them to be world class, or to deliver topclass arms and techs, it would be more than enough if they can deliver average techs and system, that covers the low end in large numbers. But they simply aim too high and instead of finishing one thing, they simply aim to the next development and that's why they have to be criticised and why UPA or NDA must hold them accountable for what they actually deliver and not only for what they promise!
That actually sums up what DRDO is always looking for with several of their project. They want to be as good as the bests, without even having the basics ready and most importantly, they only look at their own benefits and not of what Indian defence or Indian forces need!
AURA by ADA and DRDO, without our deficits even in basic aircraft design, let alone stealth design, with our lack of experience in developing unmanned aircrafts, with our lack of developing engines will not go anywhere, since it's based on nothing but hope!

- LCA is not ready developed to set up a baseline aero industry
- Kaveri development failed and had to be fixed before "hoping" to apply it to other platforms
- Not even Rustom 1 is ready and inducted yet, let alone Rustom H, or an armed version of it
- They have no knowledge about stealth design yet

There is no doubt that AURA is crucial for Indian defence, but if we keep basing these kind of developments on pure hope and patriotism, DRDO will keep hampering Indias defence capability only further.

DRDO officials just confirmed that the lack of funds never caused delays of any of their projects, so when not even they take that as an excuse, we shouldn't either.
Was gonna write the same,u saved my time:D
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