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Attack on US Base in Kenya

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Al Shabab killed 85 Keniyans just last week in a terrorist attack.
Where was your support when US forces killed innocents in strikes in different regions >?

I was against the Iraq war, Libya war, Syria war. Only war I supported was the Afghanistan war because that’s where Bin Laden was located.

Communist China is the biggest threat to the free world.
Analysts believe that Iran will not attack directly as there is imparity of military power between Iran and USA - thus indirect and proxy attacks that USA could not even blame on Iran will take momentum.

Another unfortunate aspect of this war is that there is no end-objective stated by either side and both will just push the bar higher and higher for each other making innocent suffer on both sides.
So it has begun. Iran might not have anything to do with it but the timing cant be a coincidence. US will face the heat wherever they are stretched.
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FM Qureshi is today in Kenya.

Kenya should look to Malaysian model of security solutions provided by Pakistan.
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Al Shabab killed 85 Keniyans just last week in a terrorist attack.

Umm,no,4 people. Someone effed up! The airstrip had basically civvy security if you can imagine that and isn't actually on the base. No razor wire,dogs or electric fence.Camp Simba,established 2004 is not actually within KN Manda Bay base. The Kenyan navy built the base in 1992, in
response to the collapse of the Siad Barre dictatorship in Somalia the
year before, right about the time U.S. marines were stepping off their
amphibious ships and entering Mogadishu. Kenya's predominantly Muslim
northern coastal area is so remote that it was simply easier to send
military supplies to its border with Somalia along the coast using naval
vessels than to head up inland by vehicles, as the sandy roads are
impassable in the rainy season.

1 US Dash 8,avgas fuel depot and I think a KAF 208 ISR Cessna were destroyed.
Now I fully support US retaliation on any target they want.
Why? What the hell is US doing so far away from home in the first place? And if you are poking your nose where it doesn't belong than be prepared for things like the above to happen.
On top of that you actually have the audacity to call for US retaliation on any target? Will that bring you peace? Think Again! Attacking foreign soils will only increase attacks on US interests. The only solution is to stop being the global police, pack and leave. Worry about your failing infrastructure instead of policing the world and getting your men and women killed.
It may or may not be but the danger is some will try to settle own scores while others may just try to stir it up between the two countries and the US might just go gung ho.
Exactly, that’s the concern
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