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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

Two car bombs defused in Lahore: Civil defence

LAHORE: Pakistani civil defence experts on Tuesday defused two car bombs and recovered a stash of weapons after gunmen staged a deadly ambush against the Sri Lankan cricket team, an official said.

More details awaited.
India is trying to weaken Pak: Hameed Gul

Updated at: 1110 PST, Tuesday, March 03, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Former chief of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Gen(R) Hameed Gul said India is trying to weaken Pakistan.

Commenting on the attack on Sri Lankan team, Gul told Geo News that India wants to declare Pakistan a terrorist state and firing on Sri Lankan team is related to the that conspiracy.
To those who are already blaming RAW for this incident!! please stop your ignorant argument because it holds no merit and to be honest is quiet childish and irrational.

Until and unless something has been proven we should try to focus on whats really happening right now which is a major blow back taken by International Sports in Pakistan.

Here is what Dominic Cork had to say...

"Dominic Cork, who is commentating on the match in Lahore, spoke to Sky News: "I won't be coming back here while I'm still living. I don't think international teams should come back to this country, whether it's 10 or 20 years.""

This is just terrible!! i don't think condemnation is simply enough!! Something is seriously Fundamentally wrong inside Pakistan that needs a complete revolution!!


Should we take Hamid Gul seriously?? A Taliban Sympathizer!!
Two car bombs defused in Lahore: Civil defence

LAHORE: Pakistani civil defence experts on Tuesday defused two car bombs and recovered a stash of weapons after gunmen staged a deadly ambush against the Sri Lankan cricket team, an official said.

More details awaited.
Where was this?
India is trying to weaken Pak: Hameed Gul

Updated at: 1110 PST, Tuesday, March 03, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Former chief of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Gen(R) Hameed Gul said India is trying to weaken Pakistan.

Commenting on the attack on Sri Lankan team, Gul told Geo News that India wants to declare Pakistan a terrorist state and firing on Sri Lankan team is related to the that conspiracy.

People like Hamid Gul & Zaid Hamid are jokers...
If it not checked ppl like these'll sink pakistani nation in the Arabian sea.

On a more serious note ,terrorists attack like this can do and will happen in Pakistan & else where in the world.Its no reason to stop sporting activites.

They attacked fortified convey of Srilankan players,but failed to harm any player seriously that shows security was well enough and pakistani cops who took bullets to save the players showed first rate professionalism.

Now all these media guys asking ,how the attack can happen are total idiots .They should talk more how cops dealt with the attack & where abouts of the attckers now.
These are the same terrorists, who attacked Mumbai: Salman Taseer

Updated at: 1100 PST, Tuesday, March 03, 2009
These are the same terrorists, who attacked Mumbai: Salman Taseer LAHORE: Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer has said that the terrorists attacking Sri Lankan team were the same who attacked Mumbai.

Talking to journalists at the scene of incident, Punjab Governor said that the police have besieged the area. He said this attack was well planned and the terrorists appeared to be highly trained.

He said that immediately no country could be suspected for involvement in the incident, while helicopter has been provided for taking out the Sri Lankan team. Salman Taseer said that police besieging the area have started the search and orders have been issued for nabbing the culprits alive or dead.

Qasim Zia on this occasion said, “This attack is a conspiracy to defame Pakistan and we will take the accused to task”.
Sad event. Hats off to our elite police force who were protecting the convoy. MashAllah it's quite visible who's professional in dealing with such terrorism. A mere convoy of police was able to fight back against 12 armed gunmen who were probably planning this for months. Seriously, I can't be more proud of Elite force who were overwhelmed by this act yet they managed to defend and laid their lives in order to protect the guests.

Our neighbours should definitely learn a few things or two from this event and our elite police force. As far as pointing the fingers at RAW is concerned, it's too soon to do that. If we start doing that, we'll only lower ourselves to their hideous level, where they pointed a billion fingers at us while the Mumbai carnage was STILL active.

May our Jawaans rest in Peace.
As the news are comming it seems like a Commando Style HIT HARD AND GET OUT kind of a operation which took a lot of planning and effort as some of the attackers came in Rickshawz which were Driven or even bought by them ,so 1 cant compare them to the normal Taliban style Sucide Attacks as we have seen earlier in Pakistan ,then secondly it bear some resmbles to the Mummbai Attacks so who know what bigger game is going on ,but one thing is for sure that taliban involvment in this is quite impossible as they donot act in the way that it has happend because usualy they want people to know what they are doing to express there hatred or anger or what ever you call it ,so let just hope that this is not just brushed under the carpet but investigated thorly and if needed BOld steps to be taken to insure this never happens Again .
So it goes without saying... "Pakistani cricket ki, gai behnss paani main". Let's try football now.
Sad event. Hats off to our elite police force who were protecting the convoy. MashAllah it's quite visible who's professional in dealing with such terrorism. A mere convoy of police was able to fight back against 12 armed gunmen who were probably planning this for months. Seriously, I can't be more proud of Elite force who were overwhelmed by this act yet they managed to defend and laid their lives in order to protect the guests.

Our neighbours should definitely learn a few things or two from this event and our elite police force. As far as pointing the fingers at RAW is concerned, it's too soon to do that. If we start doing that, we'll only lower ourselves on the level of our neighbours who pointed a billion fingers at us while the Mumbai carnage was STILL active.

May our Jawaans rest in Peace.

Dont call them mere police, they are well trained elite police team.
"Dominic Cork, who is commentating on the match in Lahore, spoke to Sky News: "I won't be coming back here while I'm still living. I don't think international teams should come back to this country, whether it's 10 or 20 years."

lol u will come automatically when we will start PPL :D

4 persons have been arrested from Model Town and heavy ammunition has been recovered. Express News
I do not see any International sporting activity in pakistan for atleast next 5 years, I know there have been similar incidents in other parts of the world and these activities are continued..but not in pakistan for a simple reason-----Its Pakistan!
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