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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

I'd say what I've said all along.

Muslims are not a race.

It is stupid to talk of religion and success/inventions.

Just talk of Pakistan if you want to.

Or we could go back 600-1000 years and talk of the Muslims as the most advanced.

Peaks and troughs, colonialism, growth, repeat.

Hope you got that.

worth a buck! :tup:
I tell you a story:
There were two neighbours. One neighbour was jealous of the prosperity of another. So one day he planned to damage the other. He brought a snake and feedd it with milk by borrowed money and used extensively against the other neighbour. Now the situation is that the jealous neighbour has no source to borrow money from, hence cant feed the snake. As a result the snake is now biting his own master.

Now compare the snake with Taliban and LeT

Thankyou Mr. Snake for letting us know. :coffee:
Typical northern ****,cannot partake in a civilised debate and then starts throwing threats around,I did not bash my motherland only the fool's that are running it o.k.

I repeat my words again, you better watch your mouth, and keep $hit withing yourself.


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We are starting fall apart as a nation, we are being branded as 'Failed State'. A very sad day, but i fear there will many more such days as the GOP are more intrested in makeing themselves rich.
but thats for sure they were planning to hijack the bus after recovering food from back packs.....somthing went wrong before the execution of plan...either they were not fully trained or change of route at last moment disrupted the whole plan
We are starting fall apart as a nation, we are being branded as 'Failed State'. A very sad day, but i fear there will many more such days as the GOP are more intrested in makeing themselves rich.

If i had a rupee for every time i heard someone mention "Failed State" and Pakistan in the same sentence, i would be the next Bill Gates... Keep your wet dreams to yourself!
No Sri Lankan was killed or had any serious injuries. Six of our brave Pakistani policemen were martyred. They gave up their lives to save our visitors, save other innocent Pakistanis, to save Pakistan, a nation with 172 million people and the second largest Muslim population in the world.

Imagine today if we didnt have such brave policemen, Sri Lanka players would probably be taken hostage, the terrorists would've killed innnocent locals who were walking or driving on the same road, and Lahore would've been in the hands of these terrorists. We should be thankful for our brave policemen, we should pray for them and their families. The Pakistani government should take care of the martyred policemen's families for life.
Two suspects accused of liberty ambush held
Updated at: 0320 PST, Thursday, March 05, 2009


LAHORE: Investigation agencies claimed capturing as many as five suspects including two persons, accused of having involvement in Sri Lankan team assault, from Lahore and other cities of Punjab, Geo News reported on Wednesday.

According to sources, suspects had been residing in Lahore for some days and were being assisted from various cities of the province including Lahore.

Investigation agencies narrowed search operations monitoring selective suspected places following the information they sought from various secrets sources and launched several raids. As a result, five suspects were nabbed, sources added.

Also, sources confirmed involvement of Indian spy agency RAW in Lahore attacks as per preliminary investigation.

It is likely that agencies will make available investigative report on Lahore attack within 18 hours, sources predicted.

Two suspects accused of liberty ambush held - GEO.tv
Really , the situation is worse now.
Personally i feel sorry for the masses in Pak ... who suffer the most .

The Global Recession already had Hit Pak , and Now this New development will really make things go out of control.

Thanks for your concerns, I read that India's economy will face huge issues later in the year due to lay offs in the cheap labour sectors (i.e, IT, Orphan trade etc)

Most of the Western countries are trying to save jobs at home. This is a very sad situation for India.
We are starting fall apart as a nation, we are being branded as 'Failed State'. A very sad day, but i fear there will many more such days as the GOP are more intrested in makeing themselves rich.

Absolutely right! On top of that, Sharif brothers are trying to stage sit-in ... time for unity but our politicians are only thinking of themselves.
Absolutely right! On top of that, Sharif brothers are trying to stage sit-in ... time for unity but our politicians are only thinking of themselves.

I think it is time for a sit in to really know what the government is upto.

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