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That's an understatement. PressTV makes up entire news stories out of thin air. Other western media organizations sometimes gets details wrong, but they don't make up ENTIRE news stories. Infact i have never seen a media organization do that from any country in the world.


So do western media and later today when I get to work I will enjoy putting some examples up here
I invite you too. Provide an example from a major news organization. Even if you manage to find 1 story that is entirely fake in every aspect (which i highly doubt you will) it will compare in no way to PressTV who consistently releases completely fake new reports.
Oh Mosa,dear Mosa
Have you ever read Al-Arabiya Persian?Of course not because you can't.
The word Bull$hit can not even closely describe what this fake news agency spreads.
You have a pretty F**ked up media in your country,so first stick to them.

Some guys see Press TV as propaganda tool,i see CNN,BBC, Fox bs,Washington Post as propaganda.What is the difference here?
Every media serves it's interests and country.no odds here.
We accept that Press TV may be partisan but what about the criminal behaviour of western press where they have broken their own laws:

Rupert Murdoch and Media Corruption

Rupert Murdoch-fox-nazi- The endless cesspool which was Rupert Murdoch’s London tabloid News of the World is finished, however the underhanded corporate politics of the master nevertheless hold sway in the U.S. and Britain. Murdoch is definitely the great goule of mass media corruption and consolidation on both sides of the Atlantic. But he is not a solitary villain. “Murdoch wasn’t the only media beneficiary when the FCC allowed him and others to consolidate their power and influence.” All corporate media are truth thieves.

rupert-murdoch-king In the event it can be stated that there is a master of planet wide corporate mass media, that individual is Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch’s News Corporation reigns supreme in television and print media within his native Australia, the United States and the U.k.

United states citizens tend to be most acquainted with News Corporation ownership with the Fox news cable channel, the New York Post, Dow Jones Inc., the Wall Street Journal, and Twentieth Century Fox movie studio and others.

The Murdoch organization isn’t just big, it is known for a specific political mindset. In spite of the declaration of being “fair and balanced” Fox news along with other Murdoch outlets blatantly encourage and safeguard Right Wing bordering on Fascist interests, politics and Muslim hating propaganda.

One of Rupert Murdoch’s Newspapers is Mixed up in a Scandal so Debased that the Mogul is shutting it down.

One of Murdoch’s British newspapers, the News of the World, is mixed up in a scandal so tremendous that it prompted the mogul to shut down that publication. During a period of several years, the News of the World employed private investigators to break into in to the voice mail messages of members of the British royal family, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, celebs, along with other notable individuals.

The News of the World settled out of court with some of the people harmed by the invasion of privacy. In some cases, a reporter plus an investigator were sentenced to prison because of their actions. A lot of these cases are not new, and have been festoring just beneath the surface with the News Corporation effectively reducing bad publicity. Being able to keep this sordid story from impacting the conglomerate right up until recently is only one sign of the extremely corrupt partnership between corporate media and political figures.
British PM’s Communications Director Arrested for Criminal Conduct While in Rupert Murdoch’s Employ.

British Prime Minister David Cameron tapped Andy Coulson, a prior News of the World editor, to become his communications director. This appointment came into being inspite of the growing scandal. Coulson ultimately resigned as the story unfolded, and he has since been arrested, however his selection showed clearly that Murdoch believed he had absolutely nothing to fear from political figures and that he seemed to be right, to be so supercilious.

Rupert Murdoch’s Employees Obstructing Justice.

Like all criminal conduct however, some evidence came to light ultimately that changed the equation. A story broke that involved not only phone tapping but police misconduct and obstruction of a kidnapping and murder investigation. In 2002 a British adolescent was kidnapped and later found murdered. In the period she was missing but still not accounted for, her voice mails were erased and her family was given false hope that she was still alive.

It had been a News of the World private eye that erased the voice mails and jeopardized an ongoing police investigation. Some police officers were misdirected in their investigation in the case, while some were on the take and offered News of the World backchannel information in order to maintain a amiable relationship with the corporate power house.

The recognition of this affront caused immediate and widespread revulsion among the British public, worried advertisers, and prompted political figures to outdo each other in condemning the publication.

All this can make great fodder throughout the media, however nobody is discussing exactly what all this affirms about government and press relations and not simply in Britain but in the Uniited States as well. Murdoch acquired a permanent waiver of FCC rules which prohibit ownership of a newspaper and television station in the same city. The New York Post and WNYW television are all permitted to stay in his grip, and give him a disproportionately significant voice in the media capital of the United States. The media happen to be controlled by many wealthy individuals and corporations, and our ability get factual information and complete stories is jeopardized in this process.
Corporate Media, Maybe the Most Destructive Influences in Modern Society.

Money is a corrupting influence and corruption in the media is particularly insidious. All through history, the press have swayed public opinion, and through doing so structure events and influence popular thought on the important issues of the moment. The media even create issues which would not have existed before, this can be good or it can be used to distract from real imporant topics, like worrying about the dept ceiling, but not screaming over the fect that the war on Iraq is still going and that alone would handle the debt ceiling problem. When the press are concentrated into fewer and fewer and wealthier hands, the potential for abuse is enormous. Murdoch was not the only media beneficiary when the FCC allowed him and others to consolidate their power and influence. He’s one among the most visible.

Bad publicity aside, there’s every cause to think that Murdoch may succeed in purchasing Britain’s Sky News Service. He may be slowed by these events, but he’s rich and powerful and will eventually come out triumphant unless there is a massive public outcry for justice to be done on Murdoch himself. Depending upon which way the political winds blow, more reporters, editors and corrupt police officers may suffer, but it is the man with the gold who makes the rules.

Politicians in London, New York and Washington will still dance to the tune of the Murdochs of the world. It is they who decide who will and won’t be in the power in the first place throguh their corrupt media machine. Time to end Murdoch’s empire and put back in legislation that prevents this type of criminality from happening.

Must say this does not happen with Press TV


BBC and a lot of western media keep lying by saying Chinese news does not report disruption in torch relay. I heard this line repeated several times in BBC and some Canadian news network. CNN claim "Chinese are unaware of what is happening". They could have said China is putting a positive light or twist but no, they said it is NOT reporting so Chinese are ignorant and have no idea what is going on.

This video shows an actual Chinese news reporting both side. The worse you can accuse them of is putting positive spin.

BBC, CNN lies vs actual Chinese news report - YouTube
From: Russia Today
FOX, lies & the wrong videotape: What's NOT happening in Moscow
Published: 07 December, 2011, 23:10

Russia: FOX, lies & the wrong videotape: What's NOT happening in Moscow. - YouTube
With so much going on in the world today, one can see how easy it would be to get confused. Are those pictures of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? Poverty in Somalia or Congo? And what's a news program to do if there aren't any good pictures?

So producers all over the world search, and talk to their own crews or news agencies who provide feeds for everyone, and find the best shots to grace their air time.

Or -- in some cases -- ANY shots that look more or less similar to the covered topic. Case in point: protests in Russia and the ever-blundering FOX News.

Yes, there are mass protests in Russia. Have been, since election day on Sunday. Thousands have been gathering to speak their mind and protest the election results. Yes, hundreds have been arrested. For two days in a row, and for various violations. Yes, there are reports of police brutality and no; right now it's not possible to say whether they are true. It really does depend on the cops -- much as it does anywhere else in the world. In New York, for example, some police officers will look the other way when you are filming somewhere you technically shouldn't be; and others will detain you outside the United Nations building for no reason and refuse you your rights (and yes, all this did happen). Cops in Moscow are the same -- some are nicer than others, while some appear to be almost looking for a fight.

Regardless of all this -- yes, there are protests. But this, my friends, is NOT them.
Still shot from FOX news video coverage of "Russian" protests (click to enlarge)

Now, even though FOX news has kindly told us that this is, in fact, Moscow -- as a Muscovite, one glance is enough to tell me it's NOT. First of all, the phone box -- ours are a greyish-blue, and are few and between. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I saw a public phone box, let alone anyone using it.

Secondly, the people in the background -- the young couple pressed against the building? They're dressed in jeans and long-sleeved tees.

It's December. In RUSSIA. No one in their right mind would go to a rally (where most of the time, a lot of standing around is involved) in a tee shirt. People here wear thermals, ski jackets, hats and gloves -- the works. Stereotypes are based on fact, you know -- and Moscow is very cold in December.

But even if all of this isn't enough to convince you -- and believe me, I do not want you to just take my word for it, here is my final argument.
FOX, lies & the wrong videotape: What
FOX, lies & the wrong videotape: What
We accept that Press TV may be partisan but what about the criminal behaviour of western press where they have broken their own laws:

Rupert Murdoch and Media Corruption

Rupert Murdoch-fox-nazi- The endless cesspool which was Rupert Murdoch’s London tabloid News of the World is finished, however the underhanded corporate politics of the master nevertheless hold sway in the U.S. and Britain. Murdoch is definitely the great goule of mass media corruption and consolidation on both sides of the Atlantic. But he is not a solitary villain. “Murdoch wasn’t the only media beneficiary when the FCC allowed him and others to consolidate their power and influence.” All corporate media are truth thieves.

rupert-murdoch-king In the event it can be stated that there is a master of planet wide corporate mass media, that individual is Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch’s News Corporation reigns supreme in television and print media within his native Australia, the United States and the U.k.

United states citizens tend to be most acquainted with News Corporation ownership with the Fox news cable channel, the New York Post, Dow Jones Inc., the Wall Street Journal, and Twentieth Century Fox movie studio and others.

The Murdoch organization isn’t just big, it is known for a specific political mindset. In spite of the declaration of being “fair and balanced” Fox news along with other Murdoch outlets blatantly encourage and safeguard Right Wing bordering on Fascist interests, politics and Muslim hating propaganda.

One of Rupert Murdoch’s Newspapers is Mixed up in a Scandal so Debased that the Mogul is shutting it down.

One of Murdoch’s British newspapers, the News of the World, is mixed up in a scandal so tremendous that it prompted the mogul to shut down that publication. During a period of several years, the News of the World employed private investigators to break into in to the voice mail messages of members of the British royal family, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, celebs, along with other notable individuals.

The News of the World settled out of court with some of the people harmed by the invasion of privacy. In some cases, a reporter plus an investigator were sentenced to prison because of their actions. A lot of these cases are not new, and have been festoring just beneath the surface with the News Corporation effectively reducing bad publicity. Being able to keep this sordid story from impacting the conglomerate right up until recently is only one sign of the extremely corrupt partnership between corporate media and political figures.
British PM’s Communications Director Arrested for Criminal Conduct While in Rupert Murdoch’s Employ.

British Prime Minister David Cameron tapped Andy Coulson, a prior News of the World editor, to become his communications director. This appointment came into being inspite of the growing scandal. Coulson ultimately resigned as the story unfolded, and he has since been arrested, however his selection showed clearly that Murdoch believed he had absolutely nothing to fear from political figures and that he seemed to be right, to be so supercilious.

Rupert Murdoch’s Employees Obstructing Justice.

Like all criminal conduct however, some evidence came to light ultimately that changed the equation. A story broke that involved not only phone tapping but police misconduct and obstruction of a kidnapping and murder investigation. In 2002 a British adolescent was kidnapped and later found murdered. In the period she was missing but still not accounted for, her voice mails were erased and her family was given false hope that she was still alive.

It had been a News of the World private eye that erased the voice mails and jeopardized an ongoing police investigation. Some police officers were misdirected in their investigation in the case, while some were on the take and offered News of the World backchannel information in order to maintain a amiable relationship with the corporate power house.

The recognition of this affront caused immediate and widespread revulsion among the British public, worried advertisers, and prompted political figures to outdo each other in condemning the publication.

All this can make great fodder throughout the media, however nobody is discussing exactly what all this affirms about government and press relations and not simply in Britain but in the Uniited States as well. Murdoch acquired a permanent waiver of FCC rules which prohibit ownership of a newspaper and television station in the same city. The New York Post and WNYW television are all permitted to stay in his grip, and give him a disproportionately significant voice in the media capital of the United States. The media happen to be controlled by many wealthy individuals and corporations, and our ability get factual information and complete stories is jeopardized in this process.
Corporate Media, Maybe the Most Destructive Influences in Modern Society.

Money is a corrupting influence and corruption in the media is particularly insidious. All through history, the press have swayed public opinion, and through doing so structure events and influence popular thought on the important issues of the moment. The media even create issues which would not have existed before, this can be good or it can be used to distract from real imporant topics, like worrying about the dept ceiling, but not screaming over the fect that the war on Iraq is still going and that alone would handle the debt ceiling problem. When the press are concentrated into fewer and fewer and wealthier hands, the potential for abuse is enormous. Murdoch was not the only media beneficiary when the FCC allowed him and others to consolidate their power and influence. He’s one among the most visible.

Bad publicity aside, there’s every cause to think that Murdoch may succeed in purchasing Britain’s Sky News Service. He may be slowed by these events, but he’s rich and powerful and will eventually come out triumphant unless there is a massive public outcry for justice to be done on Murdoch himself. Depending upon which way the political winds blow, more reporters, editors and corrupt police officers may suffer, but it is the man with the gold who makes the rules.

Politicians in London, New York and Washington will still dance to the tune of the Murdochs of the world. It is they who decide who will and won’t be in the power in the first place throguh their corrupt media machine. Time to end Murdoch’s empire and put back in legislation that prevents this type of criminality from happening.

Must say this does not happen with Press TV


BBC and a lot of western media keep lying by saying Chinese news does not report disruption in torch relay. I heard this line repeated several times in BBC and some Canadian news network. CNN claim "Chinese are unaware of what is happening". They could have said China is putting a positive light or twist but no, they said it is NOT reporting so Chinese are ignorant and have no idea what is going on.

This video shows an actual Chinese news reporting both side. The worse you can accuse them of is putting positive spin.

BBC, CNN lies vs actual Chinese news report - YouTube

I asked you to provide links to totally fake news stories that any major western Media organization has reported.

All you have done is copy and pasted what looks to be a blog posts full of conspiracy theories and baseless accusations along with random people talking in videos.

Try again.

Simply post links DIRECTLY to the news reports that are completely 100% fake from any major western news media organization as i did with PressTV. Nothing else.
I asked you to provide links to totally fake news stories that any major western Media organization has reported.

All you have done is copy and pasted what looks to be a blog posts full of conspiracy theories and baseless accusations.

Try again.

Simply post links to the news reports that are completely 100% fake from any major western news media organization as i did with PressTV. Nothing else.

What the BBC saying they are showing Libya but showing India is not a lie??? :rofl: wake up from your denial and hatred of Press TV. Is that not a 100% lie????

Libya / Incredible media lies - BBC shows "Green Square" in INDIA, 24 August 2011 - YouTube
I asked you to link DIRECTLY to the fake news reports like i did with PressTV, but once again you haven't. I have asked twice now.

I await your DIRECT links.

P.S If you are unsure of what i mean by "direct links" i mean the news report links on the media organizations website or youtube channel. I'm not accepting random peoples videos or other unknown websites. It must be direct links from the media organizations website.
I asked you to link DIRECTLY to the fake news reports like i did with PressTV, but once again you haven't.

I await your DIRECT links.

Lie is a lie. What clothes do you and your ilk want to dress the lie. Do you deny that BBC was saying its Libya showing India?? The west are better liars than Press TV

Here is more manipulation from non press tv:

Syria - Manipulation and misleading of Al Jazeera about clashes news in Damascus - Mazzeh district 19-03-2012

Syria - Misleading of Al Jazeera about clashes news in Damascus 19-03-2012 - YouTube
Refer to my post above. Your not even responding to what i am saying.

I'm not watching ANY videos you post. I want DIRECT LINKS to the fake news reports.

You said you would post links to the fake news stories, but you haven't yet.

P.S If you are unsure of what i mean by "direct links" i mean the news report links on the media organizations website or youtube channel. I'm not accepting random peoples videos or other unknown websites. It must be direct links from the media organizations website.
Refer to my post above. Your not even responding to what i am saying.

I'm not watching ANY videos you post. I want DIRECT LINKS to the fake news reports.

You said you would post links to the fake news stories, but you haven't yet.

P.S If you are unsure of what i mean by "direct links" i mean the news report links on the media organizations website or youtube channel. I'm not accepting random peoples videos or other unknown websites. It must be direct links from the media organizations website.

You don't want to accept the information I have provided. Well I couldn't give a damn what you want. There are others out there who are not living in denial.
I simply want you to directly link me to these fake news stories. Why is it so hard? In your post at the top of this thread, you said you would. I have asked 4 times now and still you haven't posted direct links to the fake news stories.

If you post DIRECT LINKS to the fake news stories, i will happily agree with you if they are fake.
I simply want you to directly link me to these fake news stories. Why is it so hard? In your post at the top of this thread, you said you would. I have asked 4 times now and still you haven't posted direct links to the fake news stories.

If you post DIRECT LINKS to the fake news stories, i will happily agree with you if they are fake.

Obviously the ones that have been pointed out may have been changed. But Indian is Libya ??
I have posted a DIRECT LINK to a fake news report PressTV has reported on their website.
PressTV - US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya

I asked you to do the same, you agreed to, but you so far you haven't. I have asked 5 times now.

If these fake news reports exist, why are you unable to DIRECTLY LINK to them? If there were any fake news stories, you would have no problem linking me to them.
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