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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Geo reports say ALL "terrorist" dead. 4 suspects captured from outside the base.


I don't understand why we have to drag india in this debate? Its a war between the Taliban and American Allies (aka Pakistan). Both sides killing each other... where does India come in? Yeah, the might get happy or take advantage of the situation, but ITS OUR DOING. We as Pakistani's should wake up and say bye bye to america and bye bye to afghanistan. be independant!
this terrorist attack could not have taken place without 'insider' help. just like the GHQ attack, retired or serving NCO's/soldiers who had jahadist feelings have helped the terrorists in their planning and operation. the attack took place late on sunday night when there is 'mimimum' security (i dont know why but on week-ends the armed forces completely shut-down). there is very little traffic and the control-tower is also shut down. its high time that the peace-time SOPs are changed.

i am wondering if heads are going to roll on this one - from the base commander all the way to the top!!! - at least US$200m worth of equipment has been lost, not to mention the 'loss' of lives of the soldiers.
KARACHI: Pakistan’s navy says it appears to have regained control of a base that had been attacked and occupied by militants for more than 15 hours.

Spokesman Salman Ali said Monday commandos were still searching the sprawling facility in Karachi but that “apparently there is no more militant resistance.”

He says the navy would not release details on militant casualties until the base had been fully searched.

Taliban militants assaulted the headquarters of Pakistan’s naval air force, battling on Monday security forces in the most brazen attack in the country since the killing of Osama bin Laden, killing 13 people, injuring 16 others and blowing up at least two military aircraft.

The dead include 11 navy officials and one Ranger, DawnNews reported.

Blasts rang out and helicopters hovered above the PNS Mehran base near Shahrah-e-Faisal almost 14 hours after more than 20 Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants stormed the heavily guarded building with guns and grenades, blowing up at least two aircraft and casting doubt on the military’s ability to protect its installations.

The Pakistan Taliban, which is allied with al Qaeda, said the attack was to avenge the al Qaeda leader’s killing on May 2.

Bin Laden was shot dead by US special forces in a secret operation that Pakistan says breached its sovereignty.

“It was the revenge of martyrdom of Osama bin Laden. It was the proof that we are still united and powerful,” Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location.

Trucks carrying military and paramilitary rangers streamed into the base in the southern city of Karachi in the morning, as security forces tried to end the siege.

A senior security official, who declined to be identified, said the militants had taken over a building in the base.

Another official stationed in the base said the militants had not taken any hostages, but added: “There is a chance that some terrorists have suicide belts or jackets.”

Sixteen military men were wounded in the attack, some reports said that at least three militants had been killed while trying to flee but nothing has been confirmed so far.

The base is 15 miles from the Masroor Air Base, Pakistan’s largest and a possible depot for nuclear weapons.

“They were carrying guns, rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and hand grenades. They hit the aircraft with an RPG,” Navy spokesman Commander Salman Ali said of the militants.

A spokesman said two P-3C Orion, maritime patrol aircraft, had been destroyed and that intermittent gunfire was continuing.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said earlier that the militants had attacked from the rear of the base. “We have been able to confine them to one building and an operation is underway either to kill or capture them,” he said.

Media reports said the attackers had made their way in through a sewer pipe but that was not confirmed. The military’s goal was to capture as many of the attackers alive as possible, television reported.

The attack evoked memories of an assault on Pakistan’s army headquarters in the city of Rawalpindi in 2009, and is a further embarrassment for the military, widely seen as the only properly functioning institution in Pakistan, in the wake of bin Laden’s killing.

The military has come under intense pressure from the United States and its own people for failing to know that bin Laden had been living in a garrison town, north of the capital and near a top military academy, for years, and also for allowing five US helicopters to penetrate Pakistan’s airspace and kill him.

Wave Of Bombings

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack.

“Such a cowardly act of terror could not deter the commitment of the government and people of Pakistan to fight terrorism,” Gilani said in statement.

Pakistan has faced a wave of assaults over the last few years, many of them claimed by the Pakistani Taliban.

Others have been blamed on al Qaeda-linked militant groups once nurtured by the Pakistani military and which have since slipped out of control.

The Taliban have stepped up attacks since bin Laden’s death, killing almost 80 people in a suicide bombing on a paramilitary academy and an assault on a US consular vehicle in Peshawar.

The TTP is led by Hakimullah Mehsud, whose fighters regularly clash with the army in the northwest. The group also claimed responsibility for a botched plot to bomb New York’s Times Square last year.

The discovery that bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, has revived suspicions that militants may be receiving help from some people within the security establishment.

Washington sees Pakistan as a key, if difficult, ally essential to its attempts to root out militant forces in neighbouring Afghanistan.

“We condemn the attack and our sympathies are with the families of those injured or killed,” the White House said in a statement.

On April 28, suspected militants detonated a roadside bomb in Karachi, killing four members of the navy, the third attack on the navy in a week.
It was USA+Saudi who planted Jehad philosophy in the region(for fight against Soviets). Don't blame Pakistan for it. Also, try to be humble when in debate. This arrogance doesn't suit you.

i'm sorry but saying you guys had no hand in planting the jehadi bug in the people's mind is utter BS. True the US came to you as a way to give the Soviet Union "their Vietnam" but you guys could've said NO. instead, u chose to take what us Americans were offering. i'm not denying that the US was a party to all this, but just stating the fact that your then government headed by Zia ul Haq weighed the pros and the cons and decided to radicalize your country. it takes two to tango.
13 killed, 16 injured,two P-3C Orion's and a maritime patrol aircraft destroyed 1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
I am going to list the places where I should not be, in the up coming days...
My hunch is that there is definitely an Indian hand in this operation.

Though I am not a firm believer in their work ethics and competency level.

but somehow, everything points to India like:-

1) Attack on Orions. Only India benefits from it.

2) Dawn reports that Baloch insurgents and TTP have jointly claimed responsibility.

3) Karachi- A place where MQM has a stronghold.

4) Similarity with 26/11.

Even if the above all is true still the onus is on us. the aircraft we bought by spending a huge amount and were important enough that India was worried over its inclusion in Pakistan Navy. what we had done to avoid such massive well planned attacked ???

this is which is more concerning specially if the above is all true then it means our internal elements had joined hands with our enemy .
i'm sorry but saying you guys had no hand in planting the jehadi bug in the people's mind is utter BS. True the US came to you as a way to give the Soviet Union "their Vietnam" but you guys could've said NO. instead, u chose to take what us Americans were offering. i'm not denying that the US was a party to all this, but just stating the fact that your then government headed by Zia ul Haq weighed the pros and the cons and decided to radicalize your country. it takes two to tango.

perfect timing for u to join pdf....huh
A total of 4 P3 have been destroyed -- a loss of approximately $$200 million - How about those SSGN, great huh? I hope more and more Pakistanis are waking up from their stupor - Pakistan have a bloated and weak force structure, and in fact this force is more of a show force, because we can barely pay for their use - anyhow, now wait for the Op/Ed pieces praising the great job Kiyani, Pasha and the gang are doing and how this is not the right time for questions, and investigations
Do you consider- that after the death of OBL- even for a gas cylinder explosion TTP or Al-Qaida will be happy to take credit for it?- Just to show that without OBL- they are still capable effective and terrorists?-

After all this is another angle - So no need for conclusions yet-

So why they take the responsibility.They did not take responsibility of Benazir killing?
This is same as still people dont belive that Al-Qaida did 9/11 stuff and claim the responsibility but many of our people denied.Proving Osama(their hero) as lier.
we should accept that safe havens of terrorism exist in our country,they may have some foreign support but 95% is done by our people.The sooner we accept it will be better for us.This thinking has stopped us making a national terror policy for last 10 yrs and terrorist have got so much strength to carry out sucg attacks.
13 killed, 16 injured,two P-3C Orion's and a maritime patrol aircraft destroyed 1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

Isn't P3c a Maritime patrol aircraft ??or was there other maritime patrol aircraft stationed there???
i'm sorry but saying you guys had no hand in planting the jehadi bug in the people's mind is utter BS. True the US came to you as a way to give the Soviet Union "their Vietnam" but you guys could've said NO. instead, u chose to take what us Americans were offering. i'm not denying that the US was a party to all this, but just stating the fact that your then government headed by Zia ul Haq weighed the pros and the cons and decided to radicalize your country. it takes two to tango.

Dude he's an Indian. Zia was in pakistan..
A total of 4 P3 have been destroyed -- a loss of approximately $$200 million - How about those SSGN, great huh? I hope more and more Pakistanis are waking up from their stupor - Pakistan have a bloated and weak force structure, and in fact this force is more of a show force, because we can barely pay for their use - anyhow, now wait for the Op/Ed pieces praising the great job Kiyani, Pasha and the gang are doing and how this is not the right time for questions, and investigations

Muse link???
now what pakistan is waiting for while there own sankes are biting them

hate and anger will destroy and nothing will comeout

all pakistan memeber should think why they are playing in hand of army and isi

pakistan as an nation should be storng not as an army power
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