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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Last night some witnesses were quoted as claiming that the attackers were of foreign appearance, there were reports in the media that a French and a Turkish nationals were captured equipped with NVG. The likes of TTP lay claims to anything and everything. This attack is not what meets the eye since the PN has little or no role in the so called WOT.
Salute to the brave warriors for laying down their lives in the line of duty.
Why hasnt anyone come out in the public and blame India for carrying out the attacks like they did for the mumbai attacks :angry:
I think this attack was not about Killing for revenge...It was an attack for Showing Pak military what terrorists can do to them in their own backyard. A sensational attack always lower the morale of the armed forces as it gets highlighted in Media. Crush Them, show them that this attack only motivates the army ,navy and airforce to finish these terrorists off from the face of the earth.
maybe it was a smart move. the orions are probably the costliest things the PN has which can be taken out with one RPG. the PAF and army bases are too well guarded for them. so the terrorists struck the PN where it would hurt the most.

Atleast loss of human life was minimal.

Yes it was a smart move by terrorists and some most sophisticated highly informed and trained minds were behind this move because TTP 's uneducated rats do not know about what is P-3 C Orion and why it was important for Pakistan Navy. neither Pak Navy was going to attack Taliban sailing their submarines in Mountains.
Indian Security Force response was also Pathetic.. Infact whole establishment's attack was pathetic including Media..
10 intruders killed 176 civilians..Many lives could have been saved if the forces were properly equipped and the terrorists would have been killed...

Buddy give me a gun and a crowded place I can kill 176 people. Imagine a country like US couldn't save their civilians from a plane attack..a freaking plane attack. Its not so easy to stop them because we know nothing about them. It was in a hotel with suspected hostages. What would you want our military to do, to blast their way in and further kill our own civilians? I agree we were caught napping and its the only reason. There was an intelligence failure but I wouldn't agree our military failed.
As opposed to gaining so much sympathy and respect by blowing up Pakistani men, women, children in shrines, mosques, markets and other public places?

The strategic implications of targeting a naval base can hold true in case of Taliban also since they want the military to be humiliated and want to isolate and polarize various segments of society even further.

to attack a naval base and strategically destroy those planes, i dont think so, if you follow the news, the men were highly knowledgable and knew which planes to target, they probably have shaved beards, they were well trained and highly equiped, like night vision and latest automatic weapons
Of course is media is reliable. That's why they made up the whole "US apologizes to pakistan for drone strikes" BS

And not to mention the infamous FAKE Wikileaks report.

Yeah very realiable media. Which by hook or by crook establishes every link to Pakistan, like see this video, which says Jalalabad is in Pakistan.

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But the question remains..... Why would they do such a big ops to destroy P3s..... ??? It really sound fishy .... We all know P3 are no threat to taliban....

To gain attention..kill a few people in FATA as they do every other day..hardly any body notices(even Pakistanis on this forum do not bother to comment anymore)..do something like this..where even though human losses are minimal..it creates world wide headlines.
Geo just reported that no one was captured alive.... The last terrorist was caught by a ranger but he blew himself up.....The operation was slow because the priority was to capture them alive....Geo reported also said after destroying the P3 the terrorist knew where to go and they headed towards the block where chinese engineers are.....
I made this one for the memory of P-3C.
I look forward to what these dirty scum reveal after we hook them up to a few high output car batteries....no such attacj can take place without outside support. Now it appears ttp a so called "islamist" terror group and bla an ethnocentric terrorist group which is known to receive material and other support from a certain nearby enemy nation. It really is time to take the gloves off and fight the way fights are supposed to be fought

I hope this time they completely seal the hospital where they'll keep the injured terrorists- i dont want any Lahore incident to repeat here-
Last night some witnesses were quoted as claiming that the attackers were of foreign appearance, there were reports in the media that a French and a Turkish nationals were captured equipped with NVG. The likes of TTP lay claims to anything and everything. This attack is not what meets the eye since the PN has little or no role in the so called WOT.
Salute to the brave warriors for laying down their lives in the line of duty.

Ahh. More conspiracy theories. At least wait for the operation to be over and subsequent investigation to be completed before quoting eye-witness statements.
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