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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

I think it's time we realize who our real enemy is. If we take a look at who benefits most from this incident then it will be clear that our real enemy are USA-India-Israel. And that TTP is definitely created/funded by CIA/Raw/Mosad.

Let's see:

1. It is on record that there are hundreds of CIA contractors, Black Water agents and other staff working in Pakistan but I don't remember TTP ever attacked them. I wonder why? I mean if there enemy number 1 is USA and they attack Pakistan because they say Pakistan is supporting USA in WOT then why they have never attacked primary target!? Some of those Blackwater and CIA personnels are already known and their location is also somewhat known as we read in newspaper from time to time but why no attack on them by TTP in all these years?
And if I remember correctly they have killed some Chinese civilians too but not US civilians!?

2. Was PC-3 Orion being used for surveillance against TTP? Who gets most benefit from there destruction?

3. USA has been saying all along that Pakistan nukes are in danger. So an attack on Naval base with aircrafts destroyed, they will use it as an excuse to spew more venom against Pakistan. Isn't it so convenient that the TTP is there to help USA's stance by attacking a military base?

4. You have to understand that Pakistan is in great danger. People say that our nukes are pretty safe, there are codes and protocol to follow bla bla bla and they can't be stolen or used without permission. Well people also used to say that a military base is a high security zone where terrorists can't do anything but look what happened? Do you see where it is going? They are upping the stakes one step at a time.
First it was just civilians, then army personnels, suicide bombings, attack on forces buses and caravans, attack on GHQ and now attack on naval base with 2,3 aircrafts destroyed!

Do Hell with conspiracy theories...
Weather you Reply in Bold or Italic or Bold italic - Meaning Remain Same

LeT was behind Mumbai 26/11. ( No Need to find Reason from Delhi, Watch Court Case in Washington)

Let is whose sister organization, You must be aware. If One part harms with + in INDIA then Its Security Breach and when 2nd Part harms inside, then ?

Talking about NDTV ??? I am watching NDTV for last many hours Non-Stop. They are showing Live Telecast of Express 24x7. All Pakistani Media coming on NDTV. and who is Speaking on NDTV ?? All Pakistani Politicians, Army men, Journalist of Pakistan. (100% Speakers are from Pakistan) you should watch Express 24x7 to know what they are saying themselves to know more about NDTV..

India's Biggest threat is AQ, Taliban, LeT and not Pakistani people. Everyone should Unite to Fight Against Terrorism. A Peaceful Earth is good for everyone.

Few Chinese People are posting Craps just for sake of Posting. I really doubt Its real Chinese :what: view, Last year i was in HongKong for 8 months and I met many many Chinese people and Today i have more Chinese Friends than any Pakistani friend here. In real world, I Never found a Single Chinese person anywhere in world who even said any evil things about India. Chinese People are really good and focus only their life rather than useless war. Chinese people really Like India and So Indian. Forgot about War between these 2 countries, Both will be Very Good Friend in Next few years. This Forum should be considered as Posting 5 Personal Views of Chinese and not Reality of Billion of Chinese People :coffee:

My personal View is that there will be No War among India, China, Pakistan, even U.S. or Europe or Russia at least in 10 Years. All Politicians of Pakistan and India is Just USING WAR WORDS to Hide its inefficiency. War will only be played on Forums not in Reality ;-)

I Hope Pakistani will able to fight and End this Terrorism soon. And All 4 Should be Hanged till Death after revealing Their Locations of all TTE or AQ or whatever is.

Consider me as Neutral Person. I am never biased. :cheers:
Always overshadowed by the Air Force, the Navy wanted to prove it can outshine the air force in sheer incompetence...god help this nation, because most Pakistanis are too busy blaming every foreign force imaginable...instead of accepting the war is now very much for the very existence of the Pakistan we know and love...root out the extremist elements or things will only get worse...their ability to wage war is ever increasing while our armed forces crumble under the pressure of fighting all over the nation...the terrorists have endless impressionable youth to pick from.
We made this mess by supporting these elements and now they are completely out of hand...we must take responsibility and go after them, and not in the half hearted manner seen so far.
For all those who criticized Indian security forces for slow progress on Mumbai attacks, what would you be calling this? Mumbai attacks were carried out on civilian establishments. Our military has to be careful to avoid hostage situations. Also there were multiple locations which were attacked. But here a key military installation is attacked and your military is still fighting albeit slowly.

The two situations can not be compared. It took your elite commandos three days to clear the terrorists and a number of hostages were killed with reports suggesting that some died of commandos firing. Israel protested strongly the way situation was handled. There were three buildings mainly involved where action too place.

In our case the base contains military assets that need to be saved and therefore the action is slow also the area is approximately 10 kilometers in size and securing such a area takes time. It is still day one.
Haha. This is a typical TALIBAN type attack. A bunch of fidayees (or terrorist as you may call them) have attacked non civilian (army/navy etc) installation and are fighting to their death.

Its very brave of them! When you (pakistan) starts an operation against the mujahids and help americans in killing them in afghanistan/pakistan, you should be prepared for retaliation

Latest news: Siege still going on. 14 pakistani men confirmed dead. 4 "terrorists" reportedly blow themselves up and 4 captured (not confirmed by official forces)
Don't worry - One day scums like you will be captured and torched to hell and then killed.You will of course get a danda up your a$$ in due time.I do hope moderators take the time to report your IP to concerned authorities.Although i don't think that would be of much use as your intentions appear suicidal and you may blow yourself up one day.
Looks like some pimps are trying to make their masters happy. Blody *ing hindu.. Piss drinker
You are not thinking right. I am sad for your situation. Let us hope that there are no more planes burnt and no more lives lost in this terrorist incident. Pakistani forces lives should not be lost anymore. We can talk about the bad things in india and the religion and the drinking habits later. Once again, sorry for your situation and sympathies are with you.
In the next attack - we should see a even more complex attack --- notice what Pakistani troops ride to the fight in - thin skin - it would be a damn shame if troops on the way to the fight were targeted by small IED or even one or two individuals taking a couple of shots along the route - an Afghan style rolling ambush - yes, that would be a shame especially in a urban environment

Thanks for giving them the brilliant idea think tank- are you one of them Islamistss?-
LOL Here comes RAW-Mossad-CIA theory again with blackwater in the mix.

These people have zero credibility, every luney weird, and conspiratorial story is what they clutch to like a drowning man clutching at straws - but they are the propaganda brigade of the Islamist enemy, their job is to confuse, to obfuscate .
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