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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

This event clearly exposes the fact that Pakistani navy is incompetant and needs the help of a trusted close powerful ally to help protects their mutual strategic intersts with that trusted close powerful ally.

The Pakistan navy can not even protect its own base, what will happen when India or U.S. invades the coast in Balochistan.

All Pakistanis should welcome a Chinese naval base after this event.

I have never seen such a defeated post from any pakistani member before. Do you think If you give a base to china, all your problems are vanished??
After the initial chaos, India dispatched MARCOS and Black Cats to deal with terrorists. It still took special forces more than 12 hours of fighting to bring the situation under control. Clearly, terrorists in Mumbai were not some two bit rag-tags.

dude their are hundreds of hostage, that was the different operation..
After the initial chaos, India dispatched MARCOS and Black Cats to deal with terrorists. It still took special forces more than 12 hours of fighting to bring the situation under control. Clearly, terrorists in Mumbai were not some two bit rag-tags.

That is in urban area, all of the search and apprehension of civilians, there are some major restrictions on special forces.
Heavy gunfire exchanged with small explosions for a few minutes, has died down again. #karachiattacks
There is a strong possibility that there was help from ex-army men and what not and that should be exposed and investigated.

It should be but it won't be -- because if it is then the Fauj will have no choice it will have ot drop this ambiguity business - it will have to dismantle Jihadi organizations, it will have to tell the Saudis to stick it -- can they do all this and still be the Fauj?? If you see our threads on the land forces board we argue that the FAuj needs RECONSTRUCTION - the way it is, it's a liability
Situation worsening in Pakistan day by day.

The new Al Qaida chief (What's his name? - I think it was something like Aqeel or Abdeel or something like that) has already vowed to retaliate for OBL's death.

Is this attack just the beginning?
After the initial chaos, India dispatched MARCOS and Black Cats to deal with terrorists. It still took special forces more than 12 hours of fighting to bring the situation under control. Clearly, terrorists in Mumbai were not some two bit rag-tags.

You can compare mumbai with moscow theatre incident. It was very difficult with hostages involved, collateral damage is almost assured. It was not easy, ask the russians.
It's Abib or something.It is said he has come into Afghanistan.TOLO news telling that Mullah Omar has been Shot dead.
Situation worsening in Pakistan day by day.

Its not "worsening" day by day in Pakistan. The situation has been like this for the past 4/5 years. Some months you'll see an upsurge in violence and some months it won't be too bad.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

Sounds like it was the final assault by the SSG commandos.

Lets hope so
I have never seen such a defeated post from any pakistani member before. Do you think If you give a base to china, all your problems are vanished??

I am just being realistic here. If the Pakistani navy can not protect its base in the former capital of Pakistan and the largest city of Pakistan, then how can Pakistani navy protect Pakistan from invading armies of Indians or Americans in the coast of Balochistan and Sindh?

China is the only country that Pakistan shares all strategic interests in the region with and is the most powerful country in Asia. China has spent billions of dollars in projects and its investments and interests in Pakistan that it wants to protect. Pakistan needs a Chinese naval base in Pakistan more than China needs it. This event have clearly shown that. No other power, except China, can be trusted with Pakistan's strategic interests.
Pre-positioned -- inside job, with the help and cooperation of low level Pakistani soldiers, airmen and sailors -- Now this cannot be hidden from the world, that the real reason Pakistan does not make progress against terrorism, and Islamist extremism, is because a good portion of it's forces are suffer from the contagion of Islamism - so small acts of sabotage are now common and of course large operations like this are also considered - the blame will go on "foreigners", Indians and Mossad and Martians -- but the world will now know exactly where the rot is and so will the people of Pakistan --
You Sir are making a bold accusation here, may i ask on what basis are those made on? Yes Pakistan is facing attacks on daily basis, but to say we have made no progress is a bit over stretch even for your standards...don't you agree?
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