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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Poor Pakistanis, the between their duplicitous politicians, incompetent and scheming soldiers, murderous religious scholars, their tribal teenage suicide bombers, their gang members that surpass the number of police -- it's enough to drive them into DENIAL - yes that river in Egypt through which all that Pakistan knows flows through:

Are all tribals our enemies? Are all Muslims, Are all Wahabis, Are all Deobandis? All urdu speakers?? and what of those Pounjab de putr??

These questions are not particularly cleaver but they are designed to ensure Pakistanis remain confused, that they never articulate clearly who the enemy is -- well, lets break that chain, the enemy is the Islamist ideology powered by dollars from Saudi Arabia, in pursuit of their war against all other kinds of Muslims - In Pakistan, this means killing the state, country and Nation that Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Quaid E Aazaam created and to replace it with a Islamist hell hole

But wait - does that mean we have to kill all our enemies, be theuy tribals, Urdu speakers, Pounjabis, Wahabis or whatever?? Hell yes!!, That's exactly what it means.
New alert on ARY, 7 Security personal & 4 Terrorist has been killed so for.............
According to reports: Pakistan Navy has so far lost 6 sailors, 1 Rangers guy. Terrorists were using heavy machine guns, RPGs, Hand Grenades and 4 terrorists killed, 3 have killed themselves, 4 arrested.
Is the guy in the first pic sporting a scooter helmet?

Looks like a cooking pan.

I wonder how terrorists can get into a naval base so daringly? Lets see how long it takes for the commandos to clear the threat. For every second longer the terrorists are inside the base more embarrassing it is for the military establishment. Its been over 12 hours since the initial attack.
But are these TTP scums to be trusted? They have no trouble in killing innocent people around Pakistan and remember the the whole Swat fiasco? Should we trust them enough that they won't harm us if we stop cooperating with America? With the Swat deal they didn't keep their promise, why would they keep any other promises? There should be a strict consenus against the TTP and if there are any Pakistanis STILL supporting them then they are the lowest of the low.

First you end the reason for them to attack us than when America will leave you can take help of Mullah Omar because Mullah Omar is against attacks in Pakistan and they use his name wrongly in attacking Pakistan but when Mullah Omar will expose him they will lose all the support which they have
After Pakistan ends cooperation with USA on WOT TTP won't have any reason for these bombings. Even today when they claimed responsibility of these attacks they said we conducted these attacks because of Pakistan's slavery to USA.

Do you really believe that? They are your sworn enemies, who consider you to be the infidels (even though you share the same faith, their version is a twisted one) and kill your people by the hundreds and you are ready to negotiate?its a naive notion if you ask me. in other words, you are expecting the terrorists to think rationally? well good luck with that. As i said in a Previous post, Pakistanis need to rid themselves of the mentality that they are fighting an American proxy war. The terrorists are not on your doorstep any more, they has broken through your defenses and its now wreaking havoc in your major cities. So you can keep calling them your people and cutting them some slack time and time again but extremism is eating your society from the inside like a termite. its your choice to let the whole charade carry on, or muster the courage to do something about them. they later would serve your purpose better. ( personal view, open to debate.)
After Pakistan ends cooperation with USA on WOT TTP won't have any reason for these bombings. Even today when they claimed responsibility of these attacks they said we conducted these attacks because of Pakistan's slavery to USA.

Do you really believe that? They are your sworn enemies, who consider you to be the infidels (even though you share the same faith, their version is a twisted one) and kill your people by the hundreds and you are ready to negotiate?its a naive notion if you ask me. in other words, you are expecting the terrorists to think rationally? well good luck with that. As i said in a Previous post, Pakistanis need to rid themselves of the mentality that they are fighting an American proxy war. The terrorists are not on your doorstep any more, they has broken through your defenses and its now wreaking havoc in your major cities. So you can keep calling them your people and cutting them some slack time and time again but extremism is eating your society from the inside like a termite. its your choice to let the whole charade carry on, or muster the courage to do something about them. they later would serve your purpose better. ( personal view, open to debate.)

Regardless of extremist action, but this action more like a well-trained military action, it is very clearly targeted, the purpose is clear to the military bases and importantmilitary resources (PC3), do you really think that extremism can have Such action?
But are these TTP scums to be trusted? They have no trouble in killing innocent people around Pakistan and remember the the whole Swat fiasco? Should we trust them enough that they won't harm us if we stop cooperating with America? With the Swat deal they didn't keep their promise, why would they keep any other promises? There should be a strict consenus against the TTP and if there are any Pakistanis STILL supporting them then they are the lowest of the low.

Nobody is trusting them. Nobody is giving them the charge of FATA. We are just siding us away from America's war to make it our own war. And as you give the example of Swat if they continue their activities against the State of Pakistan, it would be more easy to fight against them just like it was against Swati taliban when continued their activities after the nifaz e shariat. The major reason behind the success of that operation was because their was consensus among the Pakistani people. Right now being an American slave we definitely can't build that consensus even I know this thing looks stupid.

Dance just for one second think. If the advantages of this WOT are greater than the disadvantages then please continue with the war. BUT if the disadvantages are greater than the advantages I think we should quit this BS. Think yourself.
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