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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Terrorists used a sewerage line behind the PNS Mehran to enter the base, unconfirmed reports suggest. Rangers have been deployed at the entrance of the line.
Law enforcement agencies from many towns have been called in to surround the entire base to ensure the terrorists do not escape, confirms Express 24/7 reporter Ahmed Jung.
inteligence agencies CANT predict everything!!!!!!!!!!
people see stuff happening everyday, but no one cares to report!
they DONT have that many agents or informers for every city!

anywayy if u people have some common sense left then u would understand...
Well, even if ONE American was there on assignment at the base near the attack place then we can pretty much rule out CIA doing it. Americans may do false flag but not kill their own because 'truth' eventually comes out and there are severe consequences then.
Technically it is not possible ...

like GHQ attack, Naval base attack... It's very high security area like Mehran Base. Half of the boundary of this base have no fence nor full security. A small bridge called (Malir nadi bridge) i think also passing through very near from this base. Might be possible terrorist use that way for such operation.

Technically its not possible. In my opinion these are not terrorist. It is pure special force style group who are conducting such attacks since last many years on high secure location like GHQ, Naval Base and others. From past 2 months many attacks on Naval buses, Naval officers. This is very very serious situation our security and agency are completely failed to stop such attacks. Such attacks not possible without help from INSIDE Base or compound etc. Such attacks need very very authentic information that how ... which route... which place.. which target.. pure information always possible from INSIDE base. Kind of events not possible by normal terrorist whom just go for single objective. This is a proper group (like sort of well equipped (armed) team along with very well information providers) with latest guns and weapons.. gadgets and military equipment.

Pakistan suffer just because of this WOT. We have to options now... its very very serious..

1, First declare its out war and we dont need any fund from US and via use UN tel the world that its our war now.. we dont need any kind of American or any international help. We will finish these groups etc our self... So that world will understand its Pakistan War and Pakistan will do it his self without any help. Nor anyone provide fund. So that we will either deal talk with these groups like American talk with Taliban and control the situation


2, Immediately exit WOT, again same Talk with Taliban (when Americans are doing same thing with taliban) why not we ? It's for our interest we will talk with these groups IF THEY ARE REALLY Exsits because i still have faith on this ... these TTP etc groups are nothing only funded organizations by our enemies from Afghanistan side. The real terrorist based is Afghanitan where Americans, NATO along with Indians are helping funding these peoples. Simply we dont have such things before 9/11.

It's very important to change WOT policy!

Still this is not possible (NAVAL BASE ATTACK) without Inside authentic information providers help... its very massive security in front ... 4 - 5 major checkpoint.... normal common sense person always have similiar question.

What are agencies doing ?
Where is Pakistan security
Why not we take action against our Military generals because of whom today PAkistan and poeple of this nation suffering alot because of their decisions

Many Many question!
Security forces killed six attackers, who assaulted PNS Mehran, and detained four other attackers, unconfirmed sources said.

According to the sources, two P-C3 Orion aircrafts have completely destroyed while seven bomb explosions have been reported.

According to spokesman of Pakistan Navy one aircraft was attacked. Two officials were martyred while two others received injuries.

House of saud should be paying for new p3 Orion as its there pets that have destroyed Pakistan property
It seem Pakistan will become thinner and thinner after very strong in thick.

Routine attack on GH, Navy, army, people. What can we do cover up the loss of 3 PC Orion ??

I hope it is not 3....i heard 1 Orion is completely destroyed as it's fuel tank burst and caught fire. The other one is damaged due to heat and fire. Let see......
My main concern is that in the aftermath (or during since its still going on). Some retards are coming in and taking detailed pictures of these extremely viable areas. This is a big concern and should be stopped immediately.
Dawn news is reporting that a lot Karchites have come out in swarms outside the base are enjoying the chaos as if late night matinee show is going on .. making videos of the incident ..police are unable to push them back.
P-3C Orion is a maritime surveillance aircraft and its targeting may be part of a larger plan.

As a security measure, the maritime surveillance should be increased because the targeting of P-3C Orion may be a precursor to a maritime intrusion.

On the other hand, may be the it is part of a deception plan to make Pakistanis concentrate on the maritime surveillance and then use another method of intrusion.
The \'obtrusions\' and security mechanisms in place that were obviously breached is a cause for concern, and that is what I stated in my earlier post.

However, understanding the layout of the base and the locations of the P3\'s is not something that requires some deep and pervasive presence of extremist sympathisers in the military - one or two active or former technicians or other personnel with access to the base would be able to provide that information.

The actual execution of the attack, if it involved security personnel at the base allowing \'safe ingress\' to the attackers, is yet to be investigated and determined.

Well our very own security officials are stating that there is internal support which allowed this to happen.

You just can't walk in here from any place with rocket launchers and machine guns.
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