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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Few untrained, uneducated Talibans can royally screw your so called "protected" area. Imagine what would have happened if India or US wanted to indulge or support these terrorist activities within Pakistan. Please try to be practical and stop the blame game.

Untrained and uneducated people can't do such attack without external help you better save your logics if tomorrow something like this happen in India.
This thread can be merged with the existing attack thread if the moderators feel like.
Can you tell me what US and Chinese engineers were doing together on that base?

maybe they were not engineers, maybe a high level meeting was going on to plan another bombay attacks ? didnt your media figure it out ? :P
He Must accept failure and give resignation rather thn giving b**** non sense statements" he is Pakistan Navy spokemen and Chief not Terrorist Chief!

I think you are angry and just need someone to quash your anger on.

I find nothing wrong in what Pak-navy Admiral said. Even NSG chief said same thing about terrorists after 26/11. He is just telling about background of attackers. Nothing wrong in it.
Dr. Mazari have hit the nail on its head. She is right to raise all those important questions, but unfortunately the Military Brass is not ready to acknowledge its mistake and incompetence rather chose to stay quite which is actually doing more harm then good.
Islamist militants have stormed one of Pakistan's largest military bases, attacking a US supplied surveillance aircraft, in a move that will cause further embarrassment for the country just weeks after the death of Osama bin Laden.

Four people including a Pakistani navy officer and a fire fighter were believed to have been killed after up to 15 militants entered the high-security Mehran naval station in the southern city of Karachi. The attack late on Sunday is believed to be the most serious attack against the military since October 2009.

According to navy spokesman Irfan ul Haq, the fighters split up into smaller groups to set off the explosions before hiding in the sprawling security facility.

A P-3C Orion, a maritime surveillance aircraft recently given to Pakistan by America, was destroyed, a second navy spokesman, Salman Ali, said.

One report said a team of US technicians were working on the aircraft at the time of the strike, but US Embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said no Americans were on the base.

The attack began with at least three loud explosions heard by people who live around the base, according to one report. while the Associated Press reported there were at least six other explosions and sporadic firing.

Several dozen navy and police commandos sent in to battle the militants were met with gunfire and grenades from the militants, said Ali.

The coordinated strike rocked Pakistan's largest city just under three weeks after the death of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in a US raid on the northwestern garrison city of Abbottabad. Extremists allied with al-Qaida have vowed to avenge his death.

The killing of bin Laden triggered a strong backlash in the country against Washington, trying to support Pakistan in its fight against militants, as well as rare domestic criticism against the armed forces for failing to detect or prevent the operation.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attack, saying such a "cowardly act of terror could not deter the commitment of the government and people of Pakistan to fight terrorism."

Sunday's raid appeared to be most serious against the military since October 2009, when militants attacked the army headquarters near the capital, Islamabad.

The country's security forces, following heavy US prodding, have launched several operations against militants in their heartland close to the border with Afghanistan over the last three years. But extremists have struck back against police and army targets around Pakistan.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

However the Pakistani Taliban, an al-Qaida allied network which has previously launched attacks in Karachi, has pledged to retaliate for the death bin Laden, and has claimed responsibility for several bloody attacks since then.

The US gave two Orions to the Pakistan navy at a ceremony at the base in June 2010 attended by 250 Pakistan and US officials, according to the US Central Command website.

It said by late 2012 the Pakistan would have eight of the planes

Pakistan military base attacked by Islamist militants | World news | guardian.co.uk
Naval Chief was addressing a press conference here after all the terrorists were eliminated in retaliatory operation by Pakistan’s armed forces to regain complete control of PNS Mehran.

He said two destroyed aircrafts P-3C Orion were worth $40 million. “Terrorists stormed PNS Mehran from Eastern corner and were well-trained sharpshooters.”

“After securing entry into naval base, two of them got onto a tower while as many remaining hid themselves behind bushes,” he revealed adding, they subsequently fired six rockets.

Nauman dismissed rumors of security breach. “This attack could not be termed as security lapse,” he stated.

Navy commandos reached the base three minutes after armed assault, he added. He said that Lieutenant Yasir led the retaliatory operation and was martyred in the process.

After the first assault, the terrorists were not allowed to continue attack any further, he added.

To a question, Admiral Nauman Bashir said that terrorists succeeded to flee the base after assault.

Militants targeted Navy, not aircrafts: Naval Chief

I wonder what else is a security breach in the good admiral's dictionary?
Absolutely unacceptable that our High Command is still content with its head buried in the sand.

I guess they are reflecting the same mentality as of the people who are saying that suicide bombings cannot be done by "our people" since no Muslim can do this...for god's sake wake up and let us take on this rabid dog!
The failure to segregate between "our people" and "not our people" shall ofcourse have dire consequences for us as we are witnessing today.

We should investigate the tragedy as a security breach so that we get to the depth of the matter!

To say that it was not a security breach is quite a strange comment at this stage.
In all aspects it was a failure and a security breach!
The admiral should have instead promised that we shall hold a thorough investigation and if there is any evidence of treachery then the perpetrators and all supporters shall be severely dealt with as per military law.
Either way, Pakistan should take this opportunity to launch an operation against the groups responsible, whatever form of support they have provided in this attack on Pakistan...
And i mean "whatever form of support"...
I think you are angry and just need someone to quash your anger on.

I find nothing wrong in what Pak-navy Admiral said. Even NSG chief said same thing about terrorists after 26/11. He is just telling about background of attackers. Nothing wrong in it.

I think u did not understand the meaning of attack on some hotel or attack on MILITARY BASE! and engage military IN military base more thn 14 hours!
we are forgetting the human element of mr Admiral. He was visibly embarrased and one man one being grilled by a hoard of hostile journalists. No wonder his commrnts were incoberant and nln professional.
I dont think he will be sitting on his back side doing nothing. All the security and intelligence must be in motion and they will comr up with something.
I think you are angry and just need someone to quash your anger on.

I find nothing wrong in what Pak-navy Admiral said. Even NSG chief said same thing about terrorists after 26/11. He is just telling about background of attackers. Nothing wrong in it.

NO. The Admiral knew nothing what he was talking about. While I listened to that moron speak I felt as if he is cheif of Taliban Navy praising the ferocity and tenacity of his troopers. He failed to not only acknowledge his incompetence instead made those taliban terrorists look like ten feet men, further demoralizing the security forces. He just failed to see his own force failure and choose to blame terrorist training. The journalist was right to question him as to when he will sending his men for training there.
There is no doubt now he is incompetent of extreme proportions. If it would have been any other place then Pakistan his bum would have been on his way home already but thankfully we live in MoronISTAN.
The Game is On!!!

No submarine conduct in NAVY since last many years
After Zardari Govt Cancelled 214 German subs Deal
Many Attacks on NAVY from past few months
26/11 Mumbai India and international media soo much blame on Pakistan NAvy even that was biggest failure fo so called blue water navy (India)
2 More very very important mari-time P3 Orion destroy

remember PAKISTAN NAVY is not power full Navy already!

Why are we fighting them in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Karachi, lets take the fight to them, evacuate the NWA,SWA one final time, let women, elderly and children out and the level the place. Its time to clean the swamp. If we still need to keep some snakes, lets remove their venom for now and put them in cages.

Unfortunately bro, it seems the upper echelons of our military have become not only incompetent but gutless too. As brave and as fearless the young mid to low ranking officers are, their sacrifices are for all to see, jumping in the midst of a fire fight without questions asked. The top level have become so greedy and corrupt due to money.

They don't have the will, the class, the character anymore. They don't know how fight a war let alone win one. Otherwise what ttp has done in these four years and openly owns up to their crime, we had a honest guy up there, ttp would be a distant memory by now and other people would shudder even think about forming a terrorist group.

These money grabing lot, you think any thing will happen after this incident, no man. They're scared. They've locked their doors from inside, eyes blindfolded and eard plugged. I just hope some mid-level guys decide the enough is enough attitude and throw these sorry lot of generals out from their golf cources and a/c rooms.

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