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Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

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This report has been a constant source of agitation and anxiety for Indian members, though they will deny my claim, but yet they wont stop commenting here by sketching their insecurities.:coffee:

After 26/11, India was claiming that it was India's 9/11 and it would react similarly.
All the chest thumping fizzled out when reality sank in.

And show me the GOI's statement saying that?

And now Indians are living vicariously through America because India's cold start is in cold storage.

This seems your favorite quote. Doesn't make it true.

India has its differences with USA.

For one, we think they are in the wrong country if they are really serious about winning the GWOT. ;)

So you are upset that I pointed out historical facts to set the record straight in the fact of Indian propaganda? If facts make you insecure, then I have no cure, sorry...

Lol. You talking of historic facts! And insecurity!

When all you want is to find a way to be useful to China!

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I think you are a Islamist apologist in cloak and a Ummah flagbearer. I still respond to the issues you raise, not dismiss them just because you are a Ummah flagbearer Islamic apologist.

I made my point with the last post where I showed all the puerile posts by some Indian members.

You do so many things.

Only in your mind.

You did no such thing. The article in question, which you have quoted before, claims that majority of people in both China and India have a negative opinion of Muslims.

- There no mention of Pakistan.
- It opens up a whole different debate about secularism and the status of Muslims in India. Let's not even go there...

I have shared two links. One about the Chinese liking of Muslims and second about Pakistan.

You obviously don't pay enough attention, having the attention span of a ***. ;)

Not about the event itself. I am happy about the fact that India realized it cannot bully Pakistan militarily.

We see the reality coming through. No point faking it.

Nobody is happy about terrorism. The fact is that India wanted to do a American-style response to 26/11 but it is not capable.

That was my point -- about the gap in military capabilities between India and Pakistan. It is not big enough to satisfy many jingoistic Indians, so they never miss an opportunity to thump their chest about American attacks on Pakistan.

Instead of looking at why people want to raid your country and what you can do about the root cause, you are happy that the Jihadis are safe behind the Pakistani nuclear blackmail!

You guys are amazing

And then you claim its just an image problem.

After 26/11, India was claiming that it was India's 9/11 and it would react similarly.
All the chest thumping fizzled out when reality sank in.
And now Indians are living vicariously through America because India's cold start is in cold storage.

So I think you want another Bangladesh
what about the 35000 died in ur country...what u have done so far ??? u have been bullied all round the world.. u are the epicentre of terrorism... u r country people have also done a lot of chest thumping... remeber 'ghairat' ??

I can write many things which are true.. but i am no sadist like u. this sadist attitude won't take u anywhere. people like u r the cancer of pakistan..

The fact that you wrote those things in your post, and people thanked you, proves who are the sadists around here.
The Pakistani media couldn't care less when the Russian and Japanese leaders visited India. The media focus was more about America's changing relationship in the region.

Why claim something that can be dismissed in a jiffy. There were dozens of programmes discussing just Indo-US relations and how Pakistan felt so insecure about it.

Let me get you started again. Watch it, its pretty interesting and shows the full extent of the famed insecurity.

Already explained. Nobody's defending 26/11. We are talking about Indian chest thumping and subsequent reality check.

Rather than just talk absurdities, why don't you show a single official statement that proves the so called chest thumping.

And yes, the support for terror is very clearly coming through.
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And show me the GOI's statement saying that?

I will do better. I will show you where the US tells India not to compare 26/11 with 9/11

Do Not Compare 26/11 With 9/11 : US Tells India

Clearly, it is not just Pakistan who sees India trying to compare the two events.

This seems your favorite quote. Doesn't make it true.

It is patently demonstrated in just about every thread where Indians never tire of telling us about American operations in Pakistan.

Lol. You talking of historic facts! And insecurity!

Someone needs to counter Indian propaganda and set the record straight!

When all you want is to find a way to be useful to China!

Political relationships are all about mutual benefit. There's a world of difference in 'being useful' to someone and 'being used' by someone.

Indian insecurities lead you guys to perceive one as the other. Whatever makes you guys sleep better at night...

I think you are a Islamist apologist in cloak and a Ummah flagbearer. I still respond to the issues you raise, not dismiss them just because you are a Ummah flagbearer Islamic apologist.

Still smarting from that thrashing, eh? No worries.
Looks like I got your goat there... :rofl:

Only in your mind.

Really! Please try something more original than copying my posts back at me.

I have shared two links. One about the Chinese liking of Muslims and second about Pakistan.

You obviously don't pay enough attention, having the attention span of a ***. ;)

Where is the link about Chinese perception of Pakistan?

We see the reality coming through. No point faking it.

Sour grapes all the way...
So I think you want another Bangladesh

I'm sorry, I don't understand how that follows from what I wrote.

If you are talking about Baluchistan, then that is a whole separate subject and best left alone in this thread.
Why claim something that can be dismissed in a jiffy. There were dozens of programmes discussing just Indo-US relations and how Pakistan felt so insecure about it.

Let me get you started again. Watch it, its pretty interesting and shows the full extent of the famed insecurity.

Oh dear! I guess I hit a nerve with that insecurity comment...

As I already explained, we are extremely interested in America's relationship with India because of historical factors related to both countries.
But we mostly ignored Indian visits of Russian, Japanese and other leaders. If we were really obsessed with India, we would cover all these visits 24/7 in our media. We don't.

Rather than just talk absurdities, why don't you show a single official statement that proves the so called chest thumping.

Cold start. Also,

India-Pakistan Relations post 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack

More than once did the government hint at “all options being open” if Pakistan did not take immediate action against the perpetrators of the ghastly crime. External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India could contemplate military precision attacks on terror camps in and Pakistan territory. It was rage on leash.

And yes, the support for terror is very clearly coming through.

Desperate much?
talking about a war, let me give some hint,

A war with the US, if that happens, it technically means the end of the human civilization. Either the US or China won't let any other country benefit from the war, if you read nuclear war theory. India will be destroyed even before the war ends.

If a ceasefire occurs, out of some leader's conscience of human race, the US only end up to be a second class nation. And China will just go back to 30 years ago as it used to be. Who's going to lose more? the US at best will change into a Brazil like country. With another 20 years, as a result of China's mass of technology and educated people, China will again rise as a superpower, a single superpower.
China is a strong nation but with peaceful ambitions. It is not in to WORLD DOMINATION like USA.

Here are details about Chinese strategic forces:



In comparison, US has overwhelming offensive options:

Federation of American Scientists :: Status of World Nuclear Forces

Furthermore, US has most efficient delivery systems.

Also, China has adopted no-first-use policy in case of nuclear weapons.

So even if a military confrontation occurs between US and China, it is unlikely to go nuclear.

Thus the US should fear the confrontation with China more.

Regardless, we (Pakistani) are thankful to China for its assistance, cooperation, and friendship.

And this visit by PM Gilani to China was a good strategic move by Pak administration in the light of increase in toughness of attitude of US towards Pakistan.

May Pak-China friendship last long. :china::pakistan:
all talk from China again.. :rolleyes:

I have the strong feeling that over the last couple of month this forum has been almost taken over by Chinese propaganda agents, even if they are not professionals. There are dozens of threads on this issue and the Chinese posters suck up to the Pakistanis in such an obvious fashion (even in unrelated threads) it is almost funny.

Remember who really came to your aid when tens of thousands of Pakistanis were about to starve to death after the flood. The US and EU send you billions in humanitarian aid, the US flew rescue missions etc.
The US is paying your military bills.

What has China done, except for talking?

I mean if you are so keen on being China's canon-fodder go ahead, but don't kid yourself and think the Chinese want to do anything else but use you.
I will do better. I will show you where the US tells India not to compare 26/11 with 9/11

Do Not Compare 26/11 With 9/11 : US Tells India

Clearly, it is not just Pakistan who sees India trying to compare the two events.

Where did India say that it will have a response like 9/11?

Show me the chest thumping? Show me where GOI mentioned about the 9/11 kind of response, not the kind of tragedy.

It is patently demonstrated in just about every thread where Indians never tire of telling us about American operations in Pakistan.

Because a Pakistan being rid of terrorists is also in our interests. And yours as well, if only you could realize it.

Someone needs to counter Indian propaganda and set the record straight!

And you took the responsibility on the not so strong shoulders. ;)

Political relationships are all about mutual benefit. There's a world of difference in 'being useful' to someone and 'being used' by someone.

Indian insecurities lead you guys to perceive one as the other. Whatever makes you guys sleep better at night...

Yawn. It is a client state relationship, no different from what you had with USA or with Saudis etc.

Still smarting from that thrashing, eh? No worries.
Looks like I got your goat there... :rofl:

We both know the truth. As does our common friend Jay.

Hope it didn't hurt much. ;)

Really! Please try something more original than copying my posts back at me.


Where is the link about Chinese perception of Pakistan?

Shared it earlier also. You seem to forget inconvenient stuff very soon.

Both the Chinese and Japanese express generally unfavorable views of Pakistan, while the Chinese tend to feel negatively toward India as well.

Publics of Asian Powers Hold Negative Views of One Another | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Sour grapes all the way...

Keeping perspective is not one of your strengths.
I have the strong feeling that over the last couple of month this forum has been almost taken over by Chinese propaganda agents, even if they are not professionals. There are dozens of threads on this issue and the Chinese posters suck up to the Pakistanis in such an obvious fashion (even in unrelated threads) it is almost funny.

At least they don't hide being false flags like so many Indians around here. ;)
Some Indians here probably false flag because a lot of Pakistani posters are so hostile towards Indians that they won't even consider posts if they come from an Indian.
That is at least the sense that I, as an "outsider" get. It is no excuse but an attempt at an explanation.

But Be that as it may, you must see through that propaganda from the Chinese posters, that was the point I was trying to make.
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