I am going to sign off with personal observation, hopefully, related to this.
In late 2011 when I visited Karachi I was privileged to be granted a tour of the Pakistani Naval Base near/at Keamari, along with a few very close family members. Of course we passed all security background checks. Our entry to the Base was not particularly hard at all. We were allowed to take pictures of the staff and the warships but requested not to share--and I will not, not that it would matter at all if someone wants to do the harm. What I observed was dedication but also 3rd world standards everywhere. The poor loaders/laborers coming from villages. The ostentatious displays of gun-toting 'guards'. Our host was a young navy official. VERY nice, professional and polite. He pointed toward a mass of land with a village on it, less than half a mile and said: That are our biggest worries. Against that was directed a few guards and whatnot. It didn't take much to realize that, even with some underwater protective measures, it wouldn't take much for a determined enemy to inflict some major damage to, what could be called, Pakistan's Pearl Harbor.
And this is not just Pakistan. But probably most of the 3rd World. Any determined enemy with significant local ideological and logistical support as well as, presumably, foreign support could continue to bleed Pakistan. Today's attackers may have not gained all the goals. May be tomorrow is another target.
[Typed fast--can review later. Good bye for now]