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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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What if in a future incident, initial attack is launched by a smaller decoy team far away from the actual target, and when the security teams are focussed there, a second or third major attack is launched on the actual target?

thats one of the basic gorilla tactic, confuse the defenders about the direction and number of the attackers.

What happened to the good old watch towers with search lights, snipers and machine guns?

Why can't PAF use drones or attack helis equipped with night visin to monitr/neutralize attackers?
thats a valid point and thats what I meant in my earlier posts when I mentioned electronic sensors and surveillance equipment and sentry training at a higher level
Nope, I don't agree. I have never ever trusted the human element. We are very complex creatures, where whose loyalties lie, no one knows.

Electronic counter measures FIRST and then the standard methods. We need to either find the fifth column within, OR, find the complacent arses in the armed forces, and boot them out. Enough is enough!

How do you trust any one then?

ECM first fine, but as I said these are also very important things.
How do you trust any one then?

ECM first fine, but as I said these are also very important things.
OK. Only once we have the the ECM's in place and then a standard lie detector tests for all the sentries @ USD Billion+ areas of interest!
Why the F does there have to be smoke???? It was not a direct hit on the plane. Planes are kept without fuel in Hangars and shelters. Not everything burns in a kaboom.

Secondly, the Hangar of Saabs was never shown by TV. It was only the tarmac and flight line across the runway, where the IL-76 and C-130's were parked. The building with the semi-circular roof. That is across the runway. THe Saab hangar is to the east end of the runway, and then going south from there.

Again I say, why there has to be smoke? A aircraft can be rendered useless without blowing it up in smokes. A aircraft structure is weak if a RPG explodes near it's nose.

Ifs buts and maybes. So how come the same PAF spokesman you are reffering to is quoted as saying 'slight' damage to 1 aircraft -- and I can give you links .......... e-paper pakistantoday 17th august, 2012
OK. Only once we have the the ECM's in place and then a standard lie detector tests for all the sentries @ USD Billion+ areas of interest!

Lie detectors can be cheated, Narco test anyone?
I don't find any gentleman here who is an expert in physical security or integrated security management system employed for such kind of large facilities. Most of the suggestions I have seen here are not professionally inclined in many ways.
Ifs buts and maybes. So how come the same PAF spokesman you are reffering to is quoted as saying 'slight' damage to 1 aircraft -- and I can give you links .......... e-paper pakistantoday 17th august, 2012

You do know how many times the PAF spokesman has changed his statement?

That's i say, don't believe anything from them, or from any source. Everything is shrouded in secrecy.

BTW, you didn't answer my original query.
You do know how many times the PAF spokesman has changed his statement?

That's i say, don't believe anything from them, or from any source. Everything is shrouded in secrecy.

BTW, you didn't answer my original query.

Please do share links for where this particular PAF spokesman has 'changed his story'. Initialy and breifly it was reported that there was no damage - Since then every report I have seen - he says the same - 1 aircraft damaged. As for question about smoke -- ok so now 2 Saabs have been toasted but terrorists we carefull not to make any smoke? I don't want to waste time on speculated circumstances. You have the ACM's comments, you have very detailed comments from the Defence Minister, You have the spokesman quoted as saying slight damage, you have independant but knowledgable people like Shahid Lateefs comments. Should be more than enough but if people are desperate to hear that the fleet is wiped out - nothing will be enough.
So you think the base commander sat there and thought - O crap - I've cocked up big - so better go and take a bullit in the arm to show I did my best ---- OR ---- do you think he may have thought - I am not going to sit here and wait for the wireless to tell me what has happened - I am going to get out there and personaly make sure that each one of these dogs is dead before doing any damage to the base I am responsible for.
At a base where a 20 year old sentry fought bravely for 12 minutes and gave the ultimate sacrifice -- I'll let others decide which of the two thought processes went through the same bases commander in cheif.

That is my point ---- the base commander DID NOT THINK! And the damage WAS done to the Base! Period!
We Pakistanis are always reluctant to giving credit to someone even if they deserve it..
All we can do is criticize...
We Pakistanis are always reluctant to giving credit to someone even if they deserve it..
All we can do is criticize...

My tax paying money went into the buying of the expensive PAF assets that were destroyed! You bet your rear-end I am going to criticize! The Base Commander deserves NO credit and ZERO sympathy
Nope, I don't agree. I have never ever trusted the human element. We are very complex creatures, where whose loyalties lye, no one knows.

Electronic counter measures FIRST and then the standard methods. We need to either find the fifth column within, OR, find the complacent arses in the armed forces, and boot them out. Enough is enough!

chief human element is priceless. the electronics and computers have not reached the level of human inference and perception. yet. in the end it has to be a a mixed bag. we have all the sensors and gizmos at airport but its the old fashioned human frisking and strip search that does the job where sensors sometimes fail. I advocate a perfect mix of man and machinery.
My tax paying money went into the buying of the expensive PAF assets that were destroyed! You bet your rear-end I am going to criticize! The Base Commander deserves NO credit and ZERO sympathy

Looking at the Facts and figures there is 99% probability that the terrorists never made it to the second wall surrounding the AWACS hanger,and i too have heard all the Rumors of Hanger demolition/AWACS burnt to bits/RPG demolishing SAAB 2000,as it its a balloon which got punctured....Terrorists sunbathing on the roof of Hanger while SSG were running around like headless chicken..

But its superhuman to get unharmed through 4 check posts surrounding the hanger.....and that also when they were already on high alert
We Pakistanis are always reluctant to giving credit to someone even if they deserve it..
All we can do is criticize...

Criticism lay a strong foundation for learning to occur.You cant approve anything blindly. It helps bring new perspectives and insights into the situation.
If only there was someway to send electronic signals to suicide vests to detonate approaching an area..
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