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Attack on Buddhist Temples premeditated: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Arakan is separated from mainland Burma by hill tracts! It will be difficult for burmese army to protect Arakan!! A nationalist Govt (not league) should start taking military preparation.... because recent incidents indicate that Rohingya massacre in Myanmar can trigger violence in Bangladesh something which a developing Bangladesh can't afford!
That was a troll bait :no:

bro, Kachin Army controls northern Burma! Burmese army worse than Bangladeshi police.. Do you know china provides arms funds to Kachin rebels??

Matki La-Hasina probably think that Bangladeshis either blind or clueless. I think if her soul depart(Allahu Alam) now, most people will say Alhumdolliah instead Innalillah just like 75. :angel:

Don't ask me the meaning of Matki. You have to be real Sylheti to understand that. :smokin:

Matki? Fat or Something made of clay?
Arakan is separated from mainland Burma by hill tracts! It will be difficult for burmese army to protect Arakan!! A nationalist Govt (not league) should start taking military preparation.... because recent incidents indicate that Rohingya massacre in Myanmar can trigger violence in Bangladesh something which a developing Bangladesh can't afford!

Some say the incident in Ramu has something to do with land grabbing.

My analogy is that the incident was incited by an AL student wing, and it all went haywire. That's what happens when the ruling parties fail to maintain control over these wings.

And what's more, the perpetrator's names were withheld. This just proves that Hasina gives more value to loyalty than merit.

Whether or not the Rohingyas are involved in this is at best speculation for now.

bro, Kachin Army controls northern Burma! Burmese army worse than Bangladeshi police.. Do you know china provides arms funds to Kachin rebels??

Again, there is no evidence that China funds, or militarily aids the Kachin rebels. However, they do maintain close relations with the Chinese. If that had been the case during all these years, then Myanmar army would have been no more :rofl:

China has a policy of non-interference in the internal matters of other countries. See, the bordering regions of Myanmar are very much underdeveloped, just like Arakan. Hell, that place doesn't even have proper running electricity.

According to China, it wants an environment favorable for Chinese businesses to do business in.
The Kachin borderlands - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

For Bangladesh, it should devise a regional economic strategy. And leverage as much as it can. The AL failed miserably there from the beginning. Oh well, they don't even have a strategy after all! :lol:

Transgressing into military conflict would not bode well since there are many stakeholders in Myanmar's current reforms. Including the US.

I say, let the Rohingya issue remain as it is for now. We have around 500,000 of them here, and a million over at Myanmar. Our analogy should be fashioned in a manner in which the reaction should come from them. Not us.

So, patience...

I think that the Rohingya issue is being used as a cover by the Burmese generals so that they don't wind up in prison in the end somehow. They didn't come up with decades of propaganda, along with inciting Buddhist monks and using religion against them for no reason. There were no signs of that trend going down.
Yup, premeditated and thoroughly schemed by indo-awami thugs as part of their "prove BD as an extremist state" project.
We are not like ashamed Indians those who feel pride when any attack happen on their minorities. This is pre planned attack... Who ever did this BAL or Jammat & BNP with the help of rohingyas should be brought under trial...

The following video is the classic example what the mentality and in real Bangladeshi people are...

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^^youtube is banned in here,so not seeing anything other than some error signs.
It is becoming increasingly clear that this has been a Burmese Intel MIS mischief. The motive is to isolate and embarrass BD and allow for more atrocities on the Rohingyas. Yesterday the 800-year-old ancient mosque called “Sawduro Bor Masjid” ( Big Mosque of the Merchants) in the western part of Akyab has been desecrated by Rakhine Buddhist mobs with Burmese security forces looking blank. The fact that the trucks hired from Cox's Bazar carried BAL activists suggest that RAW also had an input in this.
This is a Burmese Junta op. No doubt left now.

Breaking News(8.10.12)1500 Quran and 150 Hadist books burnt down by Monks and Rakhines in Sittwe yesterday

Telephonic confirmation

The Buddhist Monks and the Rakhines sought permission to hold demonstration as protesting against torching Buddisht houses and temples in Bangladesh from the attorney general of the Rakhine state U Hla Thain and permission has been granted to hold demonstration in Sittwe where section 144 is prevailing. The monks and the Rakhines held demonstration yesterday 7th October, 2012 and some monks and the Rakhines suddenly entered the compound of Rohingya`s 400 years old ancient historic grand Mosque and torched its library, quarters of Imum ,Moazim and the Mosque. The quarters and the Library were completely burnt out and the Mosque is also partly burnt down It a grave concern of Muslims in Sittwe that 1500 Quaran and 150 Hadist books were completely and partly burnt down. It is a clear disgracing of Holy Quran and Hadist books. The Rakhines did not think how the Muslims in the globe will react over the disgracing Quran. In fact, the Buddhists did not care about the impact of their aggressive attitude. Surprised, how dare the Attorney general of Rakhine state granted permission to hold demonstration during the section 144. Is it not a clear racial and religious discrimination ?The Muslims from Sittwe demanded international investigation to this Mosque torching and Quran burning(disgracing).

Today house of a villager,Dil Mohammad from the village ,Moulvipara, Sittwe is torched by Rakhines.But fortunately the villagers controlled the fire before engulfing the fire to other houses.

In Muangdaw Police prepared a fresh list of 850 Muslims for arrest

The Judge of Maungdaw court signed on an arrest warrant of more 850 Muslims by the pressure of Nayaka Chairman U Aung Min Soe. The Police now raiding village by village to arrest Muslims by showing the fresh warrant list.That`s why the Rohingyas whose names were in the list of arrest warrant almost gone hide out for the fear of arrest and torture. Previously more than 1000 Muslim Rohingyas were arrested and and sent to Buthidaung jail(hell). About 50 are missing in the jail. The Muslims from Maungdaw highly demanded international investigation for the missing and protection for them.

Nurul Islam,
A Human Rights Activist
It is becoming increasingly clear that this has been a Burmese Intel MIS mischief. The motive is to isolate and embarrass BD and allow for more atrocities on the Rohingyas. Yesterday the 800-year-old ancient mosque called “Sawduro Bor Masjid” ( Big Mosque of the Merchants) in the western part of Akyab has been desecrated by Rakhine Buddhist mobs with Burmese security forces looking blank. The fact that the trucks hired from Cox's Bazar carried BAL activists suggest that RAW also had an input in this.

Is RAW a truck rental company?:lol: Don't label your delusions as fact, kindly.
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