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Attack Myanmar Terrorists

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No i was laughing on the idiocy of somebody who committed suicide on facebook comments..and didn't know how to shut down the computer..
How does that relate to this thread,if you really are up for an argument?
Relation was to bring the base of your Sympathy argument......wasn't it would have been better if Rohingyans just left the land and moved somewhere else....it was a easy way out.

Thing is, in case of that girl, you didn't understand the psyche and trauma of that girl, so how could you understand someone else's pain........in both cases life is lost....but you find sympathy in just one.....

The reason behind the crime...yes suicide is a crime so is killing those Rohingyans.....is an important aspect one should think about.
Relation was to bring the base of your Sympathy argument......wasn't it would have been better if Rohingyans just left the land and moved somewhere else....it was a easy way out.

Thing is, in case of that girl, you didn't understand the psyche and trauma of that girl, so how could you understand someone else's pain........in both cases life is lost....but you find sympathy in just one.....

The reason behind the crime...yes suicide is a crime so is killing those Rohingyans.....is an important aspect one should think about.

I totally understand how stupid it is to harm yourself in real life due to something virtual...
Many youths do that and this should be discouraged...

And there is no relation between a teen killing herself due to facebook and Mass murder of a minority..
We all care for them, but posting wrong pictures make many to think it as propaganda by ppl like you ...
Please stick to truth, there is no media in that part of world and it is difficult to get evidence but we all knows what is going on there with muslim minority.
No you idiot..
I totally understand how stupid it is to harm yourself in real life due to something virtual...
Many youths do that and this should be discouraged...

And there is no relation between a teen killing herself due to facebook and Mass murder of a minority..
Buddy, I was talking about your Sympathy, you were the relation....but leave it....it will be off topic.....:enjoy:
I am not targeting all muslims, but unfortunately Most terrorist carrying out suicide bombings , terror attacks are muslims. Some hypocrites bringing bad name to whole community.

I smell Sarcasm

and all countries currently waging war and actively killing people on daily basis are non Muslims...
So basically Burmese Buddhist Monks are killing Rohingya because Muslims in Thailand have problems with Buddhist?
Isn't Thailand a different country and their Muslim population has totally different issues which Thailand has dealt with successfully and doesn't need Burma's help?

Isn't Burma a different country......so why you guys are worried!!!!....
Safriz, I may not agree with you on this. Be it India , Russia ,Pakistan ,China, Afghanistan , Iraq, Syria or some Poor African countries. Unfortunately Muslims are killing Muslims, creating trouble for local people OR carrying out terror attacks.

Those Idiot hypocrites bringing bad name to every muslim,

Ok , Don't troll now. i have many childhood Muslim friends and they are very nice people
Edit: I even celebrate Eid with them

are you sure about Africa?
most troubled countries there are non muslim.....

ever heard of Rwanda ..hutu tutsi masacar
edited.. Quoting a troll is strictly prohibited here.

I don't need to hide anything..Now will you back your argument with references from Quran or I should start posting about Hinduism and create this thread a hell?
Again sundar budhi ka pradrashan.. Well said now lets start it from India, start killing +180 million reptilian living there. If I may add more into those beautiful words - Fight has already begun against evil Islam so you don't need to call for an alliance. And yes you right its the Muslims who create havoc all across the globe. NAzis were Muslims, those who dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Muslims, in a nutshell only Muslims are responsible for all the miseries human beings have faced so far.

Heard about Michael Scheuer? I am sure you haven't, a dumbo is always clueless.....

Thanks for appreciating my 'budhi'....

Now, regarding your 'budhi' let me tell you that you are partially correct....

The Nazis were evil, they killed so many people for their own agenda, the Japanese were also allied with them with their own imperialistic agenda......but the world rose against them and as a result they got defeated.....

Similarly, in today's world, the Muslims are killing people to further their own agenda(Muslim 'Ummah') and the world must rise against them once again and defeat them.....

So, basically there is no difference between the Nazis and Muslims........
The Nazis targeted a race.....and the Muslims are targeting people of all the other Religion....as they are 'Kafirs' and must be killed acc. to Muslims......and they think this will help them achieve a pan-Islamic Civilization one day, as predicted by their Prophet....
Bringing war in Myanmar, when Arab countries can't do anything in Syria how will they accomplish that in Myanmar when no UNSC member is against Myanmar because of strategic economic importance.
So Chinese like yourself are ok with a minority being mass murdered ?

Don't jump the gun all the time. He said no such thing, it's you who is being reactionary.

He could have been much harsher regarding your imaginary scenario.

Troll & Join the "Pink Club"
Mate, nice avatar. What's that a Pakistani Mohawk? :smokin:
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