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At least we are not Dubai

great article conveys my sentiments comparing them reminds me of all those high school teen films you see-dubai is like a rich ugly girl,with bad personality who has breast implants,tons of plastic and lots of money too make herself look good and gets plenty of attention from men while pakistan is the naturally pretty but poor and dirty girl with a bad reputation who can't afford a makeover and nice clothes and gets made fun off all she needs is someone to clean her up to show she's the hottest girl in school.
I'd rather live in pakistan it's real and better than shallow dubai nothing but concrete jungle with no real historical sites,culture,no nature etc all fake and man made just for the sake of show and decadence.

Everyone wants to roam around with the pretty no personality girl, thats just human nature. Very few want to take the time from their secure cubicle and turn "ugly betty" into cinderella. Everyone has their own future to think about, but definately can take the time to research as to what is wrong with "ugly betty" and pass on the solutions and lets not forget the much needed foriegn reserves which help the country immensely. Some of us also take the time to move back after giving some other country all their good working years.
Dude, you have no idea how soulless Singapore is.They are just like another Dubai, they also exploit workers,from Vietnam and Bangladesh,and our routine everyday is almost the same. My mother comes home from work and sleep, and go to work the next day.For me,I go to Poly andcome back home. Its all about money here too.

Man I really miss Pakistan...

anyways since u say ur there..i cant argue with u on this...
but even then i dont they think exploit workers like slaves as they do in Dubai..and i think they give bak atleast something bak to the workers.

Dude, you have no idea how soulless Singapore is.They are just like another Dubai, they also exploit workers,from Vietnam and Bangladesh,and our routine everyday is almost the same. My mother comes home from work and sleep, and go to work the next day.For me,I go to Poly andcome back home. Its all about money here too.

Man I really miss Pakistan...

Wow, singapore exploits workers???? Can you give me some more info? I love singapore everyone respects everyone else, friendly people gr8 place.
anyways since u say ur there..i cant argue with u on this...
but even then i dont they think exploit workers like slaves as they do in Dubai..and i think they give bak atleast something bak to the workers.


Well it can be termed as the work culture, but if for same work foreigners / pr are paid far less than locals its pretty close to exploitation. But my major issue was with the daily routine. Its sooo bloody mechanical and repeatative. everything is so monotonous. Similar looking accommodation hdb flats (condoms are too expensive). All high rises, hardly any cultural activity to speak of. And worst part is - the emphasis on money. World revolves around it. Everyone is chasing it.

Oh and I would not even start on the nanny state part. Its a " fine" city with fines for everything leading to chewing gums.

Stayed there for an year almost, returned to India at first proper opportunity.

Racialism check. Materialistic check. Exploitation check. Extreme working hours check. Show off check. Pretty close huh!

Anyways to each his own. If you like the city good for you and a happy stay. Was not meant for me or maybe I am a romantic.
Dude, you have no idea how soulless Singapore is.They are just like another Dubai, they also exploit workers,from Vietnam and Bangladesh,and our routine everyday is almost the same. My mother comes home from work and sleep, and go to work the next day.For me,I go to Poly andcome back home. Its all about money here too.

Man I really miss Pakistan...

Damn, I had a completely different experience in Singapore. I found it very lively there. Lots of parties, places to hang out. I used to love going with my friends to Orchard Road.

If you want to complain about monotony, come live in Gaborone. We have 3 malls worth hanging out in. And the whole country has 1/3 the population of Singapore.

Well it can be termed as the work culture, but if for same work foreigners / pr are paid far less than locals its pretty close to exploitation. But my major issue was with the daily routine. Its sooo bloody mechanical and repeatative. everything is so monotonous. Similar looking accommodation hdb flats (condoms are too expensive). All high rises, hardly any cultural activity to speak of. And worst part is - the emphasis on money. World revolves around it. Everyone is chasing it.

Oh and I would not even start on the nanny state part. Its a " fine" city with fines for everything leading to chewing gums.

Stayed there for an year almost, returned to India at first proper opportunity.

Racialism check. Materialistic check. Exploitation check. Extreme working hours check. Show off check. Pretty close huh!

Anyways to each his own. If you like the city good for you and a happy stay. Was not meant for me or maybe I am a romantic.

The workers are paid less than locals, but they are not forced to stay there. Their passports are not taken away.

Yes, daily routine can be monotonous, if you let it get to you. I used to stay in a student lodge, so for me, there was no routine! And yes, at $15-$17 per pack, condoms are expensive.

There are a lot of fines, but if you are careful, you wont get one. I never did. And the fines are ok with me, since it prevents people littering and smoking in public.

And yes, I did notice that in Singapore some crowds think too much of money. But I guess you didnt meet the right people. I had Singaporean friends and I never had problems with money or racism there.

Wow, singapore exploits workers???? Can you give me some more info? I love singapore everyone respects everyone else, friendly people gr8 place.

Exactly. I thought Singapore was pretty awesome. I was only there for 6 months, but i had a blast there. Would love to go back.

Certain people like certain lifestyles. I loved Singapore. Some of my friends from India and China didn't. Different people have different preferences.

Its probably the same case with Dubai.
Damn, I had a completely different experience in Singapore. I found it very lively there. Lots of parties, places to hang out. I used to love going with my friends to Orchard Road.

If you want to complain about monotony, come live in Gaborone. We have 3 malls worth hanging out in. And the whole country has 1/3 the population of Singapore.

The workers are paid less than locals, but they are not forced to stay there. Their passports are not taken away.

Yes, daily routine can be monotonous, if you let it get to you. I used to stay in a student lodge, so for me, there was no routine! And yes, at $15-$17 per pack, condoms are expensive.

There are a lot of fines, but if you are careful, you wont get one. I never did. And the fines are ok with me, since it prevents people littering and smoking in public.

And yes, I did notice that in Singapore some crowds think too much of money. But I guess you didnt meet the right people. I had Singaporean friends and I never had problems with money or racism there.

Exactly. I thought Singapore was pretty awesome. I was only there for 6 months, but i had a blast there. Would love to go back.

Certain people like certain lifestyles. I loved Singapore. Some of my friends from India and China didn't. Different people have different preferences.

Its probably the same case with Dubai.

Well I am having a blast here, enjoying every moment of it.:yahoo:. I have been to switzerland for a project stayed there for 6 months, I hated it. I am the kind of guy who cares about what other people think about me so, oooh god the way some of them look, racism oozing out of them. I think Europe still suffers from the colonial hangover. Compared to that singapore is awsome.
Dubai is Dubai.

Pakistan is Pakistan.

Dubai is a desert with shiny buildings; 25 years ago it was occupied only by fishermen.

Pakistan has desert, forrests, mountains, rural areas, urban metropolises.

1,000,001 differences between the Dubai Emirate and the Pakistani Republic. Lesser things in common.

so be it! :)

I've been to Dubai (twice). Had a great time, but didn't stay longer than a few days during each trip. Like the author of the article, I was very much happy to return to Pakistan.

there's no place like home
a lot of foreigners have been leaving Pakistan due to an unfavourable security situation.....hopefully, they'll be back. And if they dont come back, no big deal.

actually, a lot of people don't appreciate the rhetoric he used against the Pakistani security forces.....so to them surely, it is more of a relief than anything else.

but that's a whole other discussion.
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