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At least 16 blasts in Sindh cities, several injured

When it comes to comspiracy theories no one equals the land of pure.Here are some of the great conspiracy theories i have heard from pakistanis in this forum.Enjoy:
-9-11 is an inside job
-Mumbai attack was done by India.
-Ajmal kasab is amar singh.
-TTP is american proxy.
-TTP is RAW proxy and uncircmcised indians are ttp foot soldiers
-HAARP Caused the floods.
-RAW caused floods by opening up dams.
-RAW involved in daily bomb blasts(dont ask proofs,which cannot be given under US pressure :rofl:)
-Raymond davis is a ttp agent.
-Osama was never in abottabad,it is a grand conspiracy.
And many others..Sorry bro no other nation can compete in bs like this.So no crying foul and diverting topic when idiotic conspiracy theories are questioned of their authenticity.

Firstly - CENTCOM already mentioned what you're saying, and I was merely responding to that. You're just repeating what he's saying, albeit in a bit more detail. So essentially, your post is not really relevant. But regardless, i'll have a go at your non sense anyway to really show how much of a hypocrite you are.

And yet you and other bharatis will believe in all the conspiracy theories so long as they suit your worldview.. :lol: Here, let me help you

ISI was behind Mumbai attacks :-)lol:)
ISI supports Taliban (don't ask proof, US is giving the evidence privately to Pakistan, or that this evidence doesn't get shared with public :lol:)
ISI supports Haqqani network (same as above :rofl:)
ISI is behind every terrorist in Afghanistan
China and Pakistan are working on some grand conspiracy to attack Bharat
Pakistan purposefully hid OBL (again, no evidence, we just know it because it makes sense to us, even if it conflicts with our other beliefs)

And I probably have gone only partly into the conspiracy theories you bharatis throw around.

You bharatis of course love pointing out what others believe but don't ever bother looking in a mirror. I mean the amount of conspiracy theories you believe about ISI, Pakistan military, China are probably only slightly less in number. So you're quit being a hypocrite. I doubt it will ever happen though, as you guys are so shameless you'll continue to delude yourself to believe all this crap which obviously conflicts with the other crap you've been spewing.
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