Lets be factual. Fact one : Any clue about that? I beg you
RAID/GIPN is more or less similar according to juridictions. They very regularly trian together. For example, when GIGN assaulted a plane in MArseilles, GIPN was ready to do the same in case the plane would have landed in PAris. But tbh it is their first joint operation. Like in US for example you may have a joint SWAT/SEAL ops.
Important thing to notice is that GIGN are military, but also police officers. They are not part of Special Forces. SFs were consulted until late last nite (trust me) but twisting law is impossible: military forces except gendarmerie (which are also policeman) are not allowed to intevene on french terrritory. Historicla debt from war in Algeria.
Atm they are located in a 20x10 Kms zone, without any car.
I must insist in the large presence of muslims or muslim originated men and women in the peaceful spontaneous massive protests.
Accidentally i went to the shop, located in a fairly bad area. There were many young arab typed young men, some of them i know have been in jail for violence/weed deal etc. Usually quite incivil persons strongly looking at you in order for you to realize you are on THEIR territory.
Well the most common word i heard about the djihadists is "connards" (jerks)
In one way, these djihadists (notice i didn't say muslims) wanted to kneel France, they just reached the opposite effect.
Place de la République tonight in Paris. Peaceful protests ppl drop candles or pens...
And the real protest is awaited for sunday...
I am rarely proud of my country, but tonight i am!