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At last, an Indian leader who knows how to deal with China

you clearly dont know what you are talking about. check every other border dispute china has ever solved. every single one of them involves some give and take.
Give and take? Ok, how about we give you part of Aksai Chin to lay off Arunachal? Do you agree to that?

And don't bring in the Qing Dynasty here as you guys are doing in the South China Sea and everywhere else too. It seems you consider the ancient Qing Dynasty maps as the authority and not the line drawn by the British - the McMahon Line because as you Chinese contend, Tibet was not a sovereign nation when they signed it!! Oh yeah!

Quoting your pre-historic dynasty maps is getting kinda funny if not downright silly!
Nehru knew exactly how to deal with China when launching the forward policy. China knew exactly how to deal with India when we responded with a massive attack.
I know it is.....:p:

that doesn't even make any sense. you are suggesting then that the USMC invade myanmar so that they can invade china? through the thick jungles? by invading myanmar they would have already tipped off the chinese, the myanmar military might be a pushover for the US but not so quick that the USMC can take it over without anyone else in the world knowing. oh and the US just blatantly invaded a neutral country in an act of naked aggression here.

and to be clear i dont think the nuke will be involved. for one this war is extremely unlikely, and secondly, theres not a chance in hell the US can hope to occupy china, in fact, its unlikely the USMC can do much against the PLA at all, if the US were to pull all of its forces from elsewhere and involve all branches of its military it might be able to take some coastal cities(with appalling casualties on all sides) , even then probably not for long, the PLA is simply too strong on its own homeland.

and given there is no nuclear guaranteed between china and pakistan im pretty sure i can say china is not going to fight a nuclear war for pakistan, however, your point that the US arsenal is much larger mean exactly nothing. blowing up the world 50 times overs isnt more threatening than blowing it up once over. china only has the arsenal it has because it chooses it, it has calculated that what it has is all that's needed, if tension rise and a real prospect of war appears(wars dont happen in a vacuum, there's always a buildup/tension prior) you really think china doesn't have the tech or weapon to match the US arsenal if thats whats called for?
China can never be invaded.........world says this......how on earth can US invade China......that was just for troll...sorry for that, but who will save India from Chinese aggression......if no one does.......i wanted to check who would come first....this is world of political wars......mutual benefits, advantages and economical growth....not wars
WAR is dirty,RAW is beautiful.......help bring democracy to china that will solve all the problems :-)
Give and take? Ok, how about we give you part of Aksai Chin to lay off Arunachal? Do you agree to that?

And don't bring in the Qing Dynasty here as you guys are doing in the South China Sea and everywhere else too. It seems you consider the ancient Qing Dynasty maps as the authority and not the line drawn by the British - the McMahon Line because as you Chinese contend, Tibet was not a sovereign nation when they signed it!! Oh yeah!

Quoting your pre-historic dynasty maps is getting kinda funny if not downright silly!

it is not for me to disagree or agree, i can only say what i think as i do not run the government of china. but personally, current line of control of be a fine border in my opinion.

also, the qing is not "ancient" it only ended in 1911 and the British accepted that the qing/ROC was the ruler of tibet and they themselves recognized the McMahon line as illegitimate since they now agree tibet is/was not independence thus could not have sign an international treaty, if we do not base the border on history(a very valid history since there is a clear line of succession for china) then what are we suppose to base it on? facts on the ground? that could change in a single day too.

if we cannot base our claims on a government that only ended in 1911(which also has a clear successor government in place), then india cannot claim borders base on the simla accord which happened only three years after in 1914, an accord in which the original signer, the British considers illegitimate.

China can never be invaded.........world says this......how on earth can US invade China......that was just for troll...sorry for that, but who will save India from Chinese aggression......if no one does.......i wanted to check who would come first....this is world of political wars......mutual benefits, advantages and economical growth....not wars

what are you talking about? modern india isnt going to be invaded either, not unless something like nato+russia+china decided to get together and occupy india, which i think you know is as close to impossible as we can get. as far a border scenarios goes, i believe the chances of a border skirmish breaking out as being very low, plus even if it happened it would be quick, you can make all the alliances in the universe, they wont be able to help, so for that india must rely on itself, but again i see the chance of such a thing being very small in the medium to long term.
For China, it's a zero sum game where the borders are concerned. It's the whole of Arunachal or bust. Nothing less is acceptable to them. If that's the case, sorting out the border dispute is a non starter.

China should accept the McMahon Line as the border with India just as it did in the case of Myanmar to resolve the vexed dispute. This selective approach by China of recognizing the McMahon Line in the case of Burma and not so in the case of India is bizarre and illogical.

Its not bizarre. Its hint of what they are planing in the future. keepin an old issue like this boiling on the stove will give them the reason they need to use...to engage and start a conflict when they are in a prime position..

Nehru knew exactly how to deal with China when launching the forward policy. China knew exactly how to deal with India when we responded with a massive attack.

China also knew how to retreat when we started planning a counter attack using our other assets, not just a few baatlions who were attacked by a sneak attack
you clearly dont know what you are talking about. check every other border dispute china has ever solved. every single one of them involves some give and take.
But in China's case it's only take, take, and more take. That's the problem. Just like what's happening in the South China Sea where its throwing all international norms out of the window.

moreover, the so called mcmahon line was never recognized by the PRC nor the preceding ROC nor the preceding qing empire, meaning it has zero legitimacy, just because the british forced it on the qing using their then more powerful military does not in any way mean modern PRC should accept it.

That's exactly what I said. How come China recognizes the McMahon line in the case of Burma in spite of what you say 'zero legitimacy'? Logic doesn't seem to be part of the Chinese psyche. They do what suits them, right?
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