Right. In fact, there is no race named Việt/Yue. The main ethnic group of Vietnam is the Kinh, residing in the Hong River Delta, the north is inhabited by ethnic minorities such as Dao, Miêu, Tày, Nùng...Vietnam has 53 other ethnic groups. each other, and there is no ethnic group named Viet/Yue. Vietnam is the name of the country, not the name that describe ethnic group
Many people think that China's Guangdong-Guangxi is the former territory of Vietnam, even going as far as GouJian and Yue are also the original Vietnamese homeland. The truth is not so. The Kinh have never inhabited these territories in history. The first is the fact that there are not 100 different Yue ethnic groups. Second, BaiYue is an ancient Han name that collectively describes the various ethnic groups in southern China, but many ethnic minorities themselves never call themselves Yue. If Guangdong-Guangxi split into an independent country, then the real rulers were the same peoples who inhabited this land as Cantonese, Zhang, Dong, Miao, Yao, Hui, Yi. they never accepted Vietnam and let the Kinh rule just because the name of the country of Vietnam has one word Việt/Yue
BaiYue and VietNam are not related, Turkey and Hun are not related, Korea/Silla and Goguryeo are unrelated and finally khmer and Phnom/PhuNam are not related. Currently, Many Vietnamese claim BaiYue as Vietnam, and south China belongs to Vietnam, Turkey claims Hun as their ancestor and they once conquered Europe, Korea claims Goguryeo as their ancestor and finally Cambodians claim South Vietnam as their former territory. Blind nationalism