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Assessemment of the future chinese fighter


Oct 9, 2010
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The future of China's fifth-generation stealth fighter | Features & Opinion | RIA Novosti

Both experts and amateurs who have studied the blurred photos of an unfamiliar fighter jet on a runway in China (China Defense Blog: Chinese Stealth in Plain Sight: The Curious Emergence of the J-14 Fighter) have concluded that Beijing has started testing its fifth-generation stealth fighter.

The J-20 prototype is expected to rival the U.S. F-22 and the Russian T-50 fighters. But is China ready to start mass-producing the aircraft? How good is the prototype?

Experts call it a combination of the Russian and U.S. fifth-generation fighters, but that greatly simplifies matters. In the last 20 years, China has been working closely with Russia to develop a modern fighter jet. But the J-20 is not simply a copy of a Russian design. Rather China has tried to build a completely new aircraft based on the technology and knowledge it has gained during its years of cooperation with Russia.

The future of the new Chinese fighter will depend on several factors.


It is not clear what kind of engine the plane will have. Some say it will use the prospective Chinese-made WS-15 engine with a maximum thrust exceeding 18,000 kg, but the engine is still in the pipeline.

China has been unable to reproduce Russia's highly efficient high-temperature turbofan AL-31F engine, designed in the early 1980s and currently mounted on the Su-27 fighter and its modifications. The engines for Sukhoi planes manufactured in China are made in Russia and then assembled and adjusted in China.

The AL-31F engine is also mounted on China's J-10 fighter planes. The engine's Chinese analogue, the WS-10, is less efficient than the Russian prototype.


A fifth-generation stealth fighter must be able to evade radar, and so it must be made from modern composite materials. However, China does not produce such materials in commercial amounts, and experts doubt that it can develop and produce them for its Air Force.


Electronic equipment, primarily radar, in China stands at approximately the same level as its engines. Chinese designs fall short of the capabilities of their Russian, European and American counterparts. Although China has been gradually narrowing the gap, it still has to import modern electronic equipment for its aircraft.

The best aircraft radar systems are currently made for Russia's Su-30MKK fighters, and China will most likely copy this design. It is not clear how much it will differ in terms of specifications from next-generation Russian or American radar systems.


The guided weapons used in the Chinese Air Force were mostly copied from U.S., Israeli and Russian prototypes made in the 1960s through 1980s. China will have to spend a great deal of time and effort to develop its own weapons, even if it borrows elements of prototypes bought from other countries. But foreign producers are becoming increasingly wary of sharing their next-generation technology with China.


Since the 1970s, China has consistently lagged 15 to 20 years behind the world leaders in aircraft manufacturing. This was true of their third- and fourth-generation aircraft, and this appears to be the case with its fifth-generation fighter plane.

The J-20 fighter was produced nearly 20 year after the U.S. YF-22 (the prototype of the mass-produced F-22A), 17 years after the Russian MiG-1.44 (MiG-MFI, or Multifunctional Frontline Fighter), and 14 after Russia's S.37 (Su-47).

If the J-20 is accepted as the prototype for a new series, China will be able to produce a fifth-generation fighter plane within 10 years. If not, it will begin batch production no sooner than 15 or 20 years from now.

No one knows for sure what will happen, but it's certainly not too early to make predictions about the future of the new plane.

Given its traditional policy of aircraft manufacturing, China will most likely create a functional analogue of foreign-made 5G planes that will cost 50% to 80% less than Russian and U.S. models. China will most likely sell the plane in Central Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia, as well as to the richest African countries.

The export models of the J-20 and the planes of that series made for the Chinese Air Force will have foreign, including Russian, equipment and weapons. Moreover, in the next 20 to 30 years China will have to continue to import modern aircraft technology. Despite the strides made by China's aircraft designers in the last 20 years, China has only slightly narrowed the technological gap dividing it from the global leaders.

The views expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.
China doesn't manufacture composite materials commercially?

China Glass Fiber Composite Material, China Glass Fiber Composite Material Manufacturers, China Glass Fiber Composite Material Suppliers and Companies on Alibaba.com

The 5th China (Guangzhou) Glass Fiber Composite Material Expo 2008 - NetComposites


"One Chinese company, however, is designing, developing and manufacturing
composite parts for commercial aircraft completely on its own from start to finish.
For example, they have solely designed, developed and currently produce an
aircraft frame out of carbon composite materials. This is well above the build to
print level foreign companies and joint ventures are currently providing to the
commercial aircraft sector in China."

"The Chinese military is already producing composite parts at the build to spec
level. The demands on the military side also do not coincide with the
commercial aircraft specification requirements. The Glass transition temperature
required for military aircraft is necessarily higher than that for commercial

The above was written in May 23, 2006, 4 years and 7 months ago.

why you Russians are jealous of China's progress? can't you see China as your immediate neighbor plays the role of an effective buffer in your eastern front? listen, you Russians, no matter how much you deny it, have only one trusted neighbor which is China. without China, your far eastern region would have become Japanese lands during the cold war ear. and if you think US can be your friend then I have nothing to say.

NATO plans to take on Russia revealed | The Australian

and why are you Russians helping india to contain China? do you think a far away india would come to your aid when you will face NATO? listen, China doesn't have any offensive intention against Russia despite the fact that Russia grabbed a huge chunk of Chinese land.

For Vodka's sake, the JF-17 has composites in it!


J-10B already has AESA radar as well as IRST, etc. J-11B avionics are already on par with that of the Su-35 with powerful tracking capabilities. China also has a radar capable of detecting stealth aircraft.


The WS-15 protoype has already been tested. The prototype itself is already more powerful than the production F-119 (which powers the F-22), so the production WS-15 is much more powerful. This will put WS-15 ahead of any Russian engine.

Most analysts agree that the J-20's performance will be superior to that of the T-50, but on par to that of the F-22. China's aviation defense technology is already on par or superior to that of Russia's.

why you Russians are jealous of China's progress?
I posted this only for technical/analitical information, nothing else.

can't you see China as your immediate neighbor plays the role of an effective buffer in your eastern front? listen, you Russians, no matter how much you deny it, have only one trusted neighbor which is China.
China is a great political and economical partner, and both countries have common views, but besides this, everyone has it´s own goals and aspirations, and nobody can be "trusted" in that sense.

without China, your far eastern region would have become Japanese lands during the cold war ear.
Better to ignore this, learn history.

and if you think US can be your friend then I have nothing to say.
The modern world is driven by economical partnership, those years are long gone. Of course each one has it´s own interests.

and why are you Russians helping india to contain China? do you think a far away india would come to your aid when you will face NATO?
Russian cooperation with both China and India is purely political/economical, Arms trade with both countries is business motivated, Russia is not "supporting" neither side and has no interests to do so.

listen, China doesn't have any offensive intention against Russia despite the fact that Russia grabbed a huge chunk of Chinese land.
Learn history please.
Russian insistence that China does not have a reliable engine amuses me, since the WS10A is known to have been mass deployed in J-11B, the WS13 known to have conducted a number of trials with the JF-17. The WS15 has been a secret... And it has been quite awhile since China imported more Russian engines

For Vodka's sake, the JF-17 has composites in it!


J-10B already has AESA radar as well as IRST, etc. J-11B avionics are already on par with that of the Su-35 with powerful tracking capabilities. China also has a radar capable of detecting stealth aircraft.


The WS-15 protoype has already been tested. The prototype itself is already more powerful than the production F-119 (which powers the F-22), so the production WS-15 is much more powerful. This will put WS-15 ahead of any Russian engine.

Most analysts agree that the J-20's performance will be superior to that of the T-50, but on par to that of the F-22. China's aviation defense technology is already on par or superior to that of Russia's.

What's the Chinese counter part of Vodka ?
AVIC made composite fuselage and wing-box for Bombardier Cseries prototype, and has been spupplying composite leading edge and tail section to Boeing and Airbus for years..

AVIC also own an Austrian company, FACC, specialist in composite components for aircraft.

wz10 helicopter has very large amount of composite materials..

why you Russians are jealous of China's progress? can't you see China as your immediate neighbor plays the role of an effective buffer in your eastern front? listen, you Russians, no matter how much you deny it, have only one trusted neighbor which is China. without China, your far eastern region would have become Japanese lands during the cold war ear. and if you think US can be your friend then I have nothing to say.

NATO plans to take on Russia revealed | The Australian

and why are you Russians helping india to contain China? do you think a far away india would come to your aid when you will face NATO? listen, China doesn't have any offensive intention against Russia despite the fact that Russia grabbed a huge chunk of Chinese land.

Anyway, Russia is China's teacher. Show same respect isn't a bad idea :tup::cheers:

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