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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

When Musharraf became target of suicide attacks, khooni liberals and their allies in the media used to claim that incident was topi drama staged by the army to gather American sympathy.

Such claims will be repeated sooner rather than later with regards to this incidence. It will be claimed that march was fizzling out which is why this topi drama was staged to give IK a escape route.

Anyway, march was a waste of time since awami taqath does not carry much weight in a society like Pak nor should it.

Hope better sense prevails and march is called off. For the sake of Pakistan, it is imperative that IK remains safe and sound. Elections can wait a few months. Might not even be that long. All the indications are that Saudis and Chinese have not offered much in the way of financial support and this spells death warrant for current government. Attack will also cause anger in army rank and file which remains in IK's camp. Similary there will be few generals in the HC who will have sympathy with IK's cause. They will get bolder.

IK should play smart and really turn the screw on Bajwa and his allies especially in the judiciary, IK played cricket on the front foot. Similar opportunity has arisen on the political front.
Again. Let's blame once more information is received.

Abhi sabr ker lein sab. Not the time to go rambo rn.

Muhammad Muazzam, PTI worker reportedly dead..
What is the threshold of information you are asking us to wait for? Do you want DG ISI to come hold another presser?
There can potentially be two attackers. One as shown in photo and one in black clothes (Shalwaar Kameez)
When Musharraf became target of suicide attacks, khooni liberals and their allies in the media used to claim that incident was topi drama staged by the army to gather American sympathy.

Such claims will be repeated sooner rather than later with regards to this incidence. It will be claimed that march was fizzling out which is why this topi drama was staged to give IK a escape route.

Anyway, march was a waste of time since awami taqath does not carry much weight in a society like Pak nor should it.

Hope better sense prevails and march is called off. For the sake of Pakistan, it is imperative that IK remains safe and sound. Elections can wait a few months. Might not even be that long. All the indications are that Saudis and Chinese have not offered much in the way of financial support and this spells death warrant for current government. Attack will also be anger in army rank and file which remains in IK's camp. Similar there will be few generals in the HC who will have sympathy with IK's cause. They will get bolder.

IK should play smart and really turn the screw on Bajwa and his allies especially in the judiciary,
Mushy was the biggest khooni liberal himself

What is the threshold of information you are asking us to wait for? Do you want DG ISI to come hold another presser?
No, How about just waiting for one hour before blaming anyone. We will certainly be more informed within an hour.

To make you happy, you can prepare your guns and bullets in that time for whoever you want. But wait before giving your verdict.
My guess they will have already have ponzi man ready who will probably be an extremist teenager on lending from one of the army puppets
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