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Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

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You are not correct and he is, atleast partially. The Brahui of Baluchistan speak a language referred to by the same name & which everyone agrees belongs to the Dravidian family. No serious anthropologist refers to the Dravidians as a seperate race anymore and genetic studies bears them out. Dravidians are called that simply because they speak a language from the Dravidian family. Colour of the people is not an indicator of race. The Sinhalese of Sri Lanka are darker than most "Dravidians" but are actually Aryans since Sinhala is an Aryan language.

Buddy balouchs dont consider brohi as balouch.......nor do they speak balouchi....
Buddy balouchs dont consider brohi as balouch.......nor do they speak balouchi....

How does that change anything? They live in the Kalat area of Balochistan & are Pakistani Nationals. There are also a significant number who speak the language on the Iranian side as well as in Afghanistan. It's a language which has a considerable number of words from Balochi and is roughly of the same age.

"Some tribes speak Brahui and some speak Balochi, and there are many that speak both. For instance, members of the Langov tribe, who inhabit central Balochistan in the Mangochar area, speak Balochi as their first language and Brahui as a second language. The Bizenjo tribe that inhabit Khuzdar, Nal and regions of Makran, along with the Muhammadsanis, one of the largest Baloch tribes, speak both languages. Another example is the Bangulzai tribe which is a Brahui-speaking tribe, but a sub-tribe of the Bangulzai, the Garanis, speak Balochi and are known as Balochi-speaking Bangulzais.

Presently Brahui is spoken in Balochistan (Iran), Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Sindh and the Gulf Arab states. Historically, all Khans of Balochistan were Brahui speakers. Balouchi is still spoken in court and in home settings."

My point is that cultures in the sub continent are very complex and don't easily lend themselves to simple explanations. Genetically most people of the subcontinent excluding the mongoloids are classified as Caucasian.There is no difference in Balochi, Brahui,Punjabi, Pashtun, Tamil, Malyalee, Kannadiga on that basis. So maybe, just maybe, you won't find yourself insulted if someone mentions about the existence of a Dravidian connection in Pakistan.

BTW one language that has a close connection to Brahui is Kurukh/Oraon which is spoken by tribal people in east India as well as northern Bangladesh. That too is a Dravidian language which would mark Dravidian presence in both West Pakistan & the former East Pakistan.
Genetically most people of the subcontinent excluding the mongoloids are classified as Caucasian.There is no difference in Balochi, Brahui,Punjabi, Pashtun, Tamil, Malyalee, Kannadiga on that basis.

Im not sure if this part of ur post is correct.
the first three may be caucasoid or aryan...but i dont see the latter 3 a part of it.
They r dravidian and not caucasoid.
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Well from the manner u reply..i see u dont have much useful work either....
Check Mate. ;)

That may be ur countrymen's habit jumping the gravy trian without even having a clue as to wat is happening and then flooding with racist trolls.
But my country men come jus cos IM INDIAN. Got it dumbo?
Yes you Indians need a Pakistan platform to tell us what you are not genius. :cheesy:

Mayb u can take ur philosophical rant elsewere and if possible prove to me there are indeed separatists in TN...otherwise its better to shut urs and not let ur ignorance seep....eeeeww its Stinking.:lol:
It's becoming hard to digest i know, you are oozing with all the crap in your upper crust, naturally you do stink.

No my dear Quixote...im not letting u to escape by giving excuses.
Prove to me there is an insurgency in Tamil Nadu or own up ur mistake manly and buzz off.
No need to prove anything to you since it's there for all to read.

Meaning u may not have a better use of time than arguing with me..but i definitely do..!!
Ooohhh...i needn prove anything to u man.....but u ve certainly proved everything abt u to me.....and believe me..its embarassing to say the least. :lol:

Wasting my time with you is more to the mark. You see this PDF, you don't have any where else to rant your stuff thus you come here to smear this prestigious forum. And I am sure for all your tall claims, the Dalit bit in TN was embarrassing. Just the tip of ice berg.
Check Mate. ;)

Yes you Indians need a Pakistan platform to tell us what you are not genius. :cheesy:

Y dont u come to an Indian forum then so that i can teach u something there...;)

It's becoming hard to digest i know, you are oozing with all the crap in your upper crust, naturally you do stink.

Desperation coming to the fore..isnt it mr.Jammer..? repeating the same "oozing-crap-uppercrust" again and again like a broken record.

No need to prove anything to you since it's there for all to read.

As far as i see there is nothing except a mention of Tamil Nadu by a fool sitting in a American Thinktank thousands of mile away from the place.

Wasting my time with you is more to the mark. You see this PDF, you don't have any where else to rant your stuff thus you come here to smear this prestigious forum.

Man so honestly believe that im smearing the forum more than u ever did..?Cmon take a look at ur track record and u ll get to know.

And I am sure for all your tall claims, the Dalit bit in TN was embarrassing. Just the tip of ice berg.

Oh sure as hell it was embarassing but not as much as wen i saw Pakistani girls being spanked by religious police for no wrong of theirs,ur poor landless being exploited by ur Zamindars etc.

p.s.: If u r so sure abt the insurgency in Tamil Nadu that im not aware of y dont u enlighten me with the recent fightings,the number of casualties on the side of the Indian forces and on the side of the Tamil separatists.

May be u can take the credit for educating a poor Indian.
Y dont u come to an Indian forum then so that i can teach u something there...;)

You see this is the beauty of Pakistan, which characters like you don't appreciate, we have provided a platform for all, given them freedom of speech, if in doubt scroll back and read your country fellows mindset. Would they have me on BR.? Highly unlikely since i'll give them a wake up call.
Desperation coming to the fore..isnt it mr.Jammer..? repeating the same "oozing-crap-uppercrust" again and again like a broken record.
Mr. Jammer !! That's an improvement over your habitual manner, however you seem to repeatedly divulge in words that are inappropriate so i have to play the same tune since unlike you i don't like making discoveries in this field. :cheers:

As far as i see there is nothing except a mention of Tamil Nadu by a fool sitting in a American Thinktank thousands of mile away from the place.

OK, the American dude or the other guy wrote an article which i came across and posted in relevant thread without adding any POV, now what's the problem there, where as initially yous accused me of the narrative and then you were adamant for the link, remember you asked for it on several occasions, which i did provide, you don't accept it, fine, no one forced it down your throat.
BTW, there are at least six other articles including Wikipedia, on insurgency where TN is mentioned.

Man so honestly believe that im smearing the forum more than u ever did..?Cmon take a look at ur track record and u ll get to know.
Please enlighten me as how many times i intended to use any four letter words or resorted to name calling. When posting, one thing i keep in mind is that there are also female members on the forum.

Oh sure as hell it was embarassing but not as much as wen i saw Pakistani girls being spanked by religious police for no wrong of theirs,ur poor landless being exploited by ur Zamindars etc.

p.s.: If u r so sure abt the insurgency in Tamil Nadu that im not aware of y dont u enlighten me with the recent fightings,the number of casualties on the side of the Indian forces and on the side of the Tamil separatists.

May be u can take the credit for educating a poor Indian.
There you go, you saw that video and it remains in your mind where as it's been proven that the whole set up was fake, but hey i am not going to accuse you for something you didn't have a hand in.
But i guess it takes a better person to comprehend the trials of life.
You see this is the beauty of Pakistan, which characters like you don't appreciate, we have provided a platform for all, given them freedom of speech, if in doubt scroll back and read your country fellows mindset. Would they have me on BR.? Highly unlikely since i'll give them a wake up call.

Oh cmon sport...i ll recommend u for a seat there...:lol:

Mr. Jammer !! That's an improvement over your habitual manner, however you seem to repeatedly divulge in words that are inappropriate so i have to play the same tune since unlike you i don't like making discoveries in this field. :cheers:

Whether i divulge i not...u seem to be singing the same tune from page number 8 to page 18---whew...

OK, the American dude or the other guy wrote an article which i came across and posted in relevant thread without adding any POV, now what's the problem there, where as initially yous accused me of the narrative and then you were adamant for the link, remember you asked for it on several occasions, which i did provide, you don't accept it, fine, no one forced it down your throat.

there is something in the forum rules that says before posting a link pls do some research on the credibility.BTW i tot u missed out on that.
I can post saying that Zardari is actually a woman in male dress and give u hundred links.But there is something called "credibility" and that will be lacking in that. Gotcha..?

BTW, there are at least six other articles including Wikipedia, on insurgency where TN is mentioned.
Wiki...enuff said.!!!

Please enlighten me as how many times i intended to use any four letter words or resorted to name calling. When posting, one thing i keep in mind is that there are also female members on the forum.

Ok sir...u think..wet patch..sleaze from upper crust etc are decent words that females like.??
U be civil and im more than willing to reciprocate that.

There you go, you saw that video and it remains in your mind where as it's been proven that the whole set up was fake, but hey i am not going to accuse you for something you didn't have a hand in.
But i guess it takes a better person to comprehend the trials of life.

There is nothing wrong in making a mistake Jammer..we all do it once in a while.
But wat separates men from kids is the fortitude to own it up and the willingness to rectify it.
U made a initial mistake in that...and i dont fault u as ur not a local.
But wen a native says that no such thing exists wat exactly is ur problem in accepting it and moving on instead of remaining stubborn for 10 pages..?
Im not sure if this part of ur post is correct.
the first three may be caucasoid or aryan...but i dont see the latter 3 a part of it.
They r dravidian and not caucasoid.

You are not correct. Dravidians are not a seperate race. Dravidians are classified by the language spoken and not by race.

Carleton S. Coon in his 1939 The Races of Europe classified the Dravidians as Caucasoid as well, due to his assessment of what he called their "Caucasoid skull structure" and other physical traits (e.g. noses, eyes, hair). In his The Living Races of Man, Coon stated that "India is the easternmost outpost of the Caucasian racial region". Sarah A Tishkoff and Kenneth K Kidd state: "Despite disagreement among anthropologists, this classification remains in use by many researchers, as well as lay people."[10]

In a 1989 article in Scientific American by Colin Renfrew, he classifies the Dravidian race along with the Semitic race and the Aryan race as the three major subdivisions that emerged from the Proto-Caucasian race, which he states separated into the aforementioned three groups about 9,000 BCE after migrating from North Africa—the Semitics establishing themselves in and radiating from Jericho, the Aryans establishing themselves in and radiating from Catal Huyuk, and the Dravidians establishing themselves in and radiating from what is now southern Iran. [1
Bang Galore yaar you are giving them heart attack..Dravidians living in Pakistan is the worst thing happen to them..didnt you see their posts..they are Aryans :rofl:
You are not correct. Dravidians are not a seperate race. Dravidians are classified by the language spoken and not by race.

Carleton S. Coon in his 1939 The Races of Europe classified the Dravidians as Caucasoid as well, due to his assessment of what he called their "Caucasoid skull structure" and other physical traits (e.g. noses, eyes, hair). In his The Living Races of Man, Coon stated that "India is the easternmost outpost of the Caucasian racial region". Sarah A Tishkoff and Kenneth K Kidd state: "Despite disagreement among anthropologists, this classification remains in use by many researchers, as well as lay people."[10]

In a 1989 article in Scientific American by Colin Renfrew, he classifies the Dravidian race along with the Semitic race and the Aryan race as the three major subdivisions that emerged from the Proto-Caucasian race, which he states separated into the aforementioned three groups about 9,000 BCE after migrating from North Africa—the Semitics establishing themselves in and radiating from Jericho, the Aryans establishing themselves in and radiating from Catal Huyuk, and the Dravidians establishing themselves in and radiating from what is now southern Iran. [1

Yaar still in my mind im not even able to fathom that Dravidians are in a way Aryans...:disagree:

Well anyways thnx for ur input ..i ll also try to do my own research in that..

p.s.: Pakistani Nationalist is going to be seriously pissed off at u...:rofl:
Oh cmon sport...i ll recommend u for a seat there...:lol:
I hear they are allergic to Pakistan flag. :pakistan:

Whether i divulge i not...u seem to be singing the same tune from page number 8 to page 18---whew...
I know, sticking to the topic or replying likewise, pick your choice. In the mean time i'll search for new terminologies.

there is something in the forum rules that says before posting a link pls do some research on the credibility.BTW i tot u missed out on that.
I can post saying that Zardari is actually a woman in male dress and give u hundred links.But there is something called "credibility" and that will be lacking in that. Gotcha..?
Let's get this right, since you repeatedly claim that only a Tamil would now the ground reality in TN, so basically i should have searched for some one from that part and sent him a PM, as for the rest, there is a thing called common sense and common knowledge.
I didn't also do any search on the Dalit link i posted, are you in denial to that also.

Wiki...enuff said.!!!
OMG, wash your mouth with holy water as every other Indian member seems to swear by it .

Ok sir...u think..wet patch..sleaze from upper crust etc are decent words that females like.??
U be civil and im more than willing to reciprocate that.
Come about now, even a word like *** gets edited (R#T).
Just like some you were keen to submit.

There is nothing wrong in making a mistake Jammer..we all do it once in a while.
But wat separates men from kids is the fortitude to own it up and the willingness to rectify it.
U made a initial mistake in that...and i dont fault u as ur not a local.
But wen a native says that no such thing exists wat exactly is ur problem in accepting it and moving on instead of remaining stubborn for 10 pages..?

Kindly scroll back and see for yourself , the contention was that you accused me from the very start, whether it was the late nights or the amber nectar, but you were way out of line. The posts are still there for you to judge. This is a public forum, grit comes with grain and all shouldn't be taken personal. We all love our people state and country, but hey, they say it's only the British Queen who thinks the world smells like fresh paint and roses.
However the issue with Dravidians or Aryans may have surfaced, let there be no illusions about the people from Balochistan,
According to some old Mukti fighters i once had conversation with, the Baloch Regiment was the most feared by them and their handlers.
And a Baloch soldier is on record for ignoring an air strike by the IAF, jumping out of his bunker and shooting down a Mystere IV fighter with his G-3 service gun. So let's not get frivolous over the skin complexion issue.
I hear they are allergic to Pakistan flag. :pakistan:

Am i complaining abt not allowing Indian Flags here..?

I know, sticking to the topic or replying likewise, pick your choice. In the mean time i'll search for new terminologies.

Let's get this right, since you repeatedly claim that only a Tamil would now the ground reality in TN, so basically i should have searched for some one from that part and sent him a PM, as for the rest, there is a thing called common sense and common knowledge.
I didn't also do any search on the Dalit link i posted, are you in denial to that also.

OMG, wash your mouth with holy water as every other Indian member seems to swear by it .

Come about now, even a word like *** gets edited (R#T).
Just like some you were keen to submit.

Kindly scroll back and see for yourself , the contention was that you accused me from the very start, whether it was the late nights or the amber nectar, but you were way out of line. The posts are still there for you to judge. This is a public forum, grit comes with grain and all shouldn't be taken personal. We all love our people state and country, but hey, they say it's only the British Queen who thinks the world smells like fresh paint and roses.

Ok since ur going round and round i ll crystallize the points into two simple questions or rather options for ur convinience.

1) If THERE is a insurgency in Tamil Nadu as u believe,give ne information abt the latest fightings,approximate casualties on both sided - Indian Security Forces and the Tamil Separatists(?!?!) whoever they r....Give me links and i ll take back watever i ve said till now.

2)If there is no insurgency ,be Man enuff to own up ur mistake...i ll forget it and not take it further.

U needn even type ur reply....jus the numbers - 1 or 2 will suffice
Fair deal huh..?;)
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Am i complaining abt not allowing Indian Flags here..?
No, but we don't either see the respect and appreciation expected from a privileged guest, in our ten odd pages of debate, did i once insult you your culture or your country, not withstanding the articles since it wasn't my narrative, Agreed.???
Now scroll down and get the other side of the picture.

Ok since ur going round and round i ll crystallize the points into two simple questions or rather options for ur convinience.

1) If THERE is a insurgency in Tamil Nadu as u believe,give ne information abt the latest fightings,approximate casualties on both sided - Indian Security Forces and the Tamil Separatists(?!?!) whoever they r....Give me links and i ll take back watever i ve said till now.

2)If there is no insurgency ,be Man enuff to own up ur mistake...i ll forget it and not take it further.

U needn even type ur reply....jus the numbers - 1 or 2 will suffice
Fair deal huh..?;)
1) Once again, i merely posted what i read in an article in fact as said earlier there are at least six other articles covering insurgency in India with TN also mentioned as well as Tamil Nadu Marxist-Leninist Party.
2) Before taking any manhood into account, let me turn the table, do you hold any ethics to admit that when your country fellows jump in and pat your back you seem oblivious to any moral values and in desperation have insulted both my country and culture as this was your rant in Post#317,
"And for those chickens living in lala land...here are the links."
And this what you gloated in Post#336,
"p.s.: Dravidian culture is too beautiful and respectable for u ppl."
You see your tail is on fire because i posted an article written by some one , but it's unacceptable to you because TN is mentioned in it, yet you the priveledged guest can come on line and honor us with your mindset and then expect me to come clean. Before i go any further what do you say, we add 3 and 4 to the list and see who is really out of touch and out of line.
No, but we don't either see the respect and appreciation expected from a privileged guest, in our ten odd pages of debate, did i once insult you your culture or your country, not withstanding the articles since it wasn't my narrative, Agreed.???

Now scroll down and get the other side of the picture.

1) Once again, i merely posted what i read in an article in fact as said earlier there are at least six other articles covering insurgency in India with TN also mentioned as well as Tamil Nadu Marxist-Leninist Party.

Fair enuff..my argument is u should have checked the veracity of the source which u intended to post to support ur view..The source which posts such non-sense cant be credible....So y did u post it in the first place...?
Or u could ve accepted ..ok this is not my opinion..but i did a mistake in posting an uncredible source...
Should u have read wats in the link and verified the facts before hitting the "insert url button".

Tamil Nadu Marxist-Leninist Party...OMG this is getting hilarious by the day....Man let me educate u on this one.....i did a google search on this and guess wat i landed up with ......zero results :lol:

2) Before taking any manhood into account, let me turn the table, do you hold any ethics to admit that when your country fellows jump in and pat your back you seem oblivious to any moral values and in desperation have insulted both my country and culture as this was your rant in Post#317,
"And for those chickens living in lala land...here are the links."
And this what you gloated in Post#336,
"p.s.: Dravidian culture is too beautiful and respectable for u ppl."
You see your tail is on fire because i posted an article written by some one , but it's unacceptable to you because TN is mentioned in it, yet you the priveledged guest can come on line and honor us with your mindset and then expect me to come clean. Before i go any further what do you say, we add 3 and 4 to the list and see who is really out of touch and out of line.

""p.s.: Dravidian culture is too beautiful and respectable for u ppl."" this line was added for ur friend P.N. who had absolutely no idea wat he was talking and insulted Dravidian culture as if it was some trash word..Do u expect me to let it away quietly..?

See no use in either of us taking the moral high ground...u used expletives and me too...so neither of us are saints.

So hw abt going back to my two questions..?
1) If insurgency - info,casualties etc.....
2) If no..accept ur mistake of posting a trash source.
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