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Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

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Yes sir ur absolutely correct....Half india is balouch,pushton,punjabi,chitrali and sindhi..
And instead of Iran most balouchis live in india.then afghanistan,oman and UAE.right>?
I m still more aryan then a black aryan wanna be north indian who claims his dada or nana came from present day pakistan

When a brown guy says to another brown guy, look I'm fairer than thou, makes a ROFL moment. =))
Ali Khan try to understand the build up here...WJ presented a paragraph here saying that Tamil Nadu in India is having an insurgency..and he did not provide a link..and we Indians know its a complete BS..so the reason KS is engaged in a quarel with him...

Since you have jumped on the gravy train at least be a man enough to admit that i did provide the source or link whatever you call it, in fact i posted one from an Indian resource,.
There must be a moral there.
Why should someone take offence of his origin unless he is like you lot who keeps denying their own origin. By the way this might be asking just too much, but ever heard about Harappa civilization and history of Dravidian people?

Yes as a balouchi my second home is india..freakin awesome.
Wat a moron.

My moronic mind can't comprehend how the two above statements sync together ! Please thrill us with your acumen! :-/
Then what is this...

Pakistan in India

Pakistan is in India.:azn:

how great of you to jump in between the thread and choose two lines out of the whole story to post a funny reply.

the line was written to tell Pakistani nationalist that since kathic Sree is not a native of Balochistan in similar way WJ who is a pakistani is not a native of TN to sy what is happening in TN.
If it makes you sleep better, in any case what you think is irrelevant to the overall situation.

Hahaha...im defintely sleeping tight..not like u guys who sleep with the constant fear of wen TTP will bust ur......

Well mate, you have used up all your excuses, links, sources, what's your escape now, as for dog poop, i am sure you are accustomed to it.

My escape :?!?!..it is u who uis trying to desperatley save face after pooping something abt my state.
With so much interaction with u..ur right im getting used to dog poop.:lol:

It's exclusive only in India, in this case Tamil Nadu.
A symbolic post doesn't mean zulch to the masses, caste system is embedded in your society.

Similarly feudalism is embedded in ur society..Havent u heard of "People in Glass houses should not throw stones at others"...

You initiated from Insurgency in Tamil Nadu to Dalits and now to Feudalism in Pakistan. What's your next escape route, TTP or terrorism. Pathetic digressing to save face.

U dumb**** it is u who initiated the insurgeny in Tamil Nadu crap.
But the one thing i like most abt u is the manner ur running with the tail inbetween ur legs on calliing ur bluff....
Like i said it is so much amusing for me and my country mates here.:rofl:
So link abt Dalit eating excreta is prevalent in Pakistan also..?

In case u missed it...our President was a dalit....So even if there are exceptions we r moving in the correct path.

Humm president. No Prime Minister. Got it. The strongest post in India wasn't chaired by a Dalit.


Hey bro wind and areesh..can u tell me how many balouchis live in india?
Is an average lookin balouchi dark as a north indian?
How many pushtuns,punjabis,farsibans,chitralis,hazaras,tajiks,noristanis,seriekes,hindos live in india?If these ethnicities are wide spread in india especially balouchis......i will say im of indian origin and not iranic orgin coz 2nd largest population of balouchis live in iran,afghanistan,Oman and UAE.
While the renegade man should go and google balouchis who are an IRANIC people.
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So link abt Dalit eating excreta is prevalent in Pakistan also..?

Humm president. No Prime Minister. Got it. The strongest post in India wasn't chaired by a Dalit.



Do u know an iota abt India,..? Do u know who the first citizen is in India.?.
Do u know who is the Commander of the Triservices..?
Do u know who takes the final call wen we decide to launch our Nukes on some poor unfortunate soul who was stupid enuff to mess with our country?

It is the President.

try doing some research before hitting the reply button to show u too r there.
Since you have jumped on the gravy train at least be a man enough to admit that i did provide the source or link whatever you call it, in fact i posted one from an Indian resource,.
There must be a moral there.

Oh genius then y ur chickening from the fact that i provided three non Indian sources abt insurgencies in Balochistan,Sindh and Punjab..?
Y not be man enuff and tel ur mate PN to accept that there is a insurgency in Balochistan.? cos he seems to belive otherwise.

@ INdian Jatt,PR..

Guys lemme handle this....if he has spoken abt something that he knows i would ve left... he came on a completely new ground without knowing thats my home ground.

@ PN:
Hey there..do u know wat we were discussng and y i brought in Balo..,Sindh into this..?Go thru the thread once before spilling ur wisdom here.
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So link abt Dalit eating excreta is prevalent in Pakistan also..?

Humm president. No Prime Minister. Got it. The strongest post in India wasn't chaired by a Dalit.



havent u heard of mayavati ... she is dalit and currently chief minister of largest indian state(UP)(population wise)...

she is not having any coalition govt in state... and is strong enough to enter pin in the nose of central government including PM
Hey bro wind and areesh..can u tell me how many balouchis live in india?
Is an average lookin balouchi dark as a north indian?
How many pushtuns,punjabis,farsibans,chitralis,hazaras,taji ks,noristanis,seriekes,hindos live in india?
If these ethnicities are wide spread in india especially balouchis......i will say im india.
While the renegade man should go and google balouchis who are an IRANIC people.

Look first of all with the example of you I am rather happy that baloochs dont live in India.
Now about your racist comment, the problem with you guys are, you look at Imraan Khan and think every single one of you has European hue, but you also have Kamran Akmal as an example. Just as India has more muslim population than your country, it also has more fair people than Pakistan, though I really don't care a flying f**k, a racist Caucasian is detestable but a brownie racist is nothing more than a joker.
Oh genius then y ur chickening from the fact that i provided three non Indian sources abt insurgencies in Balochistan,Sindh and Punjab..?
Y not be man enuff and tel ur mate PN to accept that there is a insurgency in Balochistan.? cos he seems to belive otherwise.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Do add pushtunkwa khyber to ur wish list also :rofl::rofl:
Then we will call Pushtun members like abu zulfiqar,ninja,taimi etc
sindhi members paksindhi,T faraz etc,Punjabi members WJ,emo,etc
Balouchi members,me,irfan balouch etc.
Then we can join and make fun of u and ur delusional mentality.
Hahaha...im defintely sleeping tight..not like u guys who sleep with the constant fear of wen TTP will bust ur......
I was wondering when would a loser like you bring the TTP up. :lol::lol::lol:

My escape :?!?!..it is u who uis trying to desperatley save face after pooping something abt my state.
With so much interaction with u..ur right im getting used to dog poop.:lol:
Give it a rest, you have been oozing crap from TN to Dalits and what not.

Similarly feudalism is embedded in ur society..Havent u heard of "People in Glass houses should not throw stones at others"...

Yea, it doesn't cost anything with posting tall remarks.
U dumb**** it is u who initiated the insurgeny in Tamil Nadu crap.
But the one thing i like most abt u is the manner ur running with the tail inbetween ur legs on calliing ur bluff....
Like i said it is so much amusing for me and my country mates here.:rofl:
Using four letter words, i wonder who is losing it. Give it your best shot numb nuts, you have posted enough crap, let's hear of your table manners.
For those pathetically complaining about the link, here is the home version. Judge for your self if it's my assumption or this loser is running in circles.
Stimson - Publications - Achilles Heel: Insurgency in India
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