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Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

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in what foolishness??? stupidity?? plz explain?

Do u really belive that?

I believe what i see, however can you also see how many Indian members are on the bandwagon, count to your heart's content.
such articles are just means to tarnish image of country like india.....2nd best developing country after china, huge trade with china and other countries....

neighbouring countries feel the heat, bcoz india is so multi cultural, multi lingual with vast geographical variety and still india is progressing........and our neighbours are way back.....they fear in next 10-20yrs they will be left way way back....

others accuse RAW of doing this, that...........y do they forget that their countries have been sabotagging india since last 60yrs in the pretext of giving freedom to others.....

i dont think india has any qualms or is affected by someone like MBI munshi.....bcoz lately the relations between india and bangladesh are better.......plus bangladesh also knows the amount of ppl coming across the borders into india and trying to make a better life...

watever u guys say abt indian muslims..........you guys are wrong, they are in much better shape and much better position with atleast having basic rights......and doing well compared to 90% muslims in ur own countries.....

there is no end to debate on agencies like RAW and ISI as such..........everybody is doing their job.....

as far as india is liked or not is concerned.........nobody liked china 20yrs back.........today everybody is washing their feet and drinking the water......all of indias neighbours........and very proudly say we are good friends.....

this is how the world goes..........u get something good its good, if u dont then its sour grapes......no offence.

Originally Posted by Windjammer
Listen up all you Indians,
No wonder the saying goes, each Pakistani is equal to six Indians

in what foolishness??? stupidity?? plz explain?

Do u really belive that?

Actually it changes with population...when we were 5 times the Pakistani population then it was 1 Pakistani= 5 Indians and now when we are 6 times it is 1Pakistani= 6 Indians.......

Leave him and enjoy the tread:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
in what foolishness??? stupidity?? plz explain?

Do u really belive that?

y r u trying to pinch him, dera bro?

they have been saying this 1 pakistani is equal to XYZ indians since 1947.......they even tried a few times.

but alas, nothing seemed to work out....

let them carry on.....good luck....sorry no offence here, just saying what history has to say...
The CIA is commenting on the ISI and not RAW because ISI had a chance to ork with CIA during the Afghan war whereas b/n RAW and CIA there is almost no co-operation.
And according to me the more others dont talk abt a intelligence agency the more it is sucessful in its operation.

And as for ur comment of RAW is useless.....For an intelligence agency only its failures are projected..Its sucesses are however kept under wraps..

Tht is how we in India function...dont know abt ur country.

1) Yes you are absolutely right when you say that for external intelligence agencies failures are highlighted first, particularly so in case of our country India and probably because of the fact that we have democracy in our country. Additionally some people in our country do make it a habit to ponder over and show in negative light any failure on the part of these agencies

2) I have a keen interest in espionage and intelligence and other things related. I can tell you that today people like me in India and elsewhere are more than ever aware of the functioning of RAW, its successes, its failures and other things as compared to say 10 years back. Not only the internet has helped people like us immensely but also the fact that certain ex officials have been doing a great job out there to educate the public about what RAW is, ofcourse well within the limits of the Official Sectrets Act. An case in point is Mr AK Verma (ex head RAW) and Mr. Bahukutumbi Raman (my favorite). Both of these gentlemen have their blogs and contribute regularly and also they have a large following on platforms like Twitter.

We are in good company

3) A brief recount of the successes of RAW:

a) Annexation of Sikkim
b) The assistance to the Kachin Army in Myanmar, who were opposed to the China friendly junta
c) The 1971 war
d) Operation Meghdoot, the operation to free Maldives from the Tamil guerillas
e) The successful raising of the Special Frontier Force, drawn from the thousands of Tibetan refugess living in India, consequent to the annexation of Tibet in 1950, to work behind enemy lines and disturb peace and tranquility in the region

4) Now, the most important piece of information, the CIA and the RAW were and are hand in gloves and there has been no problem in that in the last so many decades, inspite of India's growing proximity to the USSR during the cold war. The mountaineering expedition to Nanda Devi in the Himalayas in the laste 1950? was a covert operation between CIA and the RAW to plant a high tech listening device to detect Chinese nuclear movements and tests.

It was very near to Lop Nur in the Xinjiang region (I guess I am correct here), the traditional area where the PRC does it tests

As an ending Mr. George Bush Sr. the President of the United States of America was the chief of CIA for many years (not highlighted during his candidacy) and he was personally very close to Mr Rameshwar Nath Kao the greatest intelligence officer India has ever produced, credited with the formation of B'desh and also the founding chief of RAW

AND the right hand man of Mrs. G. He has been instrumental in cultivating the more dreaded intelligence agency, but very useful for India, the Israeli Mossad in the 1960s, even before India has ambassador level relationship with Tel-Aviv...

My two:welcome: cents
Oh yeahhh...i believe in the policy "Taking out a thorn using a thorn"

Everyone knows which empty pot fired the first salvo..So no need to reply.

Who behaved like kids mr jammer..?One who posts some BS that comes to his mind w/o any link to support it.. or the one who asked for the link?

Sixth time : Source for ur article..?

he dosen't have a source...other than his good for nothing mind......
Looks like the ISI recruiting indian muslims on internet is doing a fine job.LOL
Ridicule is the resort of the weak and pathetic. You Indians should try to address the criticisms of both articles I submitted. We always knew that RAW was a communal organization.

You are a Mohammedan right? So how come you are still alive? RAW should have closed all the gaps and your country should have had a 100% Hindu population.

And instead of having a condescending attitude, try and understand the other view point as well.

I hope it is good enough for you for the time being, got it you Bangladeshi? If not I can repeat...
Wind bro,
The Indian diplomat gupta spyin was a great gogly for the chankya mindset....makes em dellusional and stuff.
......and you did that all by yourselves. Now you might consider giving independence to Kashmir and the Seven Sisters. Since you saw the demand for Bangladesh as just the same principle should apply to India's colonies.

Ok we will give them independence, but we want to share the happiness of independence on our western borders also

a) Balochistan
b) Pakistan Held Kashmir

It is only when they do it, we will follow our leader...now cut the bull crap
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