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Asia's Great Naval Rivalry

I always roll my eyes when I see pakistanis advising indians against the US freindship while they never heeded the indian advise for 54 years of their pally' ness w/ the US. :) - what is different in the case of India is that they are not economically dependent on the US aid to sustain themselves. Indo- US relationship is based on a whole different criteria- while Pak- US relationship was based on a one way only traffic ( military and economic aid).
kargil is a intrude of Pakistan army, are you feeling proud of it. Even though you loose Kargil war, from where you are taking advantage fan boy.
I always roll my eyes when I see pakistanis advising indians against the US freindship while they never heeded the indian advise for 54 years of their pally' ness w/ the US. :) - what is different in the case of India is that they are not economically dependent on the US aid to sustain themselves. Indo- US relationship is based on a whole different criteria- while Pak- US relationship was based on a one way only traffic ( military and economic aid).

Right. That's all good and everything, but while our government have been getting cozy with the US, 97% of the people of Pakistan are against. As Pakistanis, our religion and government have been hijacked.

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------

Wow man we are having communication problems, I'm not labeling all Indians!?!
Wait until China help Pakistan to form a carrier battle group : Pakistan Navy help protect Chinese merchants ships pass through India :lol:and we will build a varyag class carrier and provide DF-21D to Pakistan to counter any foe in Indian Ocean :D...Pakistan should has a great voice in Indian ocean.

A modern CBG comprises 3 Frigates , 3 Destroyers/cruisers , 2 Subs , 2 ASW corvettes , 1 Fleet Tanker , 1 Aircraft carrier comprising atleast 40-50 Aircrafts
Do u know how much that will cost
U are looking at atleast 15 Billion USD , add to that atleast 2 Billion USD a yr to mentain it

Even Indian Navy chief said that , even though we will get 2 carriers by 2015 , but we would only be able to provide adequate CBG to only one carrier at a time , becoz he doesnot want Half of India's Bluewater capable warships just to protect 2 carriers , hence only one carrier will be deployed at anyone time ,till yr 2022

Once P17A and P15B ships enter service , and we get IAC2 ,then we will be able to deploy 2 Carriers at anyone time , while a 3rd one is in Naval dock
With our having Shaurya hypersonic cruise missiles with mach8 terminal velocity,2000+km ramge and single digit CEP can takeout any CBG that does not have an Indian flag will be under grave dgnger in IOR be it chinese or any one else.Besides each Super 30MKI will carry upto 3 Air launched Brahmos AShM.That means only a squadron of these beasts will be more than overkill to destroy the whole PN.So think before you post.

Shaurya is only build to attack land base stationary target. Not a moving target like a carrier.
What you fail to understand is that if you took a vote for the people of Pakistan,they would want nothing to do with the US. They would want nothing to do with their money, technology, ect. What pig-headed Indians fail to realize is they could make better friends with their neighbors, rather than the US. US will never genuinely become friends with anyone,and they will always seek strategic and trade benefits. The lobbyists in their country ensure that they have good relations with Europe, and Israel, but let's be honest. If India was top dog in Asia as opposed to China, you would be on their list of Rivals/enemies. We all see this, but Indians for some reason are blind to it.

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

I usually don't respond to people that throw personal insults, but ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Man Razpak, you do have all the characteristics of you know what!!
Shaurya is only build to attack land base stationary target. Not a moving target like a carrier.

That's not true.According to Dr VK Saraswat,the Shaurya is not a ballistic missile because unlike a ballistic missile the terminal stage of Shaurya has its own guidence seeker and propulsion,can correct its course and zero in on an object.So,Shaurya is infact capable of engaging a moving target like an aircraft carrier.
i think mods dont like to ban pakistani's or chinese..........
wow santro once i mistakenly posted about Chinese eyes so you banned me that's fine it was my mistake, now Pakistani abusing Indians by calling pig headed where is your action then????
Being a little patient is better than being Sarcastic or Cynical..
but isn't it serious when he mention entire Indians......
but isn't it serious when he mention entire Indians......

Yes and he has gotten an infraction for it..
if you can be bothered to look instead of just complaining about it.
Shaurya is only build to attack land base stationary target. Not a moving target like a carrier.

Don't worry by the time your so called Carrier is operational.... we would have Hypersonic Brahmos with 600+km range 6-8 Mach velocity.... stalked in the weapon bays of the STEALTHY FGFA 5th generation aircraft.... swarming on your CBGs.

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

i think mods dont like to ban pakistani's or chinese..........

Am I right that I see Pakistani aswell as Chinese Pinks right now or my eyes have gone color blind ??
Questioning mods would result in you being banned aswell so better zip up.
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