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ASEAN chief voices alarm at China plan to board ships in disputed waters


Nov 18, 2010
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JAKARTA (Reuters) - China's plan to board and search ships that illegally enter what it considers its territory in the disputed South China Sea could spark naval clashes and hurt the region's economy, Southeast Asia's top diplomat warned on Friday.

Seeking to ease alarm over the issue, China said it attached "great importance" to freedom of navigation in waters that have some of the world's busiest shipping lanes.
New rules that take effect on January 1 will allow police in the southern Chinese province of Hainan to board and seize control of foreign ships which "illegally enter" Chinese waters, the official China Daily said on Thursday.

Surin Pitsuwan, secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), said the Chinese plan was a "very serious turn of events".

"It certainly has increased a level of concern and a level of great anxiety among all parties, particularly parties that would need the access, the passage and the freedom to go through," Surin told Reuters by telephone from Thailand.

Using unusually strong language, Surin said the plan could trigger a major incident that would affect confidence in East Asia, a key engine of global economic growth.

Several countries have overlapping sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, which is believed to be rich in oil and gas. It is the region's biggest potential military flashpoint.

A summit of Asian nations this month was overshadowed by disagreements between China and the Philippines over the dispute. Tensions were fanned again by China's move to issue new passports containing a map of its maritime claims.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei declined to elaborate on the new rules at a briefing in Beijing on Friday and what might constitute illegal entry.

"All countries have freedom of navigation in the South China Sea in accordance with international law ... At present there are no problems in this regard," he said, adding Beijing wanted to resolve the dispute with neighboring countries through negotiations.

Asked on Thursday about the police boarding plans, Hong said that management of the seas according to the law was "a sovereign nation's legitimate right".

China has said previously it will respect freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and that it has no intention of trying to restrict access.

In Washington, U.S. military officials said the China Daily report mentioned only police in Hainan province, not military forces, so the intended scope of the policy was unclear. Hainan's policy was unlikely to affect the behavior of U.S. vessels operating in international waters, said the officials.
The United States has been refocusing its military attention on Asia, emboldening its long-time ally the Philippines and former foe Vietnam to take a tougher stance against Beijing.

China claims virtually the entire South China Sea. ASEAN members the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia claim various parts, as does Taiwan.

The territorial wrangle is a challenge to Southeast Asia, exposing how deeply its nations have been polarized by China's expanding economic and political influence in the region.

Tensions over the sea have simmered for decades but now it was difficult for ASEAN members to unite because they had competing claims, said Richard Bitzinger, senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.

"The Chinese have painted themselves into a corner with the South China Sea issue by raising it to a fundamental issue of national sovereignty on a par with Tibet or Taiwan that makes compromise difficult," Bitzinger said.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino said he had asked his foreign minister to verify the plan and that, if confirmed, Manila would lodge a diplomatic note or formal protest.

China's move would be difficult to implement because it runs counter to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Aquino said.

"We might accelerate and bring it before the appropriate international tribunal to finally settle the matter or at least start the process of settling it legally and concretely," he told reporters on the central Philippine island of Cebu.

Thailand wanted an atmosphere conducive to cooperation, said Arthayudh Srisamoot, director-general of the Department of ASEAN Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok.
"It does not want the current situation to deteriorate and wants to see both sides continue with talks," Srisamoot said.

Analysts said the plan to board ships would be hard to implement under international law and could backfire economically for China.

"Chinese provocation by boarding foreign vessels would roil global financial markets, add to global economic uncertainty, and impact global trade that would impact China as well," said Scott Harrison, managing director of Pacific Strategies and Assessments in Manila.

ASEAN chief voices alarm at China plan to board ships in disputed waters - Yahoo! News
2012-11-30 — Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan told Reuters news agency that Beijing’s plan was “a very serious turn of events”.

On Thursday China said that it granted its border patrol police the power to board and search ships in the area.

The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also claim parts of the region.

State media said patrols in the southern island province of Hainan would be able to board foreign ships that stopped in its waters or violated other regulations.

The regulation allows police “to board, seize and expel foreign ships illegally entering the province’s sea areas,” the Global Times newspaper said on Wednesday.

These activities include “illegal landing” and “carrying out publicity campaigns that endanger China’s national security”, it added.

Analysts say patrols have so far been restricted to chasing off intruding foreign vessels.

“My reaction is [this is] certainly an escalation of the tension that has already been building. And it is a very serious turn of events,” Mr Pitsuwan, head of the Association of South East Asian Nations’ (Asean), told Reuters.

“The problem is that you can stake the claim, you can initiate measures and policies but there is that potential of misunderstanding, miscalculation that could lead to major tension and major incidents,” he added.

China’s announcement comes amid an ongoing row over a map on new Chinese passports show disputed areas in the South China Sea as Chinese territory.

Vietnam, the Philippines, and Taiwan have already complained to China, saying the map on the new passport is an infringement of their sovereignty.

Vietnam and the Philippines have also refused to stamp the new Chinese passports and are instead issuing visas on separate sheets of paper.
There was a useful discussion this morning in Channel News Asia ... and the conclusion than in few months china has completely lost all the goodwill it was painfully nourishing for several years ... in 9 of the ASEAN 10 (cambodia stands as the odd man out).

End result of the discussion: China loses both ways - they don't get any of their dubious claims and they lose the goodwill as well.

This strategic blunder from Beijing is a big "negative" for china, "neutral" for ASEAN and .. strangely so, "positive" for USA.

(The conclusion were of those of the panelists in the discussion, not mine. Hopefully, the discussion would be available somewhere on their website too).
So PLAN would like to enter a Indian Naval Frigate or Destroyer to search them and seize them of Indian Navy.. well good luck with that.. :rofl: :rofl:

Chinese members what you think, the US, Russian, Japanese, Indian ships will ask you for permission while entering the SCS? :rofl::rofl: Seriously CCP is trolling itself and no one else.
The issue in all seriousness is the boarding of all vessels in international waters, that have been designated as " international waters" for the longest ... that is is putting this decision at odds with not just countries China has active disputes with, but also putting in place anti international maritime laws with all other countries.

In the past, there have been several articles and claims made that CCP and it's military are not a cohesive unit. The concern being that the politico does not have the utmost control over it's military, indicative by not just some alarming statements made by Chinese generals in the past but also actions. Most famously, when Def Sec Gates visited china and they were not aware of Military showboating J20 tests on the day of his visit , against protocols observed by countries.
So PLAN would like to enter a Indian Naval Frigate or Destroyer to search them and seize them of Indian Navy.. well good luck with that.. :rofl: :rofl:

Chinese members what you think, the US, Russian, Japanese, Indian ships will ask you for permission while entering the SCS? :rofl::rofl: Seriously CCP is trolling itself and no one else.

I don't know about other but seriously, India will be first on the check list, we can search it up to the underwear but of course we can't prevent you to have a dream of the collectivity or coalition against us :rofl: :lol:
I don't know about other but seriously, India will be first on the check list, we can search it up to the underwear but of course we can't prevent you to have a dream of the collectivity or coalition against us :rofl: :lol:

Ok.. try.. :laugh: :laugh:

Let us see the bravado.. :laugh: :laugh:

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