indonesia's Local Vendors Aggressively Market Tablets
MITO Tablet
JAKARTA - PT Intech Surya Abadi, tablet computer vendor of Advan brand, and PT Maju Express Indonesia, handset vendor of Mito Mobile Indonesia, aggressively market tablets this year, aiming at increasing both brand’s market share in Indonesia.
Marketing Director of Intech Surya Tjandra Lianto said the company plans to focus on marketing 8-inch screen tablets this year. The company estimated last year the contribution from 8-inch tablets remained around 15 percent towards total marketed tablets.
R80 Aeroplane, The next N250 that will exceed ATR
IPTN N250, A 50 seats passenger propeller plane.
Jakarta - The eldest son of former Indonesian President BJ Habibie, Ilham Habibie has ambitions to continue his father's dream that produce the Regio Prop 80 (R80).
So how R80 is built, what its prospects? Do the same with the R80 aircraft N-250? Here's an interview with Ilham detikFinance when met at his office in Mega Kuningan, last weekend.
What's the difference Ghatotkacha N-250 from BJ Habibie Regio Prop 80 from a Ilham Habibie and his friends?
N-250 with the R80 is very different. The difference is in the size of them, R80 is much larger than the N-250, because the R80 has a capacity up to 80 seats while the N-250 just 50 seats.
The wing length is much larger and, because it was bigger so it needed a big wing to lift weights. Landing Gear is also much greater because the fuselage is bigger than the N-250.
Then cockpit technology, Aircraft flight control system is different, so you can imagine N-250 project began 15 years ago, of course the technology is now changing, just the computer how many times we change, how many times the phone has changed, certainly technology in aircraft N-250 and R80 would be much different.
But there are few similarities between the N-250 with R80, the wing is on top of the fuselage, still used as a propulsion propeller plane and if split fuselage curves or contours similar to the N-250.
You still maintaining engine aircraft with propellers. Some people are still hesitant to use aircraft that use propeller?
Yes we wear propellers. That's the truth, people have a lot of explanation. First aircraft use propellers or jet engines? the propeller, so the technology is more mature.
Many aircraft now use jet engine devoted to long distance.
Why did you choose the R80 still use a propeller?
Propeller plane designed for short distance. Why? with propellers fuel consumption will be much more efficient. Compare if airlines use jet planes for short distances.
In addition we see the extent of the state-Marauke Sabang, which is composed of many islands and the distance between one city to another if an aircraft is close enough. Mind you, at this time all airlines overburdened if the price of oil (Avtur) up, they dizzy, why? Because aviation fuel consumption by 50% over the cost of the entire operation.
Some countries are also currently implementing the rule, that the aircraft should be fuel efficient, because it concerns the emissions and the environment, many people says emissions above (plane) 8 times more harmful to the ozone layer than that of the mainland. Even the company is required production aircraft fuel-efficient aircraft as if they are not subject to penalties or fines could be very high tax.
And R80 is designed for distance less than 600 km or shorter distances. So that was certainly R80 will be very fuel efficient. So airlines like Citilink, Wingsair choose shorter routes using propeller engine aircraft such as the ATR.
You seem very ambitious to be able to produce the aircraft?
Ambitious? I am sure there are many people in Indonesia who have a spirit. Air and I was one of them.
Money? currently in the early stages needed U.S. $ 400 million dollars. But it's not just their own personal funds, there are some capital from some quarters but also personal, not corporate funds.
And someday, when the company or the R80 is evolving and require huge funds, we could sell its stake to the public.
Many people misunderstand, that we founded the company, PT Ragio Aviation Industries (RAI), which is a combination of his own company, PT Ilthabie Rekatama with PT Eagle Cap is a miik Erry Firmansyah who is a former Managing Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) will set up a rival aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI).
No, the true R80 production will use the PT DI, and later PT DI also will be one of the shareholders in PT RAI.
R80 later will enter which class? Rivaling Airbus, Boeing or ATR?
We should benchmark it on the ATR. Our reference market is ATR, they use the same propeller. But it will be going above R80 ATR, why? First our passenger capacity will be greater that 80 seats while only 70 seats maximum ATR, ATR has yet to be producing more than 70 seats.
Excess R80 more than the ATR, our machines faster but more fuel efficient, but not faster than the jet, because if the same pace with the jet means very wasteful of fuel.
R80 should be a benchmark in the ATR, but the price is much cheaper than the ATR. Cheaper it mandatory for our production in Indonesia, parts also made in Indonesia.
Will the R80 can compete with aircraft manufacturer in the world? Will selling well in the domestic market, wait for later in 2018.
R80 Yes our target production can have later in 2018.