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Asad Umar: Malaysia interested in procuring JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan

Okay here is an update on gossip of JF-17 sales

KSA 2 squads of JFT BLK III
Jordan JF-17 BLK III
Iran JF-17 BLK III
Okay here is an update on gossip of JF-17 sales

KSA 2 squads of JFT BLK III
Jordan JF-17 BLK III
Iran JF-17 BLK III
Iran is up for TOT :-)
Add Argentina,Senegal as well:D
Iran is up for TOT :-)
Add Argentina,Senegal as well:D

It worked ksa is negotiating :)
Iran is not asking tot for jf-17 but few technologies or their own use.
Jf-17 block III will be public in 2019
It worked ksa is negotiating :)
told u :D
Iran is not asking tot for jf-17 but few technologies or their own use.
They are and talk is there at highest brass tho KSA will give us good price to offset this deal and U know In the end we care about money :partay: and master stroke would be to sell these to both parties 8-)
Sorry have to disagree again since your logic doesn't add up. Since the Iranian revolution, Iran has never been Pakistan's friend. There is no friendship. In fact Iran allowed RAW to work from its territory against Pakistan. Iran and Pakistan need to a lot of work before even basic level of TRUST can be built between them. When you do not have friendship with someone, why would you compromise on your national security by selling them your crown jewel and make them stronger???

You are attempting to divert your point now and avoiding your line of reasoning for why Iran would share anything with India if it will be a detriment to their own security. So I think my reasoning is pretty valid while you are trying to muddle your initial assertion.

Please tell us why would Iran share any information on its latest jets with a country that is super cozy with all its acknowledged enemies.
Block-3 is 4.5 generation, with some technologies of 5th generation.
Technically block-3 would be better than F-16 and Gripen but in light weight category.

Your doubt is wrong.

Please wait for Chinese to make the formal announcement and release the design/configuration/specifications for block 3, until then all your statements are pure speculation.
Did Chinese told you that 5th generation technology will be integrated into block 3? Do you even know what 5th generation technology is?
Stop the khayali pulao...comparing JF-17 block 3 to Gripen E and F-16 block 70 when no official info is released about block 3.
Do you know What kind of structural change is going to have? If any?
Do you know How much composite materials is going to have?
Please wait for Chinese to make the formal announcement and release the design/configuration/specifications for block 3, until then all your statements are pure speculation.
Did Chinese told you that 5th generation technology will be integrated into block 3? Do you even know what 5th generation technology is?
Stop the khayali pulao...comparing JF-17 block 3 to Gripen E and F-16 block 70 when no official info is released about block 3.
Do you know What kind of structural change is going to have? If any?
Do you know How much composite materials is going to have?

I was told by squadron leader of PAF, via you tube video.
Chinese have zero role in development of jF-17.
Clearly you know nothing about the project so please refrain from acting as expert.
I was told by squadron leader of PAF, via you tube video.
Chinese have zero role in development of jF-17.
Clearly you know nothing about the project so please refrain from acting as expert.

:cheesy: :woot: via YouTube video :blah:
don’t say anything else to embarrass yourself.

We are still depend on Chinese for block 2 enhancement and production and you think Chinese have zero role in developing block 3. Son, You better check your pills
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:cheesy: via YouTube video :devil: don’t say anything else....
PAC and PAF have made sure nothing comes out unless and until they want some feedback. China on the other hand sometimes leaks information that they consider safe to release which is way down the line.
Certain images through media cell are released sometimes intentionally or by mistake. These are then taken and talked about. Mostly these are denied at first later accepted... The acceptance is what we on PDF consider legitimate rest are all hearsay, so please don't loose your sleep over it.
You are attempting to divert your point now and avoiding your line of reasoning for why Iran would share anything with India if it will be a detriment to their own security. So I think my reasoning is pretty valid while you are trying to muddle your initial assertion.

Please tell us why would Iran share any information on its latest jets with a country that is super cozy with all its acknowledged enemies.

Sure, you are free to pat yourself on a job well done, it is a free world. But the reality is that your reasoning has NO reasoning behind it. It just does not stand up from any perspective. There is NO friendship between Iran and Pakistan. There is no strategic relationship between Iran and Pakistan. There is no trade between Iran and Pakistan. There is no people to people relationship between Iran and Pakistan. Hell there is not even any religious connection between Iran and Pakistan.

And Pakistan should sell them JF-17?? Fantastic idea!! Hey why stop there, give them some nukes and missiles as well, if they pay on time and in US dollars and using Paypal. :lol:
I am sure Manchester City keeps track of what is happening in Doncaster Rovers...


It is okay to feel that way---and I don't disagree with you---. With the might of Saab's decades old technology experience in flight and engineering---nothing but the best is expected of that in the form of Grippen NG---.

But then Paf in its own mindset is a monster that will never be sitting back being the second fiddle---. Even though the agency is corrupt to the bone---the Paf still looks for the best in form and function---.
I was told by squadron leader of PAF, via you tube video.
Chinese have zero role in development of jF-17.
Clearly you know nothing about the project so please refrain from acting as expert.

PAC and PAF have made sure nothing comes out unless and until they want some feedback. China on the other hand sometimes leaks information that they consider safe to release which is way down the line.
Certain images through media cell are released sometimes intentionally or by mistake. These are then taken and talked about. Mostly these are denied at first later accepted... The acceptance is what we on PDF consider legitimate rest are all hearsay, so please don't loose your sleep over it.

Chinese have zero role in development of jF-17.

I was concerned about above statement.
Can someone defend him on his statement?
I doubt SAAB will lose any business to the JF-17, so it is nothing for SAAB to lose sleep over.


Just remember---Saab 900 was the best selling car in the US in the young educated women and liberals of 80's 90's 00's---.

And then it went bankrupt---. Great handling---reliable---solid and safe but done and dusted---.

The south africans blundered into buying the Grippen---expensive spare parts and most are hanger queens now---not flying---. I believe SA was looking for buyers for used Grippens---.

South africa could have waited for awhile and joined the JF17 club---that would have boosted its defense industry sales by a massive amount---.
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