I have to admit you are the only person I met til yet that mostly puzzles my mind. I don't know how to respond.
Let us strat first and for most by, for a moment, freeze our differences.
Just for now, this moment.
Now if we choose we can see the shared benefits of creating a community of prosperity.
Let me state this without reservation:
Vietnamese culture and people are rich in their history and their pride in themselves is most valued.
From French occupation to American occupation... they never ever gave up, apart from the collaborators.
Something that all Asian must be proud of! This was an act of independence of mind and spirit.
Your good people worked hard and now you are developing fast.
Why should we throw away such development?
The best and only course of action is that the two of us, China and Vietnam, sit together and solve our differences in spirit of our long history and even longer view of the future.
You will find that our future prosperity is joined at the hip.
I understand the emotion and counter emotion on this forum.
It is counter productive. Only breeds hate and some entertainment.
For a moment, please, take a distant and detached view...please, percieve who benefits from division among our countries and peoples?
Is it not the outsiders?
Harmony under the Heavens will only pervail when all people under the Heavens share peace and prosperity and new age of Asia is born.
Avoid the whispers of serpents... make your own mind.
But first please achieve the calmness of mind and stillness of heart. See the entire picture.
Then we can always talk. I shall be honoured to learn about your view points, your perspective.
But without resentment...Tao and anger never go together.
Wish you and your good people peace and true prosperity!