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As China rankles Philippines, India goes on Asean charm offensive

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y go till there,,,this was ur personal attack on an indian..and thats the reason y we indians are worked up now

I said he was incapable of independent thinking not Indians where as he states all chinese are brainwashed and cannot independently think.

My observance is based on past experience with his posts and does not reflect upon my opinions on other Indians. His view is completely racially biased as he states that Chinese can not argue as we are not evolved enough.

See the difference?
You said evolved not education. There is a huge difference in your implication. I will respond personally to racial remarks.

I never implied or insinuated that the Chinese people were lesser evolved. I merely said that the Chinese society in the China (Peking) is not evolved enough for democracy yet. The people in China (Taipei) are of the same stock - their society has clearly evolved.
Famous quote from Subhash Chandra Bose:

I am even ready to shake the hands of the devil in the hell to bring freedom for my country
I ask why many Chinese members on this forum are actually living in western countries and this is the best reply you can give......... no wonder some of you prefer abuses to constructive dialogue. It certainly beats such comical arguments, you have been brainwashed to such an extent that you think even we will buy such silly explanations.

ok,i tell you what.Some of them are studying in usa.And some of them maybe are immigrant from few decades ago.Satisfy?Brainwashed? Dont you indian always put this word to chinese.You think it is very easy to brainwashed a people? Otherwise,shut up.
Think like a Nazi you get called one.
Is that Heinrich Himmler? Gee it is and who's that beside him.

Think like a Nazi? Boy, have we got to you to stoop to that level. Since you brought it up ...there may have been one guy from India associated with Hitler, but you do a Hitler on your people every year! we did not force kill 30 million to starve to death because you did NOT want the world to know what was happening.

It's one thing that your economy could not afford it, that happens- but your communist party tried to cover it up and not ask help of anyone because it was against their image! ... that is genocide against it own people even Hitler would envy. Mao = Hitler's policy fanboy!
There are pictures of Stalin seated next to Roosevelt. Or of many world leaders with Mao. This does not make Roosevelt responsible for Stalin killing 50 million Soviets or Mao killing 50 million Chinese.

It also dosen't change the fact that Indian government has killed at least 120 million Indians in the past 60 years and with no end in sight through starvation.
There are pictures of Stalin seated next to Roosevelt. Or of many world leaders with Mao. This does not make Roosevelt responsible for Stalin killing 50 million Soviets or Mao killing 50 million Chinese.

MMmmm but providing the Nazi with soldiers is different thing all together.


And please don't mention that xxx number Indians fought for the British. You fought because you didn't have a choice, you were a colony. These boys fought because they had a choice and they chose to side with the Nazis. Surely the free choice is more meaningful than the forced one for you freedom lovers.
ROFL. this guy must have missed the famed IQ test date ... Next he will tells us how we all are 6 degrees away from being chinese oursleves. bacon us!

This answer is not for you,shut up if you cannot do anything with this.Dont reply me with such stupid answer.
I never implied or insinuated that the Chinese people were lesser evolved. I merely said that the Chinese society in the China (Peking) is not evolved enough for democracy yet. The people in China (Taipei) are of the same stock - their society has clearly evolved.

You obviously do not understand evolution and its connotation when used in your post.
Then you should know I only responded due to Jackdaws and Alphatech's racial remarks that Chinese are not evolved enough for democracy which is completely reprehensible.

Wow.....if you are going to accuse me of making racist remarks, you better have the curtesy to quote my lines which you thought were racist. I don't take too kindly to being falsely accused of racism. And for your information, speaking in support of democracy as opposed to communism is not racism, regardless of what you think. It is simply my personal opinion and I don't need your or your government's approval to say it.
MMmmm but providing the Nazi with soldiers is different thing all together.


And please don't mention that xxx number Indians fought for the British. You fought because you didn't have a choice, you were a colony. These boys fought because they had a choice.

Do u even know the history of Indian National Army or just spewing crap about our heroes..they were PoWs who were recruited to fight only british to bring freedom to India,,,

The aim of the army was to overthrow the British Raj in colonial India, with Japanese assistance. Initially composed of Indian prisoners of war captured by Japan in her Malayan campaign and at Singapore, it later drew large numbers of volunteers from Indian expatriate population in Malaya and Burma.
MMmmm but providing the Nazi with soldiers is different thing all together.


And please don't mention that xxx number Indians fought for the British. You fought because you didn't have a choice, you were a colony. These boys fought because they had a choice and they chose to side with the Nazis.

So you claim S.C. Bose was a Nazi or a supporter of its ideology.
You seriously believe that or is that just a cheap shot to win an internet fight?
I never implied or insinuated that the Chinese people were lesser evolved. I merely said that the Chinese society in the China (Peking) is not evolved enough for democracy yet. The people in China (Taipei) are of the same stock - their society has clearly evolved.

FYI,actually the chinese tried democracy bring up by the Sun YatSen in the early 20 century calls san ming zhu yi by KMT.
It also dosen't change the fact that Indian government has killed at least 120 million Indians in the past 60 years and with no end in sight through starvation.

Is this a Chinese state media number or do you have any source to back this up?
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